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Old 26-05-2014, 03:07 AM
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Interviews with the Spirits

If anyone cares to know lots of cool details about the afterlife, there is this book, The Afterlife Interviews vol 1, by Jeffrey Marks. He is a medium and he talks to different people who passed on/crossed over and they share about the afterlife. It's pretty interesting.

Plus, for those who can tolerate cussing, there is this spirit called Erik (someone who died and came back to talk to people) who is being interviewed and his mom put them together in a book. He just likes to cuss a lot, which bothers me, but maybe some people would prefer that. There are some youtube videos if you write "channelling Erik". The book is called: My son and the afterlife. by Elisa Medhus

Interesting, how spirits can just manifest physical objects and experiences. Like if you liked a food on earth, you can manifest it and experience the taste (although you don't need to eat, or sleep).

They talk without words. Their communication is more precise (instead of stumbling over the words) and faster. They also know how a person FEELS about them (they can feel it). They don't need time to get to know each other, they kind of know right away (or maybe it's like they can "read" each other really fast which gives the impression of just "knowing" them right away.)

There is no rejection in love matches because you KNOW how the person feels about you and whether they are a good match for you.

Their energy is separate from each other, but when they are intimate, they can choose to merge their energies. And one said that it feels like someone is touching every single inch of your body and the intimacy is physical,emotional and spiritual (the whole package).

They said that music really moves your soul, for real, it can be healing too. Much more colors then we know now. And colors look vibrant and alive (while on earth they look flat, in comparison).

If you want to learn something, you just start learning and somehow you just know how to do it.

You don't know all the wisdom of the universe as soon as you become a spirit, but you can choose to learn whatever you want at your own pace.

There are some things that can only be learned in the reincarnation (or some problems that can only be worked out here). So reincarnations have their value.

Time is not linear. You could connect to people from the past or from the future. But, basically, all things are happening now, like a stack of pancakes.

When you cross over, you get a different perspective on things.

Some spirits like to interact with earth people and help them out. Others don't care about that and move on and do something else.

They are aware of us (thoughts/feelings), but can ignore them (like we can ignore our phone when someone emails or calls us).

When you cross over, you have to learn how to communicate with the people of the earth (because of having to change frequencies) so one can't just do it by default. It takes some effort.

Everyone is loved and not judged there. BUT, you can personally build mental walls and put yourself into that "jail" and may not receive what's around you and may judge your self. They have therapy for people with such problems. But it's up to each person to open up and work through their problems (if they have any) and to forgive self and to feel all the love and all that.
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