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CrystalSong 15-10-2015 05:27 PM

49 months and it's all yours
Last night I had a dream which awakened me and has clung to me all day. I can feel the air or it, the scents, smell the earth, feel the emotions of it still.
Which feels like a message dream, a dream with significance - not a regular dream.

In the dream I was at my Grandmothers house (she died a little over a year ago) we were sitting at the table and indicating the house and land she said 'this will be yours if you agree to live here for 49 months'. (It was understood she was passing over soon and this would be mine if I agreed to live in the house and care for the land for the 49 consecutive months)

In the dream I was torn as it would put me next to my mothers house which involves repeated drama as that's just her life and response to living on Earth.
On another adjoining edge of the property is an Aunt and Uncle who are unhappy people who try to mold others to their level where misery likes company.
On the third property edge is a sweet woman who wears many masks and never have I seen the true person under them all.

I live in another state from my grandmothers house and am starting a new life there with much promise, peace, new friendships and joy.

49 months is 4 years and 8 months, I couldn't accept my grandmothers offer without serious thought as it seemed to long to live surrounded by things which don't represent joy and peace.

I woke disturbed and having not made a decision, feeling like I should say Yes, but afraid something would be lost if I did, a course changed and not recoverable.

Any thoughts on what the underlying meaning and significance of the dream were? What 49 months represents?
I know some of you folks are good at dream interpitation, and I look forward to your thoughts on this one.

Thunder Bow 15-10-2015 07:43 PM

You left all those parts of yourself behind. You do not want to be next to them again. 49 may mean for (4) nine (9) months, such as being pregnant. But you would like have your grandmothers wisdom.

Sojourner2013 16-10-2015 02:47 PM

Hi CrystalSong, the impression that I get as I read your post is that your grandmother is asking you to "embody" some quality about her at this time in your life. You will have to explore what that quality is, as she is saying that if you do so, you will be rewarded (a house and land).

49 is the number before 50. I believe she is saying that if you do this, you will get to 50 which is 5 (a big change) and 0 (a new beginning).

I don't get the impression that she is asking you to literally move into her house, but that she's trying to help you from the other side by letting you know that there is a certain quality you will need in the months ahead in order to get to a better place. I hope this helps.

TheGlow 17-10-2015 02:44 AM

I'm not really a dream person but it's kind of a great storey.

Was your grandmother effected but the behavior of the people around her?
Did she let it effect her or drag her down?

If not might she be saying that if you can do the same(not let others pull your vibration down) that you will be rewarded?

I don't know just a thought.

Clear Blue Sky 17-10-2015 03:05 AM

I think you have first a good grasp of the self-aspects of the fit between you and your relations.

The bit about 'agree to live here' and 'care for the land' resonate. It is an open offer (and it is an open offer) that you would rise in wisdom by relating to your neighbors in a caring tending way, but one with clear borders and boundaries, and with your own house and land to attend to as well. It is sort of like finding a social relation with them that keeps a respectful space so you do not impose or feel imposed upon. "good fences make good neighbors'. Are you prepared to be a 'neighbor' to your 'family'. ? That is the choice.

Clear Blue Sky 17-10-2015 03:12 AM

http://www.ridingthebeast.com/numbers/nu49.php Here's some more things I found....

1. the number of days Buddha spent under a special tree. (I think this was before he reached enlightenment after wrestling with the tempter demon Mara?)

2. The Tibetans see it as a between-place where the soul has to wander for 49 days after the death.

CrystalSong 19-10-2015 01:25 AM

Interesting thoughts everyone - Thank you so much.
I've did Divination around it and continue to be rather mystified.
The actual land and house went to my aunt and uncle who immediately sold it to a neighbor. So it didn't stay in the family at all.

So I agree it's something else, an embodiment of a trait perhaps. My grandmother was a very loving cheery woman who hardly every had a thing to say which wasn't positive and supportive.

There were issues around her passing, her children were growing tired of her being so long lived and needing a bit more care each year. She lived in her own home and never went to a retirement home. They were not discrete enough to keep these inner thoughts to themselves and she picked up on them and told me about them in the final weeks of her life.

It's come into my mind and I've mark it as such on the calendar as somehow having to do with an elapsed time from awakening to now. January 9th 2016 it will be 49 months since I awakened spontaneously and profoundly. So in 3 months.

It would make sense perhaps that she would contact me to in some way let me know if I can keep my frequency high that it will become irreversible as enough time will have passed for the brain to become re-programmed to it's new state or something.....

Buddha under the tree for 49 days sounds relevant somehow.
There's something about X-amount of days to form or inform a habit or way of thinking also.

It's also occurred to me that there are many people becoming interested in me, not all for my higher good perhaps, or theirs but instead sort of an owning/being associated with or possessing me. I sense a new chapter unfolding these days. Perhaps it relates to that somehow....

Thank you all again for your thoughts, I hope the time for it is soon or I'll never remember it long enough to solve it if it's 49 months from the time of the dream. lol

tealily 19-10-2015 04:00 AM

Hello! I decided to give this a go with my Tarot cards, hope that's ok :) (we're playing with Pisces Moon's dream interpretation spread in the Tarot/Oracle forum a lot recently).

One card pulled for each of the following questions -
What your subconscious is trying to show you:
Where in your life this dream fits:
Advice from the dream:
Significance of the 49 months:

* Fountain Tarot

My cards are suggesting that you're facing some life decisions at the moment; Page of Swords is coming up and it's very much a 'pondering' card. I also get the impression one or some of these life decisions are to do with resources, eg cost and benefits - how much money, how much time, is it worth your money? It may have something to do with you as a personal brand, ie your career or further studies... (9 of Coins).

For advice, my cards are suggesting it's wise to keep yourself in a tether-free position (8 of Swords rev). This is about NOT locking yourself into any super-long, super-expensive contracts; they make you feel miserable! (5 of Coins) As you've said yourself, you're very clear on what you need from life and what rejuvenates you, and there's not much on this earth that's worth pulling yourself away from that.

In terms of straight dream interpretation, my personal thoughts are that anytime someone has passed pops up in my dreams (very very very rare), it's actually them and not my imagination. It may have indeed been an offer - and you're welcome to reject it :)

CrystalSong 19-10-2015 05:31 PM

Thank you for the cards on it reality.

It does resonate a bit. I'm now offering my services to others, which requires being more connected to the corporal world and linear time and also becoming very involved in the local awareness community here where I am, which isn't exactly the same as spiritual community which is something of a struggle as I speak a different language and have different understandings and I'm not thrilled with how the effect of it feels inside either.

In 3 months it will be 49 months since awakening and much Shifting has taken place is all aspects of my life, most recently becoming very grounded. I suspect that in order to really land the awakening on the 3D tarmac I'm going to have to ace a 'floating landing' instead of a bumpy screeching list down the tarmac which is what it feels like now.

I suspect Grandma was warning me to be very aware of my frequency and to protect it and tend it like a delicate rare orchid. Spirit is also talking about that this morning and for the first time I've been told using a portal opportunity is too risky, previously I've always been told several days in advance when one was opening and to use it.

So if I don't self arrest and correct this landing I think oxygen masks are going to be dropping in the cabin. lol

TheGlow 19-10-2015 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by CrystalSong
Thank you for the cards on it reality.

It does resonate a bit. I'm now offering my services to others, which requires being more connected to the corporal world and linear time and also becoming very involved in the local awareness community here where I am, which isn't exactly the same as spiritual community which is something of a struggle as I speak a different language and have different understandings and I'm not thrilled with how the effect of it feels inside either.

In 3 months it will be 49 months since awakening and much Shifting has taken place is all aspects of my life, most recently becoming very grounded. I suspect that in order to really land the awakening on the 3D tarmac I'm going to have to ace a 'floating landing' instead of a bumpy screeching list down the tarmac which is what it feels like now.

I suspect Grandma was warning me to be very aware of my frequency and to protect it and tend it like a delicate rare orchid. Spirit is also talking about that this morning and for the first time I've been told using a portal opportunity is too risky, previously I've always been told several days in advance when one was opening and to use it.

So if I don't self arrest and correct this landing I think oxygen masks are going to be dropping in the cabin. lol

its very interesting all of it. Guard yourself, like the oxygen masks in the airplane they always say for the adult/GAURDIAN to put on their own masks before trying to help the others. :)

3 more months. You can do that. :)

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