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-   -   Does your soul memory come back in the afterlife? (https://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=92770)

Burntfruit 26-10-2015 07:03 AM

Does your soul memory come back in the afterlife?
Initially you are as you are when you were alive.

You meet family and friends.

But eventually do we remember our soul memory - so we can recognize soul mates and soul family?

Do we recall our past lives and people from there?

knightofalbion 26-10-2015 09:38 AM

As I understand it, yes! We know everything!

vespa68 26-10-2015 10:16 AM

I heard that we dont remember everything but some things do come back. It also depends how high up me go in the light. We do have access to past lives if we want to know some things.

Lord_Viskey 05-11-2015 02:31 PM

Everything we have experienced goes into the completion of our being, much as a book we've finished reading goes back to the book shelf (consider our kashic records).

Specifics are not as predominant as the associations are to the "vibe." We must ultimately vibrate in harmony with the infinite, of which we are an aspect. This is done through the experiences we've had. As we experience, we write our own book. When each chapter is done, it goes into storage within us.

We can spend a lifetime regretting or being in an inharmonious state of mind, arguing over our internal conflicts or the such, but so long as we do, we are in a state of disharmony with our Divinity. To proceed to exist in an eternal harmony means to exist in a higher state - one that is beyond the physical/emotional where conflict is meant to be worked out. Once the physical is left, if the conflicts aren't worked out, one cannot remain in its higher state - so to be in a higher state of existence, means to discard certain memories and to hold to others.

WhiteWarrior 05-11-2015 03:31 PM

I think we are capable of remembering anything while in the afterlife. But you know how we tend to remember the important things while, say, last weeks groceries trip fade pretty quickly? Now imagine crossing over and be presented with the complete memories of ten thousands lives and a million friendships and relationships. Personally I think it will be take me a good pipe, a full bottle of whiskey and a long stay in the library just looking at the index cards. "Hmmm, lifetime #2366: 34 years of farming without a horse. Maybe that one can wait a bit...."

lenvdb64 05-11-2015 03:45 PM

<<As I understand it, yes! We know everything!>>



LadyMay 05-11-2015 04:04 PM

You can remember on earth, if you work on becoming soul-embodied.

Rokon 05-11-2015 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by Burntfruit
Do we recall our past lives and people from there?

What a fun question! I really wonder a lot about the dynamics of consciousness. So without the brain functioning as a transducer for our consciousness then shouldn't all information, memories, details, be instantly available? Surely we've been between lives many times before so what is the dynamic that holds huge parts of information from us? The only mechanism I can approach on this is that we have actually "fragmented" parts of our essence away, or that big chunks of essence chooses to not manifest with you and stays behind, or is doing something else. I don't know why fragmentation is not discussed more in the spirituality schools of thought more often. I have felt at times, when I hear stories of near death experiences that that bright loving light most people approach is your higher parts (you being fragmented from) instead of Jesus, or loving God or whatever. We all have judgments about what this light is.

There is an Areosmith song named "Always" and at the very end Steven Tyler says "the light at the end of the tunnel may be you."


Originally Posted by WhiteWarrior
... "Hmmm, lifetime #2366: 34 years of farming without a horse. Maybe that one can wait a bit...."

Good one :smile:

Tobi 05-11-2015 06:20 PM

You know what? I always feel the limits to Soul-knowledge via brain consciousness is like expecting to load 50 terrabytes of data into a 5 megabyte-capacity system.

Why that happens to us when we live here? I don't know....maybe it's just that we are willing to downgrade our systems for the benefits/educations of a physical experience?
I feel that when we pass, we adjust to the system available....

LPC 05-11-2015 08:10 PM

Burntfruit, if you haven't read the books by Michael Newton, I strongly recommend them. They explain very clearly all about the things you are asking. Our earthly amnesia is lifted once we return "home".

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