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Lynn 24-08-2014 11:30 PM

Day in the Life of a Medium
Being a Medium is not always fun.....be careful if you "wish" to be one it comes with a lot that is not always love and light and fun.

Today was one of those times. What I laughed off as a "Cheep Thrill" by a Spirit that had frisky hands when I was leaning over the computer this AM turned out to be way more than what I bargained for. I am all for a "good time" an a sexual vibration reaction is fine. (most times) . Nervous energy makes one laugh it off.

In this case I had two come flowing into me....opened by a few triggers at the meeting. At times messages or blessings ext shared can bridge that gap for direct communications to happen. This was the case today.

I learned that a 34 year old male, (whom needed crossing) had done something very bad in his life. With him was his victim that wanted to share with me her death. She was 15 years old a street worker native girl. He assaulted her then shot her the bullet lodged in the left wall of her heart. He would have gone on to do more damage but was killed by a car hit and run. Neither case has been solved.

The girl was fine and crossed over, but he was "Ghost" so Earth Bound and needed my assistance. Yes I work with those that do such crimes it is not my place to judge that is for a Higher Power than "I". I had to experience her passing to know where he was at in his path in life.

I feel thing with all 5 senses so I felt "his touch" and I felt her arousal when she was "working" with him. I too then felt the bullet enter her and her passing. I too felt his passing the car impact.

He did not want "forgiveness" she did not want "justice" (as he was dead) he needed closure and crossing. She needed to know she was safe from him.

So you want to communicate with the dead? It come with a lot at times !

Adding that this happened today at a Metaphysical Meeting with 25 people present that some could tell I was distracted and a bit rattled. Not like I can just get up and walk out as I run the Centre.


Adrienne 25-08-2014 02:45 AM

oh Wow ! I had no idea what you actually deal with Lynn. I give you a lot of credit for doing the work you do. It is like not having a life of your own, but always on call, so to speak, helping others.


running 25-08-2014 02:17 PM

For me and i don't practice or even knew what it was or that I could experience it but when it has happened I feel them as me and what they are experiencing.

On accident cause I didn't know I could I gave some kinda strange reading and medium ship to someone I knew over the telephone.

I started by saying I'm hooked up. My friend asks me what are you talking about. I said I have no idea but I feel something very powerful.

So I switched into various beings from different times and cultures. I switched into current people and what was going on around. Then I switched into various people in the future and felt and said what was going to happen.

The whole thing was really strange. I felt extrememely powerful but afraid cause I didn't know what was going on.

Before it started I predicted my phone would die and told him to record the conversation withsome gadget he carries around.

Today iI understand why and how it happened. Back then I thought for sure I was doomed. Doomed cause I never heard of what I did. And because I thought I had done something wrong. Nor did I know I was accurately saying and predicting things.

It was a controversial thing. And I actually never met this person in person. He is a friend of the family. Later I met him and got to know him better.

For a good year or so I was scared about it. Everything happened and I later began to understand I was giving a reading and the spirit felt it was important. And it was very important. Mainly cause I got some very powerful insights about spirituality I would of never known.

Anyways I did something like that a couple other times but less information and shorter experience. That first time went on until my cell phone died. I don't know. 15, 20 or mord minutes talking and switching beings straight through quickly. I remember everything very well. Cause it was so bizarre to me. As I was getting ready to say the other times it has happened after that one did not scare me. I guess I went through my boot camp on the first event.

One day I may utilize the gift. But I'm glad I haven't yet cause I have done well focusing on healing myself. I still have some blockages and debris to clear. So I don't know if I should become completely clear first or not. But I am so much farther along I'm beginning to research it and start talking to people whom know about medium ship.

linen53 25-08-2014 03:52 PM

A great thread Lynn. There was a time I wanted to communicate regularly with the dead but after many years of listening to other people's experiences and observing, I am fortunate that I have not to date. It might be in my future, don't know, I feel a connection there. But when and if it happens I will be ready.

This place has helped me expand my horizons and see the vastness and diversity of spirituality and the realization all of it is good and right.

It makes my heart break at the unresolved issues for those who have died. So many are so unprepared on what to do next. Sometimes they linger in limbo, confused or afraid to advance forward.

I heard a good example the other day. If you were going to a foreign country, wouldn't you study up on the culture, language, etc? But when it comes to the afterlife, many people shun it. So sad.

running, your experience reminds me of some visions I had back in the 80's of my life between life (the one just before this one) at a time when happiness and hope were at an all time low for me. It gave me the "spark" to start looking in a different direction (into non-religious spirituality), and ta-da! Here I am. Was it your "spark" when you had your first experience?

Lynn 25-08-2014 04:48 PM


Someone asked me why I do not just say "no touch" but there are some of us like me that come into life with it all turned on. We have no off switch to say I do not want this.....and we learn to ground and call in protection. I have embraced I am very much a "tool" to be accessed for the assistance of spirits and ghosts in need. While its not something I understood early on in life I now embrace that is whom I am.

This is why when I do platform work or public speaking work and one's go I so want to be like you Lynn I tell them a story in the day of me I have yet to have someone go cool sign me up. I do a lot of work helping those that have this ability learn to live with it and find that place of peace and balance. I too do a lot of work with those non living to bring them the same peace.

Growing up I honestly thought I was going mental at times, it is such a blessing that times are more open so that conversations like this can and do take place. I too embrace that to do the work I now do I had to have the path I did hard as it was at times it defined whom I am.

LOL next Sunday at the Metaphysical Meeting I will have to explain why I was so zoned out and well moody.


linen53 25-08-2014 05:08 PM

I understand your childhood of isolation and being different. I was in a similar situation, but different. It wasn't from being psychic it was a whole different ball of wax that I had to experience. But the feelings of isolation are the same. I would never want to go through that experience again, but I am so glad I did. I have such an appreciation for my life now because of the pain I went through back then. And it all makes sense, both the past and the present!! Wow!

That is so amazing that you can do what you do in the "natural" without limits and set boundaries. That would be double hard, if you ask me.

And helping those who are just coming into their gifts is so right! To help those who feel the pain of isolation and craziness as you describe. You're right, we are so lucky to live in the era we do where we can talk and interact about such things.

Star angel 26-08-2014 05:00 AM

I am sure the loved ones of the person who was the wayward are excited and thrilled to finally have him crossed over. When I do this sort of work I frequently get a visit from one of the person's loved ones who comes to thank me soon after the person has crossed. They transmit their love and gratitude for having assisted the person in crossing.

As my 12 yo son reminded me the other day, even murderer's have mothers.


linen53 26-08-2014 02:22 PM

I know those who are lost or confused after death appreciate those who can assist them. Your son sounds wise beyond his age.

Lynn 26-08-2014 03:02 PM


Many of us have very "gifted" children. We many times miss what they are saying early on in childhood. Mine was 4 when he worked on his first murder case with me. He too said that the Dad in this case needed to be shown LOVe. I will never forget how he came to me and said about this event, and after so calmly describing what he said, goes "Mom man does some bad things to other man."

Many of us miss the things our children say early on in childhood or dismiss them as "imaginary" or "bad dreams" where they are truly seeing things. Everyone no matter what they have done need that compassion's so that the Soul they have can move forwards.

I too have had a Mother of a serial killer find me (in the living) and thank me for the compassion's I was able to show her Son. I was doing some platform work and the question was asked on a recent passed killer...and I said that I and a few others I work with had contacts there....and we do not walk in judgements. While that is very hard we can not go there.


innerlight 27-08-2014 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by Lynn
Being a Medium is not always fun.....be careful if you "wish" to be one it comes with a lot that is not always love and light and fun.


As a point of conversation, why would someone, anyone, choose to be a medium?

Other than perhaps one that has been born into that world and have those gifts of seeing/feeling/talking to spirit since birth.

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