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Old 30-12-2010, 05:58 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by NightSpirit
Isn't that aWEsoMe! confirmation ...and did you go on to greater things from there?

Yes, everything turned out ok and wanted to press charges against him for filing a false report and putting me through all of that negativity at the time but the police /investigator said that if he filed another he would be arrested. lol go figure...thats why ppl do what they do to other ppl, cause they get away with life is much better and have not regretted a moment of itself is hard enough without ppl like that making it harder...all we can do is bless them invision them in a bubble and float them away!! lol My grandmother stayed around for approximately three years before I finally prayed for her to enter the light that I was "OK" and no longer grieving that she move on to her higher good..I got an impression of a kiss on my cheek and have not felt her presence since. ;)
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