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1life 23-06-2014 08:12 PM

understanding opposition ( continued )
i cut and pasted this from welcome subforum .

in order to learn how to create parables we need to understand opposition

The very best parables ( IMO ) are created to show one specific point. My point is to show you the basic law of duality and how it holds everything we perceive in the universe together.

you can use this exercise the same way from start to finish when the exercise nulls out.

learning positive and negative opposites.

do this on a piece of paper on the left the word positive the right neg.

find a positive thing like the word good, happy , nice, sweet, funny,

then write the negative to the right of it

Pos / Neg
sweet / sour
happy / sad
love / hate
good / bad
laugh / cry
real / illusion
truth / lie
up / down
white / black
warm / cold
smile / frown
know/ not know
help / hinder
please / hurt
ceiling / floor
peace / war
whisper / yell
agree / disagree
future / past
heaven / hell
push / pull
right / left
right / wrong
north / south

its what ever YOU decide is positive or neg. Look around the room, notice things that oppose. Your positive and neg may oppose others positives and neg's and you'll understand why too.

keep adding to the list of words until you learn it so well you spot all over the place in your environment.. you'll be VERY surprised how the world looks when you get into the exercise a while.

everything in the universe . every particle that we perceive is made of a positive and negative, from the smallest single object to the size of a Galaxy.

a thing will not exist without two poles. no exception.

water will drain in one direction on the north pole and the opposite direction on the south pole

the positive pole is always created first , then the negative pole. Doing the exercise for a few months you'll see more and more things around you with pos and neg poles. soon you'll notice that there is nothing in the universe except a positive and a negative. it just does not exist in the universe without both

you're not gonna "get it " unless you do it . theory is not enough and you need to write it down . Its a never ending list . Master the list like Beethoven did music.

next is putting positive words and sentences at opposition to each other because everything in the universe has opposition to it . NO EXCEPTIONS.

when we put words and sentences into opposing examples , it reveals a truth about life and the universe. it reveals the truth to any question you can dream up about life and the universe but you need to learn how to put the package together first . Package meaning a sentence or statement that proves its own opposite.

to be continued :

1life 23-06-2014 08:40 PM

here's a parable example that this is all leading to.

if a warm+ welcome is a good+ thing

then by the law of duality

a cold- welcome is a bad- thing

or another

if a complicated solution is a bad- thing that leads to frustration-


a simple solution is a good+ thing and leads to contentment+.

or another

when we like + ( or love ) a person or thing, we hate- to lose it

when we dislike- ( or hate ) a thing or person, we love+ to be rid of it

now while reading this stuff it may seem true for you , it will not seem true for others and that's ok . There's a purpose for opposition . Its negative but without it nothing would exist .

what you need to learn to really benefit from this is to make your own packages from scratch rather than read someone else's.

when you get the hang of it you'll become a master . your IQ will go way up and you'll be very different as a person . But in a better way . A positive way

for me , " smart " is a positive , dumb a negative.

the law of duality proves it so .


being smart+ is a positive+ good+ desirable+ thing.
being dumb- is a neg- bad- undesirable -thing.

to be continued :angel11:

1life 23-06-2014 11:22 PM

all things from the smallest particle in the universe to the largest Galaxies.

there are objects that are held together by positive and negitive poles.

its not limited to just objects. Concepts, ideas, values, faiths.

no thing , thought concept object or groups can escape the law of duality and polarity in this universe . No exceptions . period.

even life the creator of all physical things can not violate the law of duality unless it leaves the universe its created.

Life is able to vanish the universe or any part of it at will but its still bound by its creation .

Once life changes the law of duality its not longer the law of duality and can not be refereed to as such .

only lafe has the ability to limit lifes ability and it does so by creating the universe we live in called the universe of duality .

laws, boundaries, rules, limits are all other terms for law.

the best example of duality would be our 12 volt automotive battery . Its has a positive and a negative . When the two touch it genrates spark , heat , and a little residual dust .

theres a similar battery is everything and everyone that exists in the universe.

Life is who puts the two together.

Creation+ > energy+ > sensation + / - sensation - < -energy < - opposition

our human baody and the body of most life forms in the universe are not unlike this statement

we have two arm and legs divided by a spinal column down the middle that's used for physical perception .

we have a mouth for inputting positive fuel and a butt hole for the negative waste on the output side.

the genitalia of men and woman also have polarity . male has the positive and the female the negative. its also located in the central part of our bodies. and is only paired up with two people . One male one female.

a butterfly represents the duality of the universe too .

it has a neg wing and a positive wing and its nervous system is in between.
we have a negative side of our body and a positive side. We use them in accordance to the things we are doing at the time.

we can learn allot about life when we learn allot about things that are not life.

when we look at the world around us all we see allot of positive and negative all unsorted and mixed up and a huge mass of confusion .

But when you sort it all out , life becomes very simple and easy to understand.

im here to help everyone do that.

Ill show you a means to the end and a few hints along the way but its YOU who needs to understand . really know it for yourself . not just read principals.

to be comtinued.

1life 24-06-2014 12:42 AM


Originally Posted by IsleWalker
I'm just not sure we should practice dualizing everything--it comes to us all too easily at this time in history, in this society.

For me, it's more useful to remember that the two pieces of the duality are contained in the whole and that we only see them as separate. In fact, they are not clearly delineated nor obvious--many see different parts as the duality (which point you did make).

I'm just not sure this approach leads to seeing the wholeness of things, ourselves included, when we are practicing labeling parts.

My own 2 cents.


thx Lora and love 9

moved this to the main forum . Same title but it says continued .

im starting with the basic's of duality. There's no escaping it and so many don't see it . Seeing a good thing . trapped in an illusion is not so good.

before we operate without it , I feel we need to know what it is .

Duality applies to everything in the universe. So why not know as much about that which applies to everything in the universe.

Duality is not a " practice" its an understanding. The exercises are what we practice . the understanding is what we get from practicing.

once its thoroughly understood, practice is no longer needed.

we will all benefit in some way by understanding the basic law that governs this universe. It will also help us understand ourself in a spiritual nature.

understanding opposition will be a great benefit for anyone . I expect to read opposing post like yours along the way and its totally ok . Opposition comes in every form . Including intellectual .

my goal is to help others using the simplest means in the lest amount of time.

Im a huge fan or Occam's Razor btw . It apply s to everything i do .

if theres a simplier better faster smarter way to do what im doing, please let me know .

1life 24-06-2014 05:01 AM


Originally Posted by love9
Thanks 1Life, you have the old story of "+ and -" that was used by ancient intelligence to produced life, outstanding!

But, IMHO, I would add, living in this day and time, we need to be able to "be" in the non-duality to alleviate pain in "trouble time", otherwise, it's difficult.

The best to you!

thxs for the reply love 9

Ive never heard the " old story " but glad you have. My story is not learned from another . Its acquired first hand as it should be through self realizations.

Being that its ancient doesn't surprise me tho . The laws of this universe + and - still apply just as much now as ever..... IMHO.

all of the ancient stuff has been destroyed or hidden from the public .

Times may have changed but the basic laws are just as valid as ever.

I've heard so many say that wont work and yet have nothing better or nothing at all that they claim will " work " lol i was expecting it though

if this didn't work i wouldn't be here offering it up to everyone . that would be pointless.

there's nothing in it for me unless it did work . It works when its applied .

im just getting started too .

Anyone who uses this method correctly will sooner or later begin to have their own realizations about life and the physical laws that govern this universe . a realization of spiritul self outside of their body as well .

1life 24-06-2014 02:12 PM

no islewalker

when we want to escape- a subject we avoid- it

when we want to learn+ a subject we embrace+ it

I can see you are clearly opposed to this method and that's ok Ive been expecting opposition .

my goal is to help others understand the basic law of this universe.

you can use this method to answer any question in the universe

what do you have to offer the forum ?


Originally Posted by IsleWalker
Sorry 1Life--I still think the point is to escape duality. It is what gives us good/evil, us/them, rich/poor, left/right, Republican/Democrat, Christian/Muslim, Sunni/Shia. It is the basis of most religions, and it does much damage. It creates separation from and a fear of the "other half". In fact it is not half, it is just a distinction we made in our heads --that didn't need to be made at all.

It is the way we justify doing behaviors that we don't accept in ourself--bad side made me do it, whatever. It is what makes us unable to accept all of ourself, our mates, friends, the world.

I "understand" that I can find contrasts in every being, every thing. That's not "our" problem (speaking of humanity). It is seeing the Whole.

So, I see no benefit in seeing what I and most people are already able to see-duality. The practice that's needed is seeing the whole. The "better way"?--stop focusing on the duality. The fact is, we are not dualities. We are all multifaceted, multi-lived, multi-spirited. We are not finite halves.

You have not made a case for me that this is beneficial or helpful. Sorry.


1life 24-06-2014 02:33 PM

hi islewalker

your opposition just proves im doing the correct thing.

if this makes no sense to you its because you don't fully understand opposition

when we want to escape- a subject we avoid- it and demote- it

when we want to learn+ a subject we embrace+ it and promote+ it

I can see you are clearly opposed to this method and that's ok Ive been expecting opposition .

my goal is to help others understand the basic law of this universe.

you can use this method to answer any question in the universe

re read the first couple posts. In order to formulate universal parables, one must fully understand opposition .

this is a self help enlightenment exercise. It works very well for those who actually want to become more spiritually aware and live a happier life .

if you need help with it , send me a PM . Bashing it will not do anyone any good :angel11:


Originally Posted by IsleWalker

1Life--I still think the point is to escape duality. It is what gives us good/evil, us/them, rich/poor, left/right, Republican/Democrat, Christian/Muslim, Sunni/Shia. It is the basis of most religions, and it does much damage. It creates separation from and a fear of the "other half". In fact it is not half, it is just a distinction we made in our heads --that didn't need to be made at all.

It is the way we justify doing behaviors that we don't accept in ourself--bad side made me do it, whatever. It is what makes us unable to accept all of ourself, our mates, friends, the world.

I "understand" that I can find contrasts in every being, every thing. That's not "our" problem (speaking of humanity). It is seeing the Whole.

So, I see no benefit in seeing what I and most people are already able to see-duality. The practice that's needed is seeing the whole. The "better way"?--stop focusing on the duality. The fact is, we are not dualities. We are all multifaceted, multi-lived, multi-spirited. We are not finite halves.

You have not made a case for me that this is beneficial or helpful. Sorry.


Gem 24-06-2014 02:48 PM

I think duality is misconceived by making a comparison, and actually, the person who mentioned distinction is right enough to say that, but really, the examples are differentiations. Recognising the poles is the differentiation, but the distinction is made between them. It's not as easy to notice the between bit, because there's nothing there, but the distinction that 'you' made is in between the extremes of itself.

1life 24-06-2014 04:10 PM

hey Gem thx for your input.

my goal is to show others some very interesting things about life in this universe.

i will demonstrate how a positive always comes before a negative. how every thing in the universe has a positive and negative pole and much more, so its not just about opposition or just about sequence or just about dual packages and universal parables that demonstrate the law of duality .

i will say without any doubt that those who are sincerely interested in using this simple exercise will have huge benefits from it .

the benefits will be many many many new realizations about life in our universe..

for example. why is it light 12 hrs a day and dark 12 hours a day ?

which comes first ?

when the student has MASTERED this wisdom there will be no answer he or she can not answer them self . period.

that's how " good " this is

it will explain SOOOOO much about life , others, self and the universe.

how good is that ?

its not gonna happen over night or a week or a day but some benefits will start right away for those not opposed in using it .

its not a theory that's is just considered. Its a hands on practical method .


Originally Posted by Gem
I think duality is misconceived by making a comparison, and actually, the person who mentioned distinction is right enough to say that, but really, the examples are differentiations. Recognising the poles is the differentiation, but the distinction is made between them. It's not as easy to notice the between bit, because there's nothing there, but the distinction that 'you' made is in between the extremes of itself.

zip58 24-06-2014 04:35 PM

I have noticed duality all my life and was interested in it. I knew it meant something that I needed to grasp. Then I learned that all is one and to let duality go.
Having said that, I am open to what you are trying to teach. To some, that might mean going backwards, but there must be some reason I am drawn to this. So, please carry on. I am listening. :smile:

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