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Raven Poet 20-04-2014 01:45 AM

Oil of Oregano as Natural A.I. for fibromyalgia
Hi, everyone. I just wanted to share how delighted I am with a new anti-inflammatory I've been using for fibromyalgia pain.

Oil of Oregano! I bought it years ago for a chest cold. Recently I've been having more pain. The doctor wanted to put me on (Product name removed ) but when I read internet reviews of it, I got real scared! Then I came across a naturopath's website that spoke of using oil of oregano for inflammation/fibromyalgic pain. So I took the bottle out of my cupboard; figured I had nothing to lose (except for the owwie's!)

I did read that oil of oregano should not be used by people using blood-thinners. So like anything else, research is good to do.

But I thought I'd post this here for others who might want to try it! Wishing you all wellness and comfort!:D

Sapphirez 21-04-2014 05:05 PM

That is wonderful Raven! Thank you for sharing your instant success story with us. I have heard it is just an amazing gift from nature, also with incredible antifungal antibacterial antibiotic effect etc.. hearing you I will buy some next time I have enough money to spare.

Lynn 21-04-2014 06:13 PM


Please note this thread has been edited by SF Staff. We do not discuss medical prescription products by name ( legal liabilities ), and we do not post recipes for what we have tried.

Remember that there are allergies that can come into play with natural products like prescription medications that can be life threatening. We are free to share our own "personal" experiences with remedies but keeping in mind that "we" had no reactions to it.

I post this from life and death personal experience with a very popular over the counter health herb that I almost died from the allergic reaction to I had, while its rare on rare 1 in 1 million that have this life and death reaction I did. I I had been 5 minutes later getting to the ER I would not be here now.

Please be careful with all things we try, take a small dose, test it on the skin....make sure.


SF Admin

Raven Poet 26-04-2014 01:41 AM

Thank you for your care in keeping us all safe. I never meant to lead to harm for anyone.

Is there a sticky note to post to guide us in parameters of "safe" discussions around use of "natural remedies"? I wasn't promoting one particular brand of this product. Was it because of the health condition I shared that this product aided me in?

Is there a way we can post "consumer beware" to protect from liability and to promote caution? I'm missing on what protocol I've abused by this post. :dontknow:

Thanks for guiding us!!!

PS -- just re-read this post and now I think I know what SF moderators removed. The brand name of the pain drug the doctor prescribed. Okay, now I think I know my infraction! Thanks again, Lynn!

Lynn 26-04-2014 01:48 AM


I am very sensitive to people trying natural products like I did and not being aware of the "deadly" effects they can have. For me one clove toothpick in a piece of ham could kill me.

Posting amounts that one takes is what I worry on. We should all be aware to test our self for reactions. If its something topical put on a small amount look for rash of swelling ext....ingested products is more with cautions as that is direct into the blood stream.

I had a friend die from a natural tea he got in China Town....that is safe to 98% percent of people. To him it was deadly.


Raven Poet 26-04-2014 02:23 AM

Oh my gosh, Lynn, that is sad! I am so sorry you lost your friend! you are right - all substances, whether pharmaceutical or "natural", must be approached with caution. Thank you for bringing our attention to this reminder. I am more aware now of being cautious with any posts about remedies.

Djurplagare89 29-04-2014 05:38 PM

Ah, I love Oregano! Pasta is no pasta without Oregano. :P

Thanks for sharing

CJ82Sky 18-06-2014 03:50 AM

interesting thread. thank you for sharing lynn, totally understood. and raven i never heard of oregano oil before, thanks for posting!

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