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Adrienne 05-12-2010 03:50 PM

Candle connections
I wasn't quite sure where to put this ~

Do you believe there is a connection between candles (certain colors ) and attracting the attention of your angels, spirit guides or MDBs ? (I love that abbreviation Sparrow ! :D )

I have heard there is something about a white candle ~
and that different colored candles have different, not sure what the word is that I am looking for here...different qualities ? Is this for real, or just the imagination of a very creative candle salesperson ?

I have meditated by staring into the flame of a candle and there is something, mesmerizing about it... but it is the same with each candle I have lit, color didn't make a difference. Then again, I was just becoming one with the flame, not having a specific intention to connect with anyone special.

And sometimes when I have a variety of candles lit in my room, most of them just stand straight up, the flame that is... and there is always one that dances, usually the one by my bedside. Perhaps there is a spirit wanting to dance ?

Dream Angel xx

Evaah 05-12-2010 04:39 PM


Perhaps there is a spirit wanting to dance ?

Aw. That's cute! :D

I suppose colors can make a difference. I haven't noted anything in particular with my candles (I light 6 of them on my altar each night) and their colors. Perhaps it's just the flame and smoke that matters. It helps to "cleanse," you know?

There is something mesmerizing about that flame, though. Something so natural, so primitive, that reminds me of the Source.

About the dancing flame, though - I find it interesting that you say this, because last night, as I meditated on the floor in an attempt to communicate with Guides, the candle I had sitting before me was bending and flickering like crazy. I had my fan on, but it was pointing upward and the draft never really affected the flame before. Still could have been the fan, though.

Adrienne 05-12-2010 04:48 PM

hi Evaah,

I wasn't thinking of the flame and the smoke as cleansing, interesting thought and makes sense, since one uses smudging to cleanse.

About your dancing flame, I don't think it was the fan. Sometimes we rationalize things, just to find a reason for their existence. It was probably a spirit wanting to dance with you ! :D

Just curious, did you connect with any of your Guides ?

Dream Angel xx

Evaah 05-12-2010 05:07 PM


About your dancing flame, I don't think it was the fan. Sometimes we rationalize things, just to find a reason for their existence. It was probably a spirit wanting to dance with you ! :D

Well, the thing was, I was working on invoking the Archangels beforehand so that I could ask them to help me communicate with Guides... Since I was feeling unwell last night, I couldn't quite concentrate. But the flame flickered and bent away from me, almost directly away, but slightly to the right. And since I was envisioning Michael at my right side, I thought for a moment that he was actually there. But I couldn't feel him, and due to my feeling unwell, I had difficulty envisioning him. So I sort of left it at that, and moved on to seeing if I could pick up anything from my Guides.


Just curious, did you connect with any of your Guides ?

Not at that moment, no. I'm working on establishing contact. I'm fairly certain of one: I refer to him as "Spike" since that's the name I heard in my first dream of him. He's been in a couple of other dreams (not recently) and he's left me many signs of his existence. Two nights ago, I think he was trying to tell me he was an artist in his past life. (I'm an artist myself. :icon_eek:)
But I'm getting there! I asked all my Guides to show/tell me the best way to communicate with them, so I'm waiting patiently, haha.

Oops. Sort of long. :D

Moon Willow 05-12-2010 07:43 PM

Hey Dreamie,
I think that different colours do have different qualties... like if I'm feeling a bit down I'll naturally go to my rose coloured candles, or if I need grounding I tend to go to my black candles, or when ever I do readings for people I go straight for my white candles. I think it must work along the same lines as colour-therapy?

I also think that it's quite a personal thing too...just using your intuition to chose the coloured candle that you need for each situation...rather than there being set 'qualities'.

Just my thoughts for today....Moony x x x

Amberly 05-12-2010 10:56 PM

I also believe that different coloured candles have different meanings and purposes. Having said that i only ever use white candles. I may have different colours but i will only actually light my white ones....maybe i'm just a bore :icon_eek: lol i don't know. I also have to light an even number of them too, thats probably just one of my odd ways :rolleyes:

Spiritlite 06-12-2010 02:33 AM

To me the color of the candle doesn't affect what I am meditating, it's the flame and the true light of it that gives the intention of what I'm using the candle for.

Beleive 08-12-2010 09:07 PM

There is one distince candle connection that i use and yes it works without a doubt to invoke the ascended master Saint Brigid (Brigit) into the room. Read this:

St. Brigid built her Abbey in Kildare around 480AD, on a Hill beside a great oak tree. However, we all know that the Irish/Celts believed in a Goddess Brighid long before she became a Saint and this area was sacred to her.

The Priestesses of Brighid kept her flame eternally lit. 19 Priestesses kept vigil and made sure the flame was never extinguished. This continued for centuries.

I was one of the Priestesses who kept the flame at Kildare, so for me If I light a candle St Brigit is immediately in the room and i feel/see her presence. White or GOld candles i like, but she comes in no matter what colour is burning.

Adrienne 09-12-2010 11:02 AM

Evaah, thank you for sharing your experiences with the dancing flame and connecting with your guides. Very cool about envisioning A. Michael. I would like to have my guides visit me in a dream, anytime in fact ! :smile: I will have to try your idea of asking them " what is the best way of communicating with them "

And no, your reply wasn't too long !

Dream Angel xx

Adrienne 09-12-2010 11:04 AM

hi Moony, thank you for your thoughts ! I like the idea of my intuition choosing the color of the candle. I need to listen to my intuition more, this will be a good start.

Dreamie xx

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