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-   -   10 Red Flags that your man is a PSYCHOPATH (https://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=60265)

Nada 08-12-2013 03:45 AM

10 Red Flags that your man is a PSYCHOPATH
The article of the below link is titled "10 Signs Your Man Is A Psychopath".

I agree with most of the signs but not all of them.
Some of these 'signs' are something that most men do to woo their women.

The followings are the signs "that I think" are harmless and apply to most "courtships":
1, Flattery like you've never heard before. - Hey, I like flattery. Let's not stop this good thing. :D
2, He is just like you. - Well.. He may actually be just like me. Nothing wrong with that. :D

Obviously, the other 7 signs apply to psychopath.
Especially, the follows are classic signs of a psychopath relationship:
3. Pity play - They like to blame everyone else in their failed relationships.
6. Cracks in the mask - People tell you who they are all the time. We just have to believe them (Not just listen).
9. Discard - Use and dump people, of course.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/12/07/dating-a-psychopath_n_4378946.html?ncid=txtlnkusaolp0000059 2

twinkle 08-12-2013 05:01 AM

Are players considered psychopaths since they often use women for sex, then dump them?

Nada 08-12-2013 06:57 AM

Just because a man knows how to "woo" his woman does not make him to be a player.
It depends on where his intention is stemming from.
If it is stemming from the loving place in his heart, he is not a player.
If it is stemming from the selfishness of his mind, he is a player, or even be a psychopath.

shinenz 08-12-2013 08:19 AM

Man bashing lol, women do some crazy stuff too!!

Nada 08-12-2013 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by shinenz
Man bashing lol, women do some crazy stuff too!!

No.. not man bashing. Just psychopath bashing.
And yes, I agree that there are some women who do some crazy stuffs too.

Akshara 09-12-2013 07:32 AM

had a problem with a few of them.

1. Everyone flatters, it's not to uncommon to give complements. Just watch out between false flattery and true flattery.

2. I wouldn't want someone Just like me, however if he wants to read the same books or watch the same movies I'm cool with it. Long as he remains himself.

4. You can't get patients medical records without the content of the patient. I would either ask them for proof, or go with my gut feeling. Also if somebody tells me they had been sick but then got betteer. I'd either believe them or shrug it off. It's probably best to over look this one because you don't know there medical history unless you can get proof. I would watch out for if the person keeps fishing for pity or magically they're sick but nothing wrong. Also not just psychopath do this but attention seekers as well. They may just want attention and for them this is the only way they know how to get it.

MysticalPuffin 09-12-2013 02:18 PM

I've been in a relationship with a psychopath and it's definitely a different vibe than just your regular "player" vibe... It's not the same thing

Lynn 09-12-2013 04:03 PM


Looking at the link one line jumped out at me.

"Of course, nobody is perfect, and some people are just immature and go through periods of giving the silent treatment, or "devaluing" you with critical comments."

Having been with only one man for 32 years I know well its not an easy path. I too know it take TWO in a relationship to make or break things. We might well come into the relationship damaged on some levels as well, that we might not see, it could even be from past lives ext.

I went with that "Player" he had hundred's before me....in his bed, but settled with me. He too came with addiction issues that I lacked understandings in at 18 but it has lasted. I have grown intro a strong and independent person. At times people come into our lives so we can grow. As long as we are not physically harmed or emotionally harmed at times those people are there to help us grow.

I would never condone staying the course in an abusive relationship.....no one ever should accept that one.


Holly 09-12-2013 04:59 PM

They forgot 11 and 12 -

Has a disturbing tendency to talk about violent acts a lot and to boast about how many they've committed (and probably gotten away with!) This is to intimidate and confuse;)


Delights in others pain and humiliation. Enjoys hurting animals and children, and you, too, by the way, in whatever way he can get away with without causing you so much harm you call the police. Emotional abuse is good. It doesn't leave a mark and he knows you can't retaliate because he has no emotions to hurt! What's more is he will even manipulate you until you believe that the fault is entirely yours, and he's just reacting to you! :P

Everybody loves a psycho. Persistent, manipulative, damaging, dangerous.

7luminaries 09-12-2013 09:20 PM

A telling list and one worth reviewing carefully. Women are in general too trusting, too open, and often far too naive to try to suss out men's often very base and simplistic gaming for sex, simply because they are not coming from the same place.

They are thus even further hopelessly lost when trying to "read" conniving men who are determined to exploit them not only for straight up sex (with the consistent, routine yet "indirect" fallout of emotional trauma), but who are also pointedly trying to degrade them emotionally, per the psychopaths.


7. Once psychopaths have you hooked after the "love bombing" and "idealization" phase, they then begin to devalue you.

Interestingly, however, the devaluing of a woman's feelings, needs, and intentions is probably one of the most common behaviours perpetrated across the board by men generally if they are sleeping with women they do not love & to whom they have no plan whatsoever to commit.

That is, not all of these "common to all" psychopathic behaviours are innocent or charming, LOL.

Quite the opposite. Lest we think that it's any better on the receiving end to receive poor treatment from someone just because they are not clinically a psychopath...you might say all the rest have less excuse, eh?

That's why we have a name for it: Gaslighting. Where you degrade and belittle someone whilst telling them they're crazy.

Now, on that note, check this link out :D Also from The Huff Post/Lifestyle section a few days back.
A really refreshing and spot-on article written by a gent who is very much about owning his sh...stuff :D


Now, most men aren't psychopaths..so why do so many men consistently steal this page from the psycho's playbook?
Ladies, we must take our heads out of our...out of the sand, LOL...

They are often doing it to continue to have sex with you and enjoy your company without any further regard for your needs and whatever you may be seeking in relationship. Ok, but why the "gaslighting"? Well, if they want sex and are able to get it freely whilst giving very little of what women need and want in return, then this predictably creates consistent and recurring conflicts in the relationship. In order to fob off the conflicts, men may unfortunately resort to "putting down" or "putting off" a women's feelings and needs for as long as possible, in order to continue to get the sex while skirting any discussion of what their real feelings and intentions are. Ok, but why? Because for many men, if sex and easy company is the primary reason they are with a woman, it isn't particularly noble or honourable toward the woman/women. It doesn't hold water under scrutiny or revelation...Thus, the need to turn tables and call the woman crazy or demanding or emotional.

Well...doing the numbers, we can see why.
If a man may seriously commit to only a few women in his lifetime, and perhaps marry one or two of them during the course of a lifetime, this means the majority of men's relationships with women (that include sex) are relationships where the men would in honesty say...

1) they do not love the woman/women they are sleeping with, certainly not enough to do more than have sex with her -- but who cares as love is no requirement whatsoever for straight-up sex, occasional or recurring, and...
2) they do not plan to commit to the woman or women they are sleeping with now or ever. Regardless of accidental pregnancy, etc., if a man does not want to commit going in, very little is likely to change that.
3) perhaps once or twice in a lifetime (which may already have passed), most men will commit or have committed; however, the odds against sleeping with any one man and expecting that you will be the woman he commits to are very low indeed (barring his expressions of love and commitment to you and his follow-through in action )

Knowledge like these articles provide allow for us to be better informed, to have more direct communication where we ask the hard questions up front, and to take better care of ourselves going forward.

I love being wide awake and I love the smell of the coffee BTW :wink: ahhh :D
Peace & blessings all :hug3:

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