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Old 14-06-2014, 10:36 AM
Electric_Dreams Electric_Dreams is offline
Join Date: Apr 2014
Location: Wales, UK.
Posts: 212
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Hi. Welcome to the forums :)
My daughter shocked me at 5 years old, a couple of years back. She drew a picture of her father after an afternoon nap one da. She drew him in his jeans and tshirt that he was wearing on leaving the house that day, but instead of his black sports shoes he was wearing she drew bright blue trainers which I just put down to kids imagination as she had also drawn a red tortoise earlier in the week...I thought nothing if it until my husband walked through the door with new blue trainers on. I thought it was a fabulous coincidence at first, I asked her why she drew blue shoes on daddy and she said cos that was what he was wearing, even though she drew the picture before either of us knew he had bought them. She went on to tell me in bits and pieces over the next week about her flying in her bedroom and saying she looks funny when shes sleeping. I pieced it together and realised she was quite adept at was around that time I started to discipline my own AP experiences as Id been doing it involutarily since childhood....its taken years to get the control I have now, but recently I APed to my daughter in school and saw her have a gold star for her spelling...after my AP session I told my husband about her star and sure enough he brought her home with a gold star sticker on her thats more than enough proof to me, but hubby now thinks Im psychic not an astral projecter lol...go figure ⭐💗⭐
⭐❤⭐What hurts you today, Makes you stronger tomorrow⭐❤⭐
⭐❤⭐You can't control what people say or do to you, But you can control how you react to it⭐❤⭐
⭐❤⭐Love Light & Laughter...Blessed Be⭐❤⭐
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