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Luminous 24-11-2013 07:31 PM

Life after death proof
Today my grandmother collapsed into unconsciousness after she screamed in pain. When she woke up she couldn't talk, barely move. She is now in a hospital and she is ok, even laughing about it, but for hours I didn't now what to think.
She forgot what happened.

After seeing such pain, hearing her screaming in my head over and over and a lot of cries, i thought why this happened, from spiritual point of view.

She isn't a bad person at all, she is one of the best persons I know. She has always been good to me and others.

Why would God do this? I'm starting to loose my belief. It doesnt make any sense.

I don't have any proof that spiritual worlds exist. After seeing this I can only think there is just a physical plane of life.

Everything other could be just or imagination. I can only tap into spirituality through meditation, and even then I don't know is my mind messing with me.
How can I know there's life after death?

I can't, I could only belive. But believeing without evidence gradually becomes absurd.

The way we live, the way we do everything is human. And we are soo tiny in this infinite universe. Who says that the way human being thinks, the way human race thinks is good? What if everything humans have thought of is wrong, but good only for them?

livingkarma 24-11-2013 07:54 PM

[quote=Axlus]Why would God do this? I'm starting to loose my belief. It doesnt make any sense.[quote]

I'm sorry this has caused so much hurt & confusion ...
How we die is not a choice made by God ...
Some people die, like babies, much sooner than others but the sad fact for the living is that we people die; no one is the exception ...

To believe there is an afterlife one must have faith ...
Those who are grieving the loss of a loved one go through a test of faith ...
It would help if you studied up on the afterlife ...
There are many books & Youtube videos available on the subject as well as NDE's, ADC's, etc ...
The death of a loved one is something no one can prepare for, but a strong faith will help make the pain from grief more bearable & provide understanding ...
Hope this helps ...
Take care ...

Native spirit 24-11-2013 08:25 PM

:smile: About 6 years ago i was in a car accident my sister in law was driving and all i can remember is thinking shes going the wrong side of the road.before i could grab the steering wheel to bring it back on course,i blacked out.i didnt know anything until we stopped. the car was facing the wrong side of the road my side the passenger side was caved into a wall,i had to crawl out through the driver side the kids filled me in on what happened thats when i heard the crying my head was bleeding badly my arm hurt the seatbelt had gone into my shoulder and broke a bone i had to have an operation because it cracked the bone,i have never blacked out before or after,so u see there doesnt always have to be a reason why we black out spirit intervene and keep us safe,
but i am also a medium and i know spirit are around us i have given many messages to different ppl from lost loved ones


SpiritCarrier 24-11-2013 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by Axlus
Today my grandmother collapsed into unconsciousness after she screamed in pain. When she woke up she couldn't talk, barely move. She is now in a hospital and she is ok, even laughing about it, but for hours I didn't now what to think.
She forgot what happened.

After seeing such pain, hearing her screaming in my head over and over and a lot of cries, i thought why this happened, from spiritual point of view.

She isn't a bad person at all, she is one of the best persons I know. She has always been good to me and others.

Why would God do this? I'm starting to loose my belief. It doesnt make any sense.

I don't have any proof that spiritual worlds exist. After seeing this I can only think there is just a physical plane of life.

Everything other could be just or imagination. I can only tap into spirituality through meditation, and even then I don't know is my mind messing with me.
How can I know there's life after death?

I can't, I could only belive. But believeing without evidence gradually becomes absurd.

The way we live, the way we do everything is human. And we are soo tiny in this infinite universe. Who says that the way human being thinks, the way human race thinks is good? What if everything humans have thought of is wrong, but good only for them?

Your grandmother is a good woman, she believes she will go to heaven upon her death. The reason she can not remember things is because it is not relevant for her to remember. Your faith is being tested right now, I believe that it is important to put all your spiritual knowledge to use to understand why you feel the doubt and disbelief that you feel.

I have lived and remember some of my other lives. I know that there is life after death. You do not have this conviction, because you do not have memories to rely upon. You have to have faith which is believing in something without clear evidence or proof that it exist.

The way you describe what happened to your grandmother clearly shows that it had an emotional impact on you. Perhaps the powers that be wanted to shake you up a little, make you realize that your grandmother is old and you need to cherish the time you have with her. Perhaps they meant for this to be a learning experience for you, to remind you not to take anything for granted. In either regard your grandmother would not need to remember that since it was for you to understand and grow.

I wish you well along your journey and hope that you find the answers you are looking for.

May you have peace and light,

loopylucid 24-11-2013 10:23 PM

Yeps its sure going to make you question, im not going to try and reason any views on what your feeling right now, just to say big hugs whilst you go through them, all good questions that we can answer only for ourselves, believing without evidence gradually becomes absurd. only difference in that, that might be worth considering is evidence is experience, and maybe all spiritulism is, is the research :)
Keep chatting it out it helps :)

Tobi 25-11-2013 12:49 AM

I'm very sorry your grandma was struck ill suddenly like that. It must have been very painful for her, and a worry to you all. I wish her well in her recovery.

We all get ill sometimes, and we all have to pass away from the physical plane at one time or another. That's the way of mortality and Nature.

"....But believeing without evidence gradually becomes absurd."

That is exactly how I used to feel. In fact, I felt like that most of my life, until July 2012 when I received hard evidence -for the very first time -that there is a real, live, Life After 'Death'. I was always skeptical, and explained many strange things away as psychology, or possible natural events which had not yet been explained...Even being able to leave my physical body (!) wasn't hard enough evidence for me of the survival of a Soul after so-called 'death'.

I did not expect this to happen to me, and it was the last thing I could have imagined would happen. But it did.
That was hard evidence for me, but it would be impossible for me to make that someone else's evidence, or to be able to prove it to anyone else. That can't be done, as it was a subjective experience. I am open about my experiences however, and always happy to share.

I know there is a life after 'death'. I do not believe in it.

desert rat 25-11-2013 12:54 AM

On proof of an after life . There was this guy that died in the late 1800s . He was a smart guy . After death he gave parts of messages to psychics all over the world . It was only when they meet and put the messages togher did they know who the messages were from .

kris 25-11-2013 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by Axlus
Today my grandmother collapsed into unconsciousness after she screamed in pain. When she woke up she couldn't talk, barely move. She is now in a hospital and she is ok, even laughing about it, but for hours I didn't now what to think.
She forgot what happened.

After seeing such pain, hearing her screaming in my head over and over and a lot of cries, i thought why this happened, from spiritual point of view.

She isn't a bad person at all, she is one of the best persons I know. She has always been good to me and others.

Why would God do this? I'm starting to loose my belief. It doesnt make any sense.

Notion of God comes with too many preconceived ideas mostly conjured up by others. In my view, it is best to try to understand the nature of life on its own terms. The way you have framed your post indicates that you see only two possibilities.
(1) There is God and life after death, or
(2) there is no God and no life death.

I suggest that you give some thought to two other possibilities.
(3) There is God but there is no life after death, and
(4) there is no God but there is life after death.

Since I do not know much about God, as in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, I don't know how to go forward with possibility (3) above. I see possibility of making sense of life's puzzle with the option (4) above. Life in our world consists of interconnections and inter-relatedness of those who live and their actions. Nothing here stands by itself. We live in a matrix or a field. Everything we do perturbs the field and leaves its imprint, that in turn influences all future events to occur in the field. Things that happen seemingly without due cause can only be understood when we understand how this matrix or field functions.


I don't have any proof that spiritual worlds exist. After seeing this I can only think there is just a physical plane of life.

Everything other could be just or imagination. I can only tap into spirituality through meditation, and even then I don't know is my mind messing with me.
How can I know there's life after death?

I can't, I could only belive. But believeing without evidence gradually becomes absurd.
Our main thrust should be on making sense of what happens in the physical plane we inhabit. Anything else we posit to help us in our endeavor, such as positing the field or matrix as I have suggested above, is only to serve this purpose.


The way we live, the way we do everything is human. And we are soo tiny in this infinite universe. Who says that the way human being thinks, the way human race thinks is good? What if everything humans have thought of is wrong, but good only for them?
We do what we have to do in order to live. We may be tiny, but the world without you (or me) is less than complete. We make our mark on the matrix by every little act we perform. Whether we know it or not, the field knows how to account for it.

Clarebear80 25-11-2013 06:59 PM

There is life after death. I know this now since October . Keep your faith. Your grandmother didn't die. She screamed in pain but maybe she screamed because she felt she was falling or because we can't be protected from pain.remember that pain is part of the human condition. Life is full of pain but it's because we are all free to experience life and everything in it. We do not live under control of higher influence we live In a body full of potential but with that potential comes imperfection. Because imperfection is life and life is about learning. We do not get punished we just simply inhabit a body that is not part of who we truly are. A child with cancer does not have cancer because it is a will of a higher god. The child has not been made to suffer higher power has no control over the nature he created he is guiding and is there for us when we return home. I understand your upset. I saw my father in law lie dead in his bed having suffered a massive heart attack and being unable to be saved by the paramedics. He died clutching his chest in pain. I remember looking at him and thinking how he just seemed like an empty shell. Some people say they look asleep but I couldn't feel him there. It was like there was no soul.i didn't even speak or touch him. I was too afraid of the cold I knew I would feel.i started questioning if that was all we were. But since then I've had him speak to me via a recorded EVP so I know he is fine although I've kept it from my partner as it's too raw for him to know this yet. I've also had a key He lost placed where I could find it so I just know he's letting me know he made it safe to the other side and he's still around. You do know the truth deep down. God can't stop pain but on the other side there is no pain. Pain is physical and mental in the human world there may be mental pain but in spirit pain is healed in all who need it And all it needs is time x

desert rat 26-11-2013 01:01 AM

Some will except reports from n.d.e.s as proof of an after life , others ( like James Randy) will say its all just ****. On pain/punishment from God , we punish our selvs , not God .

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