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Emmalevine 31-12-2010 02:17 PM

Constant tingling in crown
In the last few weeks or so I've experienced a massive increase in tingling and general activity around my head. It seems to be concentrated in and around my crown chakra - ie the very top of my head although it does travel down around my ears, across my forehead and occasionally down my face as well. I usually feel a crawling sort of movement that isn't unpleasant, although recently it stung quite a bit and I felt a lot of heat too. Sometimes I feel little tingles as if a shower of cold water is falling on me.

Until recently I only experienced all this on a few occasions and I always put this down to reiki energy, but now it's happening everytime I sit to meditate and often during other times as well. in fact I only have to think about it and the crawling starts!

Does anyone else get this? I'm wondering if it's linked to kundlini or some sort of increase in spiritual awareness especially as it seems to be intensifying.

Sangress 31-12-2010 02:38 PM

I used to get it often when I was having a "psychic growth spurt."

I think its simply an increase of energy in parts of the mind that are usually devoid of it, and that the end result of it is the development of various metaphysical skills and a clean cut connection between the conscious and subconscious mind.

I found that before the tingling occurred I had a lot of pressure building up and lots of headaches which died down once the growth spurt had begun. After the growth spurt the heat/chills and crawling sensations and pins-and-needles tingling sensations all died down.

I could not link my own development to the Kundalini as I never experienced the feeling of that energy stirring and rising up my spine, but that is only my experience so the reason for what you're feeling could be completely different.

I do know that a lot of people get this and I think that it is most likely connected to a growing of spiritual awareness of some kind.

Summerland 31-12-2010 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by Starbuck
In the last few weeks or so I've experienced a massive increase in tingling and general activity around my head. It seems to be concentrated in and around my crown chakra - ie the very top of my head although it does travel down around my ears, across my forehead and occasionally down my face as well. I usually feel a crawling sort of movement that isn't unpleasant, although recently it stung quite a bit and I felt a lot of heat too. Sometimes I feel little tingles as if a shower of cold water is falling on me.

Until recently I only experienced all this on a few occasions and I always put this down to reiki energy, but now it's happening everytime I sit to meditate and often during other times as well. in fact I only have to think about it and the crawling starts!

Does anyone else get this? I'm wondering if it's linked to kundlini or some sort of increase in spiritual awareness especially as it seems to be intensifying.

Starbuck, I am going waaaay out on a limb on this and I am quite sure that some will not understand. The resonance of GAIA is accerlerating to a higher frequency. That is one issue; we are not raising our vibrational frequency to match Hers. Again I am going to recommend that you or anyone interested, could look at this site www.gaiaresonance.com
Other matters are that there is an increased earthquake activity and that also sets up a very deep vibration. The magnetic shield is fluctuating wildly and is likely the cause of birds endeing up in the wrong area, off course; why whales insist on beaching themselves along with clams and dolphins. Even the recent eclipse set off a crazy tingling on my scalp that did not lessen until it was complete. We are all energy and vibration, atoms vibrating at a certain speed.
20 years ago the Russians discovered that people who have heart conditions are more likely to have heart attacks during a CME from the sun. Now that our magnetosphere is weakening and even developing tears, this is something that should be taken into consideration. We all have a certain amount of magnetite in our bodies, just as homing pigeons do and look at how confused they can get. So I have had my say and I hope that at least one member will consider and start doing their own investigation and research. Namaste :angel12:

Chrysaetos 31-12-2010 03:36 PM

I would first look for biological explanations. Those sensations you described could be indicating paresthesia.
Here: http://www.paresthesia.net/ and http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/paresthesia/paresthesia.htm

Emmalevine 31-12-2010 04:10 PM

Thanks all for the variety of suggestions and links. I will keep an eye on what's happening and see how it develops. It doesn't feel biological to me - it used to occur during meditation when I focussed on my third eye area but now it seems to have progressed to other times. Also, it sometimes disappears only to return instantly when I focus upon my crown again. This isn't the behaviour of a medical condition even with the much-loved placebo effect!

My meditations have been much deeper lately and my dreams have been more colourful, spiritual and vivid, so I think this is all linked. It's very exciting for me.

dogninja 31-12-2010 07:17 PM

I have this issue. Very similar to me it is. What about normally, when you are fully awake? When you pee? When you take a bath? Like a wisp or sheet of energy brushing on and through you?

in progress 31-12-2010 07:44 PM

My goodness, you are really moving along quickly!! I did too for awhile. It left my head spinning! You are doing well. I'm glad you're having a good time!

You're crown chakra is sucking in energy. I've felt everything you feel and you'll also feel it run down the back of your head and neck too at some point. You'll eventually feel flows both in and out of your head/hands/feet.

Before and after my crown opened I also experienced more vivid dreams was taken into trance very quickly when meditating. It was almost as if a part of me was waiting for me to meditate so it could get to work on something. It didn't take long for kundalini.

Uma 31-12-2010 08:24 PM


This is your brow chakra connecting with your crown chakra. Sorry Progress, but we don't "open" the crown, the crown is the destination - the ultimate destination and the pinacle of all human achievement. When the brow chakra is 100% open, Kundalini becomes permanently anchored in the crown. However this tingling means you are getting very close.

The crown chakra is a space of all possibilities, where the individual ego meets the collective and the awareness moves from "I am x, y, or z" to simply "I am." You may get feelings of expansion. You may feel "high" - intoxicated or blissed out.

In your meditation practice the advice is to focus on the crown chakra and try to hold the energy there are much as possible. The idea is to burst open the brow chakra to release Kundalini. Once the crown is attained the world is your oyster. This stage can last a long time - it requires complete surrender of the ego and, for some of us, involves a dark night of the soul.

The fact that it is affecting your dreams is wonderful. It means that you are going through a very powerful transformation. Your consciousness is going to shift - open up, expand...and take on a whole new awareness. Wow!

Blessings on your journey!

in progress 31-12-2010 09:29 PM

It started for me when I felt a chakra about 6 " or so above my head spin which led to vibration entering my crown and move down my body to my feet. Then energy started coming in through my feet. Kundalini later. This is why I've always seen it as a crown opening kicking off the rest.

Lazarus72 31-12-2010 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by Starbuck
In the last few weeks or so I've experienced a massive increase in tingling and general activity around my head. It seems to be concentrated in and around my crown chakra - ie the very top of my head although it does travel down around my ears, across my forehead and occasionally down my face as well. I usually feel a crawling sort of movement that isn't unpleasant, although recently it stung quite a bit and I felt a lot of heat too. Sometimes I feel little tingles as if a shower of cold water is falling on me.

Until recently I only experienced all this on a few occasions and I always put this down to reiki energy, but now it's happening everytime I sit to meditate and often during other times as well. in fact I only have to think about it and the crawling starts!

Does anyone else get this? I'm wondering if it's linked to kundlini or some sort of increase in spiritual awareness especially as it seems to be intensifying.

Sounds interesting Starbuck. I've had similar experiences before. Sounds like you might be describing increased energetic activity in the parietal lobe region, which if hippocampus serves, deals mainly in proprioception... or awareness of position and movement in time/space. Interestingly, sometimes referred to as 'Body ego'.:smile:
(edit - which I should mention - I think only really refers to sensory perception or of the senses)

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