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Internal Queries 14-01-2011 05:05 PM

Imaginary Friends? Schizophrenia? Telepathy?
how is the difference discerned?

thank you for your replies.

John32241 14-01-2011 09:37 PM

In my view, it is determined by the evaluation of a person's experience with it. Using discernment to determine the difference between "wishful thinking" and reality.

It helps to have a meditative practice that involves reflective thinking which uses imaginary conversations with your inner guidance.

I hope that perspective is helpful.


Sangress 14-01-2011 09:45 PM


how is the difference discerned?

Proof and the legitimacy of what is said.

A schizophrenic with "demons" stalking them is very different to a child with imaginary friends or someone who is telepathic.

A schizophrenic will have thoughts and beliefs that don't coincide with reality, see things that no one else (including people who actually do see spirits) can, and are often unable to think straight and are unable to prove that whatever delusions or hallucinations they have to be true and real in any shape or form.

Mental illness is a very obvious thing to people who know what to look for.

A child with imaginary friends will often keep their "friends" associations with them as someone equal to themselves, another 5 year old who likes to play on the playground, or have tea parties perhaps. It is all in the imagination so, unless the imaginary friend is 30 years old and is teaching the child how to read and write or telling the child to tell *name of relative* that the person misses them and that they are sad that they died so soon, it is most likely an imaginary friend.

Telepathy is a tricky one, because it can be easily confused with your own thoughts, an auditory hallucination or simple coincidence.

With telepathy, I would say that testing yourself and other people by "guessing" what they are thinking on a regular basis will hone your skill, or make it clear that it's just one of the things I stated above, rather than telepathy.

This is all just my opinion on things. Other people will say differently.

psychoslice 15-01-2011 12:34 AM

Hi Sangress, yes its your opinion and I like it, it makes sense to me and I have schizophrenia, he's my friend lol.:hug:

Gracey 15-01-2011 01:12 AM

imaginary friends is pretending, schizophrenia.....if you hear others saying things to you and no one else does, that is your disease.....telepathy....you will know by confirmation of it happening.

Internal Queries 15-01-2011 05:12 AM

okay. thanks.

i guess i'm loonie tunes and need meds. lol

but man! do i ever have an elaborate imagination! these people i'm apparently conjuring effortlessly from my subconscious have lives of their own. i mean, i get flash images of their daily lives. the contours of their facial features, the way they smile, the expression in their eyes is often felt in my own face. we carry on philosophical conservations, debate religion and share visions. they're voices and vibrational signitures are entirely different from mine and each other. we've dreamed together. i'm sure i'd recogize them in their bodies ... if they were real and had bodies. i like them as individuals, have affection for them and now i'm going to have to tell them they aren't real and we can't be friends anymore. bummer.

John32241 15-01-2011 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by Internal Queries
okay. thanks.

i guess i'm loonie tunes and need meds. lol

but man! do i ever have an elaborate imagination! these people i'm apparently conjuring effortlessly from my subconscious have lives of their own. i mean, i get flash images of their daily lives. the contours of their facial features, the way they smile, the expression in their eyes is often felt in my own face. we carry on philosophical conservations, debate religion and share visions. they're voices and vibrational signitures are entirely different from mine and each other. we've dreamed together. i'm sure i'd recogize them in their bodies ... if they were real and had bodies. i like them as individuals, have affection for them and now i'm going to have to tell them they aren't real and we can't be friends anymore. bummer.

Based on these comments, I sense your experiences are the real thing.

I also suspect that you know that. I can feel the conviction in your words.

I have one web site on this subject. I am in the middle of building three more related sites. There is such a gap between conventional wisdom about the unknown reality and a useful approach towards discovery, that I find it best to approach this subject from completely different mindsets.

There are many more like yourself out there. I have yet to discover what I would consider to be an informed person, at this forum. The core concepts about a loving universe are present, however the application of that principal seems compromised. The most disturbing energy is that everyone presents their views as an expert. In my view, a master is constantly evolving All That They Are with humility and confidence.

Best Wishes.

Gracey 15-01-2011 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by Internal Queries
okay. thanks.

i guess i'm loonie tunes and need meds. lol

but man! do i ever have an elaborate imagination! these people i'm apparently conjuring effortlessly from my subconscious have lives of their own. i mean, i get flash images of their daily lives. the contours of their facial features, the way they smile, the expression in their eyes is often felt in my own face. we carry on philosophical conservations, debate religion and share visions. they're voices and vibrational signitures are entirely different from mine and each other. we've dreamed together. i'm sure i'd recogize them in their bodies ... if they were real and had bodies. i like them as individuals, have affection for them and now i'm going to have to tell them they aren't real and we can't be friends anymore. bummer.

my daughter has schzophrenia, and for her, she gets an idea stuck in her head, say that she believes she has male body parts......and everywhere she goes everyone is talking about it......this is the disease......

dont play your self off as beings nuts! and even if you are, sainty is over rated and boring anyways.

explore your spirit, your mind, your heart and remember the best teacher you have is within yourself. :wink:

Internal Queries 15-01-2011 03:25 PM

hmmm. well, John, truth be told i'm not sure what's going on in my head. these friends of mine sure seem real enough during contact but crazy people "hear voices" and i don't want to be a crazy person. they and i have discussed the suspension of disbelief before. it's not like i haven't questioned them about their actuality. last night when i told them about the replies i got on this message board one tched his annoyance and the other laughed that i would take the word of "amateurs". (his descriptive not mine). they agreed between themselves that they weren't going anywhere since they have so much invested in our relationship and the work we're doing is too important to drop just because i'm feeling insecure.

ya know ... every now and then there is no conversation. we become something that feels like "holiness". "holiness" always seemed like the ultimate ego trip to me but when it happens there's no ego involved. beautiful.

i just wish i knew what's going on here. i wish there was some way to confirm that i'm not crazy. my friends say we'll meet in our bodies some day and i'll understand, that there are others like us and we're all working on "something wonderful". i'm not sure which is more frightening. the implication that i'm truly insane or that i'm involved in some far reaching psychic endeavor. my friends say not to worry, that it's just evolution. easy for them to say. after all, they know whether or not they're real. i do not.

Internal Queries 15-01-2011 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by Gracey
my daughter has schzophrenia, and for her, she gets an idea stuck in her head, say that she believes she has male body parts......and everywhere she goes everyone is talking about it......this is the disease......

dont play your self off as beings nuts! and even if you are, sainty is over rated and boring anyways.

explore your spirit, your mind, your heart and remember the best teacher you have is within yourself. :wink:

oh i'm exploring my mind, that's fer sure. the problem is ... i have company in my explorations and "within myself" includes at least 2 other teachers. i find the phenom interesting, comforting and disturbing.

maybe your daughter is a talented psychic who is being overwhelmed by stronger male contacts thus the gender identity transposition. maybe that's what schizophrenia really is. an overwhelming of a mind by other minds. that would drive anyone crazy if they didn't understand what was going on. my mind is quite analytical. i'm a pretty logical person and i don't exactly "feel" crazy but there isn't any normal social construct into which i can place my experiences and that makes me feel isolated and abnormal. i've become a hermit because ... well ... i can kinda feel/hear what other folks are feeling and thinking and the minds of most of my fellow humans are exceedingly boring or chaotic or just plain nasty. if your daughter is being bombarded by the minds and emotions of others and she has no natural defenses it would go a long in explaining her condition. just a thought.

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