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developing1 05-09-2006 04:45 PM

Developing on your own?
Hi everyone,

up until today I was sitting in a development circle but after being accused of being jealous by another circle member I no longer wish to sit in that particular circle

my question is this-

can i develop on my own? how would I do this? i already do meditation every night and practice automatic writing

does anyone on here develop on their own?

any tips gratefully received!

best wishes


biyu_wolf_77 05-09-2006 07:56 PM

well i wasnt lucky enough ta get to be in a circle so yea ive really just let everythin happen to me so yea you could say its been my dooing but if you also wanna say theyve revealed my gifts at times where knowin it was good helped fer the most part ive been on my own with my gifts not cause there insanely different but cause ive never really known anyone till now

kundalini 06-09-2006 12:40 AM

Hi developing1, sorry to hear that you were abused in that way. I have developed on my own for some time. In fact, I am what you would call self-taught really as I have never sat in any form of development circle or anything like that. It's interesting to note that you perform automatic writing. There are many, many books which contain many notable techniques for learning various new skills and abilities etc. It would not surprise me that after you do some things like that, that you shall feel drawn to another group. It is perhaps that the 'powers that be' want you to escape the confines and dictates of a development group for a while to try out new skills and stretch your talents. Maybe that is why that happened to you at your development circle. Meditation is always good to try. There are many skills you could try your hand at, should you leave your group: auric sensing, auric viewing, spiritual healing, mediumship, psychometry, remote viewing, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, telepathy, even psychokinesis. Should you speak to your guardian angel, I would ask for guidance and see what happens.

Thanks for reading, Kundalini.

jeremy67 06-09-2006 10:18 PM

I don't sit in a circle because, having moved house, I haven't found a new Spiritualist Church I feel comfortable in, and also because I often have to work in the evenings so can't make a regular commitment to a circle, so I guess I'm left to develop on my own...

... But... I'm aware of lots of horror stories about people dabbling in spirit without really knowing what they're doing and bringing down negative energies on themselves, so I'm a bit wary of calling out too much to Spirit. I ask for protection whenever I do try to communicate, but I have no idea if I'm doing things properly. This is beginning to worry and frustrate me: I want to develop but am lacking direction and confidence :confused: :icon_frown:

Love and Light,
Jeremy :cool:

kundalini 06-09-2006 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by jeremy67
I don't sit in a circle because, having moved house, I haven't found a new Spiritualist Church I feel comfortable in, and also because I often have to work in the evenings so can't make a regular commitment to a circle, so I guess I'm left to develop on my own...

... But... I'm aware of lots of horror stories about people dabbling in spirit without really knowing what they're doing and bringing down negative energies on themselves, so I'm a bit wary of calling out too much to Spirit. I ask for protection whenever I do try to communicate, but I have no idea if I'm doing things properly. This is beginning to worry and frustrate me: I want to develop but am lacking direction and confidence :confused: :icon_frown:

Love and Light,
Jeremy :cool:

Hi jeremy67, I have developed pretty much on my own all my life and although it is a struggle, should you ask the angels for guidance with this matter, then they will send you guidance in one form or another. I feel that because of your wariness you are slightly fearful of contacting spirit and yet should you feel and know what spirit truly is, then you will forever know that there is nothing to fear. There is only love in true spirit. It is the mind which produces fear. Learn to let go of the expectations of your mind and feel for the impressions that spirit sends you.

Thanks for reading, Kundalini.

Rsng5 07-09-2006 02:11 AM

I struggle with the idea of 'churches', therefore, I have been on this journey by myself. In the way, I have found friends (one at a time) that help me develop through that time, until I am ready to move on. It really seems like a lonely journey but I've learned to know myself in the way.

At this time, I have my family, one friend, four spirit guides and three guardian angels (so I have been told), and learned that I have the whole angelic kindom, Ascended masters, the internet and this forum to continue on my path...

lumas 07-09-2006 02:28 PM

Hello developing1 its a shame that you did not fit in with the development circle obviously the more that are gathered the more power generated which can be used for spiritual growth, although i would advise you to sit with others there is absoloutly no reason why you cannot develop on your own, for now try saying this to yourself every day:

I love God
I love God
I love God
I love God
I love God
I love God
I love God
I love God
I love God
I love God

repeat this for:
I love me

repeat this for:
I love the power (not over others)

repeat this for:
I love the glory (the truth)

Give it a try for a while and if nothing changes for you then just drop it...

violetmay 29-09-2006 08:52 PM

I have sat in two circles. I was accused of not letting my nan pass over, and keeping her in limbo. I told them she came to me, and stays with me and I had never sought her out til she introduced herself to me in her spirit form. (she died when I was 3). I was also accused of other things by the 'elders' in the circle, who even though I was getting accurate messages, said I must have had previous knowledge. I left.

Circles can be 'precious', and if too established, hard to be accepted in if you are a young wipper snapper, who just has this gift and happened upon it....

I am now doing this alone, with a litter referral here and there, but find I don't need someone in a churhe's circle to chide me down.

My friends are far better as mentors and support.

Lapis 29-09-2006 09:05 PM

Could someone please explain what you mean by "sitting in a circle"? I'm guessing by the sounds of so many of you talking about doing this, that you're mostly in the UK? I say this because I don't have a clue about what exactly you folks are talking about. Is it a meditation group? Is it a group that attempts to contact the dead? And what is a "development circle"? It sounds like many of these "circles" are done in your churches? I'm really confused about all of this. Thanks for any help clarifying all this.

lumas 29-09-2006 09:32 PM

Lapis in answer to your question these circles are normally held in spiritual churches (open circles or) or privately (closed circle) and as far as i know they are world wide not just in the uk. And yes communication takes place with occupents of the spirit realm but they are far from dead imho...

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