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Chrysaetos 01-11-2010 10:49 AM

What are twin flames exactly?
What are twin flames exactly?

Do you believe they are two souls that have a special strong bond (continuing from a past life)? This is quite similar to the idea of soul mates, people you have bonded with strongly and you meet them again..

Do you believe twin flames were one soul that was cut in half, and now they have accepted the ''Search for my twin and unite again'' quest? Do you believe this to be the main goal of life?

Or do you believe (like me) that twin flames are just romantic feelings mixed with western spirituality? I mean, it's mostly western women who talk about twin flames.
Also, this is what wikipedia says about it:
''One story about soulmates, presented by Aristophanes in Plato's Symposium, is that humans originally consisted of four arms, four legs, and a single head made of two faces, but Zeus feared their power and split them all in half, condemning them to spend their lives searching for the other half to complete them.. ''

Old mythology mixed with romantic feelings = new mythology?
How come it's (mostly) western spiritual women who believe in twin flames..? It looks to be more a cultural then a universal idea.

I believe the human mind is extremely powerful, and if we want to believe our loved one is our twin flame, then we can strongly believe it, to the point where we accept it as an unquestionable reality.

Of course.. I could be wrong. I have no idea. But if we are eternal spiritual beings that have lived many physical lives, why would there be a special one? Isn't it all very relative?

Vote and let me know what you think.

Miss Hepburn 01-11-2010 11:20 AM

Well, I tend to believe what Sylvia Browne said - our soul mate/ best friend stayed on the other side to cheer us on and will be there
to greet us 'over there' -
they can incarnate here at the same time, but not usually.
Her advice was comical --So find someone you are compatible with
and make the best of it.
Just make it through this life already, bec it's hard.

My soul mate is my Beloved that I commune with often.
Now, that is the Divine Romance.
Human love? Been there, done that.
:smile: Miss Hepburn

Btw, where and what is NL, Chrys.

earthprowler 01-11-2010 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Well, I tend to believe what Sylvia Browne said - our soul mate/ best friend stayed on the other side to cheer us on and will be there
to greet us 'over there' -
they can incarnate here at the same time, but not usually.
Her advice was comical --So find someone you are compatible with
and make the best of it.
Just make it through this life already, bec it's hard.

:smile: Miss Hepburn

Btw, where and what is NL, Chrys.

I agree with Sylvia, I agree with most of what she has to say and I like the way she says it, straight and point blank, she's harsh and a snot, I like that. There are so many posts on here about twin flames, i'm not sure what anyone is looking for but no one is going to automatically look in to someone else's eyes and "know them" as much as I have seen. Love is Love and it's hard and sometimes it doesn't work out, not because your twin flame didn't recognize you but IT DIDN'T WORK OUT. sometimes the "twin flame" you think it is could simply be another chance with someone from a past life to see if you can get it right this time. If you haven't found your "twin flame" give someone else a chance to give you love, don't block the world out for someone that might not show up. jmo :D

mystical 01-11-2010 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by earthprowler
I agree with Sylvia, I agree with most of what she has to say and I like the way she says it, straight and point blank, she's harsh and a snot, I like that. There are so many posts on here about twin flames, i'm not sure what anyone is looking for but no one is going to automatically look in to someone else's eyes and "know them" as much as I have seen. Love is Love and it's hard and sometimes it doesn't work out, not because your twin flame didn't recognize you but IT DIDN'T WORK OUT. sometimes the "twin flame" you think it is could simply be another chance with someone from a past life to see if you can get it right this time. If you haven't found your "twin flame" give someone else a chance to give you love, don't block the world out for someone that might not show up. jmo :D

well for me this is just how it was , i never paid particular attention to eyes before and the day i looked thro my twins eyes i saw right thro to his soul , and he validated everything i told him .much to his horror , the eyes are the gateway to the soul and i looked right thro his , i have battled with this twin flameperception for tow years now , and i had neevr even heard of it , im a medium who was going thro an awakening at the time and i just knew this man was the other half of me born from the same soul , i knew we was two into one , that same i went on fb and for sum reaosn i found soul mates it wa sonly when i read sumone spost that it resonated with me , i thought could it be possible ?? i went out and bought sum angel cards tht week , funily enough the cards i chose had the card twin flame , and the crazy thing is , birds always led me to my twin , and so did the lady who introduced us , shes my swan funnily enough the twin flame showed pics of both

i have doubted this connection for two years but truth is i already KNOW he is ,everyione is entitled to their view and this is mine .so yes i do believe that thro the eyes u can know sumone because it worked for me and if it worked for me it can work for anyone

Dharma Employee 01-11-2010 12:45 PM

well, even before this experience, I once met someone at uni, who as soon as I looked into her eyes, I instantly thought, oh it's you again and she later communicated the same, to me, that I felt completely familiar to her, as soon as we met.

it was nothing like this, experience has been but yes, there was an instant recognition,

Miss Hepburn 01-11-2010 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by Dharma Employee
well, even before this experience, I once met someone at uni, who as soon as I looked into her eyes, I instantly thought, oh it's you again and she later communicated the same, to me, that I felt completely familiar to her, as soon as we met.
it was nothing like this, experience has been but yes, there was an instant recognition,

I bet you'd love the movie "Made in Heaven", Timothy Hutton, Kell McGinnis - an oldie, but so good.
:smile: Miss Hepburn

supernova 01-11-2010 03:12 PM

In fact all I believe about soul mates is an ideal state. This is our dream and fantasy and yet not an unreality

Kaere 01-11-2010 03:19 PM

The idea of twin flames is mentioned in mythology yes, but it's also mentioned elsewhere. In sufism, I believe a twin soul is referred to as a sister soul. I'm sure I've come across the concept elsewhere as well but I can't recall any specifics at this time.

I disagree with the idea that it's only western women who talk about twin flames - that's quite a generalization. There are western men who talk about them as well and if you don't mind me asking... how many eastern women do you come in contact with to ask what they think of the idea? Do you know for certain what Mongolian women think of it or people in remote parts of India or Indonesia?

As for what I believe, I'm not sure. I know what I don't believe - I don't believe a twinflame is a soul that has been split in two and must reunite. I don't believe that feeling obsessed with someone means they're your twin. I don't believe that just because someone doesn't feel the same about you means they're a runner. I don't believe a twinflame relationship has to cause anguish and pain (although quite often it does). Acceptance of a situation can make it much easier to bear and realization of self and that none of us are really truly separate provides peace.

In the end I guess I just believe in the love part :dontknow: and the rest of it doesn't really matter in the end.

I voted "other"

Chrysaetos 01-11-2010 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by Kaere
I disagree with the idea that it's only western women who talk about twin flames - that's quite a generalization. There are western men who talk about them as well and if you don't mind me asking... how many eastern women do you come in contact with to ask what they think of the idea? Do you know for certain what Mongolian women think of it or people in remote parts of India or Indonesia?

Hello Kaere,

I didn't say only western women, but mostly western women.
I haven't seen any accounts of non-western women who talk about twin flames, yet I've read about their beliefs about an afterlife, reincarnation, ethical codes and so forth.
But nothing about twin flames. If anyone has, please share..:confused3:


In the end I guess I just believe in the love part :dontknow: and the rest of it doesn't really matter in the end.
I voted "other"
Thanks for explaining.:smile:

Anima 01-11-2010 04:20 PM

Partly recycled from another post of mine...

I used to try so hard to rationalise everything and take a "scientific" approach, but I found there are way too many coincidences for them to be accidental or imaginary. What really did it for me was that I can tell which body part of mine he is holding/caressing through distance without him telling me first. All of the things started happening to me before I even knew much about spirituality and theories out there - about soulmates and twinflames, soul merging etc. - so it is highly unlikely that my mind thought any of it into existance. And you can't explain everything by saying that only 5% of the brain is understood. This goes beyond mere body.

So for me, it is not the question if the bond exists... It is just a matter of what exactly it is and what label people want to throw at it. I try to judge things by seeing my soul's response to reading about it. Not ego projecting and wishful thinking - usually when something is "right", it resonates deeply within my body, down to my very core of being. I am not sure if twinflames are a soul cut in half or two souls intricately bound together somehow... Maybe they are the closest kind of soulmates or something else entirely. I just feel that there's some underlying truth inside the theory. I feel certain unity with my twin that I don't with anyone else.

But the label shouldn't really matter. Sometimes concentrating too much on what something is and if it fits the description someone else wrote down takes away from the experience and creates the "block", which just makes you doubt the connection more and unable to let go. I think sharing experiences and finding comfort in labels can help people, as long as they don't end up on a definition quest that makes them miss the point of the connection.

I voted for "Two souls that were cut in half and have to unite again" because that is the closest it comes to explaining the bond I feel, but I guess I also fit into the "Other".

Anima :hug:

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