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Old 10-06-2014, 07:23 AM
Astral Explorer Astral Explorer is offline
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Originally Posted by Kindapsy Chick
My body became still and I could feel myself lifting up, starting from the legs up to my chest. I got a bit scared because I felt as if my heart was being pressed on, so I opened my eyes. As a result, I started trembling like CRAZY. Nothing was making me relax, from water, to ASMR. I called upon my spirit guides--family--and they literally told me my soul was partially floating from my body and was not going down no matter what they did.

With their love, they helped me really relax to lessen the trembling, but I still felt so freaking messed up. Then I remembered a video I watched, where if I want to go down, I have to ask my Higher Power to bring me back to my body. I did this. The result was ridiculous. I felt the weight of my body coming down, heavily. And when I kept repeating this phrase, all the trembling stopped. It was scary and SUPER COOL at the same time...more scary, tho.

I thought that if you mess up, you'll just fall back into your body, but it seems to not be the case for me. I guess I need more practice. Any thoughts, opinions, suggestions, etc? Thanks
The word "soul" in my opinion is far too archaic to even begin to define what actually occurs during astral projection. But just know that you NEVER have to worry about your "soul" leaving your "body" or about it returning to your your "body." The bodies (soul) you experience during dreams and projections are what I and many others call "subtle" bodies and it's not like through astral projection we always project into one singular body. Our subtle bodies (what you perceived as your "soul") are never inside, or outside of our physical body nor do they enter or leave our physical body. The reasoning behind this is very simple and that is because our physical body exists in the physical dimension and our subtle bodies (what has been called a "soul" for countless ages) exist in the spiritual dimensions. They exist in two completely different dimensions therefore it is dimensionally and locationally impossible for something that exists in a completely different dimension to be inside, outside, or to enter, or leave one another.

Perhaps they are connected in some spiritual etheric way similar to the way neurons in different locations of our brain are connected, but even if that is the case they are never inside, or outside of one another, they are co-existing bodies living in parallel and alternate dimensions. If our physical body was able to move in and out of the spiritual dimensions or our subtle bodies were able to move in and out of the physical dimension then perhaps it could be possible, but since that isn't the case it just isn't possible. So just always remember when you're projecting you NEVER have to worry about your subtle body (soul) returning to your physical body, nor do you have to worry about getting lost. The ONLY thing that ever leaves our physical body during dreams and astral projections is our consciousness and nothing else. That consciousness is able to shift into one body and out of another in fractions of millisecond and it happens every time you fall asleep and wake up. The only thing you ever need to do to end a projection is no different than how you wake yourself up from a dream. Re-assimilation of your subtle bodies into the physical body just isn't something that happens and so it's nothing to care or worry about.

With all that explained what likely occurred in your experience. First off the governing laws of the spiritual dimensions while they can often resemble our physical dimension also have some differences. Some of the most noticeable differences are psychic senses and powers are highly intensified and easier to use. Our subtle bodies do have some etheric density to them but they are no where near as dense as our physical body nor is "gravity" necessarily the same in every dimension we experience in dreams and projections. And so your levitation is something that commonly happens to people in dreams and projections, sometimes it is manually triggered and sometimes it is something that automatically happens sort of on auto-pilot. The third option is that an invisible spirit was latched onto you and making the both of you levitate, that is certainly always a possibility. But something to keep in mind is that the entire experience you discussed was an astral projection, regardless of if or when you realized you were in a projection you already were. Unfortunately some people miss out on valuable projection time because of their inaccurate belief that their "soul" needs to leave their physical body and so they need to manifest that scenario before they realize the projection has already began. I know for a fact that leaving that inaccurate belief behind only increases projection time and productivity.

Lastly something I am only going to briefly mention is that I spoke about earlier in my response is that we don't only dream and project in one singular "soul." We have other extensions of us living in some of these alternate and parallel spiritual dimensions and through our dreams and projection we can take control of that other extensions body and experience brief glimpses of their everyday life. Make no mistake life in the spiritual dimensions is life as we know it. Some of the rules, laws, and principles may be different but it is certainly still life. People have homes, jobs, family, friends, go to school, go to movies, make and listen to music, the list goes on. I'm not saying that there are not more "pure" dimensions where life as we know it completely morphs into something different, I do believe those do exist in realms such as the "Upper-Spheres" and so forth. But I am sure that are still some similarities even in those realms to life. The evolutionary line we take as Humans involves life in both the physical dimension and the spiritual dimensions and so the belief that one dies and just sits on their butt all day in Heaven in pure bliss just doesn't seem to hold weight in my opinion. Even those in the Upper-Spheres where the Gods, Saints, Jesus, etc. exist still work to help those under them ascend and so even that could be called a life in my opinion. I believe we all have extensions of consciousness living in these alternate and parallel worlds in many different locations. Some in the darker realms, some in the lighter realms and so the average person will likely experience a multitude of both. That is something that usually happens later on though in the beginning most people will experience the "RTZ" or they will experience the body of another extension of them, they just haven't worked out what is what yet so they are unable to recognize it. Anyways I don't want to take all day hopefully this explained some things for you, good luck.
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