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a4u 30-10-2010 09:53 PM

My experience.
This is my experience:
It was the most fear I've EVER felt in my entire life. A paralysing fear, I can't even put it into words. This was a couple of years ago.
I woke up in the middle of the night paralysed, and unable to even open my eyes, (I never get sleep paralysis btw) and through pure will power I opened my eyes for a second and saw a light on my left leg, as if the three figures standing next to my bed were doing something with it. Only two were within my range of sight, but I felt a third one behind my head. The light was very bright, and I only caught a glimpse of the two figures. They were taller than humans, very thin, and grey in colour. Almost as if they weren't really material.
I screamed in my mind, and it seems like they didn't like it at all, and I 'heard' them thinking/saying "We better leave him". Also, when this was happening I was sleeping in a really weird position I never sleep in, and as I opened my eyes I at the same time struggled to push myself up with my hands, in order to sit up, but about half way with doing that I blacked out.
I woke up some time later, still at night, still terrified, but not with the same fear. I quickly sat up, and there was nothing, no scar, no light, and no indication of there ever being anything in my room.
The event happened very very quickly.

What do you think? Does this sound familiar to any of you?

Making sense out of this would be great.

Thanks in advance.:hug3:

mahakali 30-10-2010 10:01 PM

its never happened to me but it has happened to a few people on this site

Spiritlite 30-10-2010 10:04 PM

Wow that sounds freakin scary. One time I had a "dream" where the entire nights I was asleep a whitish being with huge black eyes was watching over me looking into my face and for the life of me I couldn't wake myself up so I made myself "black out" so I could not be scared.

mahakali 30-10-2010 10:07 PM

i dont want to scare you, those entities/aliens do not seem very harmful.

a4u 30-10-2010 10:13 PM

I'm a guy btw, so I doubt this is reptilian rape, haha.
And whoever it was didn't look reptilian at all.

Spiritlite 30-10-2010 10:14 PM

oh mine wasn't reptilian either this one was just curious about me I think I think it was looking at my energy and cell memory sounds weird, but no I wasn't in danger I felt.

Roselove 31-10-2010 04:18 PM

they sound like greys but not sure..

Songbirds 31-10-2010 05:09 PM

They sound like Greys, but you said they were taller than human? Normally Greys are shorter, about 3 ft 5 in height.

They kinda sound harmless though, seeing as you were distressed and they realised they decided to take their leave. Still sounds scary though!

I hope you're okay, these experiences can really take a toll on some people, but there are people on this website who could help and people who have experienced the same.

Deusdrum 04-11-2010 12:02 AM

I once had sleep paralysis involving what seemed like a 'grey' It was on a road trip with two friends when i was in grade 12 or just graduated. It wasn't anything major though, just fell half asleep, had momentary sleep paralysis where this grey alien like head seemed to be giving me a verbal father-like tongue lashing telling me how awful i was and that i'd better improve kind of speech. It wasn't that scary, but it was kind of weird and unexpected.

I used to get sleep paralysis, with some weird different experiences. In one i had a vision of some sinsister white van with a ladder on top. I looked suspiciously at all white vans for awhile after that. Another i heard a deep dark sinister sounding voice in the next room, in that instance, i shiver-shook-vibrated rapidly and sort of wiggle-rose my way out of it. That is the technique i would suggest for anyone who has sleep paralysis. Just make an effort of shaking up out of it, i think i usually start from the head, but im not sure. I used to just be trapped in them, but the last few or so (which has been some years ago now) i began being able to get myself up out of them in the way mentioned above.

Not saying that if aliens were doing stuff by my bed it would work, but i certainly would give it a shot.

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