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Uhmar 20-01-2011 08:25 PM

The Elemental Pentacle
The pentacle has been said to symbolize many things throughout the centuries, but the system with which the Elemental Pentacle spread concerns itself is the attribution of each point of the pentacle to one of the four elements (plus the pseudo-element Spirit). Each point is also assigned one of the five magical virtues (To Know, To Dare, To Will, To Keep Silent, and To Go). These help define the positional meanings.

The spread itself is laid out in the form of the pentacle, starting with the upper point, then the lower left point, and proceeding until the pentacle is completed with the card in the lower right.

Each point of the pentacle represents a different element, as shown above. These elemental positions influence the cards that are placed there; some elements naturally oppose each other. Fire and Water are opposites, as are Earth and Air; they weaken when placed near each other. This means that a Cup card in the Fire position loses a lot of its power. Also, a strong Wand card in the Fire position will gain strength, and will weaken the card in the Water position.

Here are what the five positions mean:

1. The topmost point - Spirit (To Go)
Represents outside influences in the matter, or the essence of the matter (a synthesis of all the other cards and a key to the reading as a whole). It may also show the best possible outcome of the situation. A card in this position is made more powerful if it is a Major Arcanum. The first position is not modified by any of the other positions.

2. The lower left point - Earth (To Keep Silent)
Represents stable energies in the situation, not likely to change in the near future, lasting influences. May also represent the foundation of the matter; why things are the way they are. This foundation may be known or unknown to the seeker. The card in this position is strengthened if it is a Pentacle or an Earth Major, but weakened if it is a Sword or Air Major. This position is also modified by the card in the fourth position.

3. The upper right point - Water (To Dare)
Represents somewhat stable but still fluid energies, which may change but are likely to remain. May also represent the action to take at this point which would lead to the best outcome. The card in this position has its power increased when it is a Cup or Water Major, and decreased if it is a Wand or Fire Major. This position is influenced by the fifth position.

4. The upper left point - Air (To Know)
Represents dynamic energies in the situation that are likely to change in the future. Can also reveal a secret to the seeker, or show them what they must know or learn in order to act. The card laid here is made more powerful if it is a Sword or Air Major, and weaker if it is a Pentacle or an Earth Major. The position itself is influenced by the second position.

5. The lower right point - Fire (To Will)
Represents those forces which are in a constant state of change, or that are entering or leaving the matter. Also shows what the seeker wants to do; the action which they are planning on taking at this time. This position is influenced by the third position. The card here is made more powerful when it is a Wand or a Fire Major, but weakened if it is a Cups card or a Water Major.
reference james rioux

Uhmar 20-01-2011 08:28 PM

Here are three more explanations and possible ways to read a pentagram FIVE POINT STAR layout as well

connec the dots to get the star lol

NOTE: I have found several ways and here are three of them to denote which point is which element and which point is which numerical meanings...so only advice I have on it is which one resonates with you as your way.

This simple Tarot layout uses the five points of the pentagram as a guiding force.

The pentagram is a five-pointed star sacred to many Pagans and Wiccans, and within this magical symbol you'll find a number of different meanings. Think about the very concept of a star -- it is a source of light, blazing in the darkness. It is something physically very far away from us, and yet how many of us have wished upon one when we saw it up in the sky? The star itself is magical.

Within the pentagram, each of the five points has a meaning.
They symbolize the four classical elements -- Earth, Air, Fire and Water -- as well as Spirit, which is sometimes referred to as the fifth element. Each of these aspects is incorporated into this Tarot card layout.
Visualize a pentagram (5-pointed star).
Now, the first card is at the point on top.
The 2nd card is the bottom left.
The 3rd card is upper right point.
The 4th card is the upper left point.
The 5th card is the lower right point.
The 6th card is on top of the 1st card.
If you use a significator, it goes in the middle.
Okay, you've just "drawn" a pentagram with cards.
Card 1: Your goals
Card 2: (water) That which is hidden
Card 3: (air) What obstacles need to be overcome
Card 4: (earth) What led up to this point
Card 5: (fire) What action needs to be taken to reach the goal
Card 6: Final outcome. Read this in conjunction with the first card (goals)
Same layout, but..
Card 1 is a possible outcome of the situation.
Card 2 is sub-conscious (What is unseen or needs to be thought about).
Card 3 is near future.
Card 4 is past (what led up to this situation).
Card 5 is conscious (what is seen or needs to be done).
Card 6 is an alternate possible outcome.

Uhmar 20-01-2011 08:36 PM

( used to find clarity for specific questions)

...............5 ............

1..the issue
2 internal influence that you cant see
3.. external inflence that youa re aware of
4. what is needed for resolution
5. resolution ..the understanding

Uhmar 20-01-2011 08:46 PM

( opens doors to insights regarding hidden, unconscious aspects of an issue)

....... 5................6........7

1. what is repressed
2. the yin..female aspects
3. the yang.male aspects
4. the meditation
5. insight into the body
6. insight into the heart
7. insight into the being
8. consciousness (understanding)

Uhmar 20-01-2011 08:54 PM


............................ 1

the top represents a circle around the central issue
1. the core or central issue

2. something you did to bring about the situation
3. your beleifs, impressions or expectations
4. most likely outcome given present circumstances
5. spiritual history of the situation
6. spiritual tasks and challenges
7. metaporphis of the spiritual situation

then lower line
8. person or qualities that will sustain your spiritual journey
9. the qualities that you express in this circumstance
10. person or qualities that will reveal spiritual knowledge

Uhmar 20-01-2011 09:00 PM

Great for General readings


1. past situation
2. present situation or your choices
3. stability or instabilities, inprobabilities
or can be developments in the near future
4. challenges or can be read as what you did not expect to happen
5. help or hinderances or can be read as the people around you
6 friend or foes or can also be read as obstacles
7. the final outcome

norseman 20-01-2011 09:01 PM

Hey, good stuff Uhmar. This is very worthwhile doing. I will dig in Sacred Circle where there are a couple of unusual spreads. :smile:

Uhmar 20-01-2011 09:04 PM

shuffle and have client pick 10 cards then lay them out 1 throught 10
Good layout for general readings

...........7...........8...........9.............. .10

1. overall influences at work

2.3 choice of action

4. 5 .and 6...underlying forces

7 .8. 9. 10 advice of the cards

Uhmar 20-01-2011 09:06 PM

Glad you are pleased Norseman...do my previous words make sense now???

also there are variation to any of the spreads that people can add as well..Like I had three versions of different meanings to a pentagram five point star spread....all good just different methods.

norseman 20-01-2011 09:11 PM

Planetary Spread - a seven-point star.

Beginning at the top and then going clockwise around the Star

1. Moon - Home Matters
2. Mercury - Business Matters & Skills
3. Venus - Love & Relationships
4. Sun - Fame & Achievements
5. Mars - Adversity & Opposition
6. Jupiter - Gain & Expression
7. Saturn - Restrictions

Never used it myself but it looks logical :smile:

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