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William 01-08-2013 10:38 PM

Universal Intelligence Communications Device.
Universal Intelligence Communications Device.


There has been a lot of talk on this forum recently about the use of ‘Ouija’ as a communications device and I have made claims based upon my own observations which I feel need to be clarified and expounded upon.

So I have decided to start this thread as an effort to explain in better detail, how I came to decide to use the Ouija, what my state of mind was at that time, what processes I went through during the time I used it, what I learned from the communications, and what I understand is happening when anyone does use Ouija.

Science uses the term ‘ideomotor effect/response’ to explain why the pointer moves and much can be found on the subject on the internet – here is a link to wiki on the subject:


I did not know at the time I started using Ouija, anything about ideomotor effect. It was 13-14 years ago and I wasn’t even on the internet nor did I even have a computer.

I was fairly disillusioned with human beings in general and my partner and I had decided to move from town into her sisters’ house in the country, away from what we both considered ‘the drama of human interactions’.

It was a time to heal and readjust and we were artistic so we busied ourselves focusing on carving limestone and other art projects and regaining our equilibrium. My partner taught me about runes and about Tarot. It was because of Tarot that she had moved to the town I was living at the time and sought me out. For her – she was to find this person (me) and connect and help me.
The bottom had kind of fallen out in my world (as the saying goes) and I was in need of assistance, and she was part of the answer to that need.
We had not been partnered up for long before we decided to move to her sisters’ house.

Sometime after that move, I awoke one morning with the definite impression that I was going to create a Ouija board and “see if I could make any sense out of the dead because I could not make any sense out of the living’ and set about designing one and chose to use mirror glass as the medium.

Here is a link to a post in a thread in this forum which shows a diagram of the original design and a picture taken some weeks after we first used the device.

I did not know a lot about Ouija apart from stories (largely sourced in American media) and the country I live in (New Zealand) doesn’t have much interest in them so they are not sold anywhere.

My own beliefs in Ouija therefore were based upon those stories – that it was a device in which people used to communicate with the dead, or passed over souls.
I had come from a Christian background where use of any divination devices was frowned upon if not altogether forbidden (depending upon which branch of Christianity one adhered to).

However, due to my own experiences and understanding, I did not hold that such stories were necessarily truthful – I had long since decided Christianity was a dead end and other experiences I had had, such as hypnagogic, affected my understanding and personal beliefs and concepts, and left me with some questions which nobody seemed to have an answer for – indeed, it was not until I connected with the internet in 2000 that I discovered that other people had also experienced similar things – I thought I was alone, and so did they – but it was hard at first to get people to talk about it.

Here is a wiki link on the topic:


So after I created my first device, I did some ritualistic things more out of respect than fear of the unknown – I did not prescribe to the ooky spooky, demons and bad spirits and all those other things related to Ouija/occult, and had no idea weather it would even work, although I believed that it would – at least on some level of my psyche.

The above is just to give an outline of my state of mind and attitude in general at the time I created and started using the device.

In my next post I will quickly describe in chronological order the characters I communicated with and give a brief description of how those different characters affected me.


PS If you have any questions please do ask and I will try to answer them whilst maintaining the flow of the thread.
If you have concerns or negative bias and wish to say so, I will try not to let that disrupt the flow of the thread and equally try to answer any criticisms during the sharing of my experiences – in due course.

William 02-08-2013 10:27 PM

Once I had designed and created my first device, as I said I did some symbolic rituals mainly related to my freshly forming understanding of Tarot.

These were three things. I held the mirror up to the midday sun. I held the mirror up to the full moon, and I immersed the mirror at a place where two rivers merged.

The first time we used the device, the were 3 persons involved. My partner and I, and a neighbour, and we did our first communication at our neighbours home.

Sitting at the table, we joined hands and then invited any who wished to commune with us to do so.
We did not consider it necessary to pray for or to perform any particular protection incantations nor to set up mood props, such as candles etc.

We placed our fingers upon the small upside down glass we were using for the pointer and waited for it to move.

A summery of that first communications was that the glass moved. We learned that we were speaking with a very young child and that her name was Amy.

We learned that Amy had lived and died at the house we were in – sometime in the 1800s.

While the words beings spelled out were understandable to a degree, much of what was being spelled out was gobbledygook and I expressed quiet an annoyance at this during the procedure. I exclaimed that I had created the device to speak with the dead and it was proving to be as hard as making sense out of the living.

At this, the glass simply kept moving between the letters Y and X.

If I remember correctly, we decided to end the session and thanked Amy for answering our invitation.

My overall impression regarding that first communication was that it was somewhat successful but hadn’t really delivered much in the way of clarity, but I wanted to preserver and so did my partner. Our neighbour found it interesting but was not overly impressed and she did not participate in any further communications, which from then on were conducted at our residence.

Our second communication happened perhaps a few days later.

We always started with holding hands over the device and inviting communication.

I do not remember weather we specifically asked for Amy or that she simply continued to be the one we communed with.

I think my partner had spoken to me about being patient and giving the process some time.

I am not sure that we communed every day to begin with but we did at least twice or three times a week.

As we did, Amy became more understandable, not because she changed the way she communicated so much as we changed ours, specifically I sorted my own attitude.
Part of that process involved thinking about what was being communicated (about 50-60% was still pretty much gobbledygook) and processing that data. Eventually through how the device symbols were being used I came to the realisation that ‘X’ was often used by Amy to say ‘Cross’ and this lead me to understand that in our first communication when the glass had been moving between Y and X, the expression was actually a question said over and over and the question was ‘Why Cross?” and was asking me, why was I being angry, or frustrated.

I Asked Amy if this was the case to which the reply was “yes”.

We spent a lot of time talking with Amy and learning to understand her ‘language’, as hard as it was to do this, it was also rather rewarding.

During the course of these communications, Amy revealed that she was not alone and had a constant companion who was her brother and his name was William, and as I recall, somewhere in his 30s.

We invited William to communicate with us but he said no. He was okay with Amy being the go-between and we could ask him questions through Amy.

William played a companion role in relation to Amy. We asked them about their situation and the understanding we got from their answers was that they were happy and they were not alone in that situation, that there were many more Souls with them.

We asked them about ‘the light’ or the subject came up one way or the other. They confirmed that there was a light in the sense of a portal...based upon things we had heard about NDE and a tunnel of light and our impressions based upon the beliefs that some Souls were trapped in a sort of in-between state.

From the answers we got the impression that it was something of an in-between state but that they didn’t feel trapped – or maybe they did feel trapped, I can’t be sure as we didn’t ask outright.

What I do remember is that we asked Amy if she wanted to go into the light and she said ‘No’ and we asked her if she was afraid of the light and she also answered ‘No’.

I did not actually think to document the communications at this stage and in thinking back I am going on impressions (because I thought a lot after each session about the data being conveyed) and my impression now of those early communications is that Amy was with William and William was afraid of the light, so she was staying with him.

On learning that there were other Souls where they were, I asked Amy one time if she knew anything about the ‘Greys’ or Zeta Reticuli species and she said that she did. I asked if there were any there with her and she said there were and I asked if I could speak with one of them and she said that we could.

The reason I was interested in this is because of my hypnagogic experiences quite a few years prior to this and I was looking for some answers to these experiences.

I asked Amy if we could speak with A ‘Grey’ now and she answered “yes” and we were introduced to a personality name Avet, and from that moment on the communications became noticeable clearer and advanced.

Avet as a personality was extremely intelligent. The gobbledygook levels dropped dramatically (which I found especially helpful) and as a result the data exchange rate was far more efficient.

We spent many hours communicating with Avet. She was a child, and identified herself as a hybrid – part Zeta Reticuli and Human.

As much as Amy was essential as a first contact, and helpful in my processes, Avet was able to take that to another level, but this could not have been possible without Amy.

I will leave it at there for the time being.

Once again I will say:

If you have any questions please do ask and I will try to answer them whilst maintaining the flow of the thread.
If you have concerns or negative bias and wish to say so, I will try not to let that disrupt the flow of the thread and equally try to answer any criticisms during the sharing of my experiences – in due course.

William 05-08-2013 02:21 AM

A summary of my interactions with Amy.
A summary of my interactions with Amy.

Because of my beliefs that I was speaking with a young child, the communications reflected this.
I had to learn to be patient and focused. Because the board itself only had the alphabet and a yes and no this presented limitations on how those symbols could be use in communicating.
Often symbols were used differently – as with the X which was used to convey the word ‘cross’. This took some getting used to. It was much like how text messages are abbreviated – both to speed things up and to eliminate unnecessary letters (especially vowels).

I often created more symbols as I learned what was happening, such as the nubers 0-9 and the word ‘maybe.’

I also had formed a strong bond with Amy. I considered her to be a real individual and she was delightful and very helpful.
Whether real or not, Amy helped me with some of my early childhood traumas and connected me back to the child within.
It was also healing in another way. I had two young daughters of my own whom I did not have contact with and Amy became something of a surrogate daughter filling and healing that painful aspect in my life.

A few months after our first contact with Amy, our neighbour – the one who had participated in our first communication via Ouija - came to us one day saying she had been doing research on the area – which had once been a gold mining village – and reported that she had found out that her home was once the residence of a large family. The father had played a managerial role in the gold mine and had died in a work related accident.
The older son was named William.

Amy had been the youngest (I think) but was Still Born.

The father had been buried at the local graveyard and the family had eventually moved away. The gold mining did not take off as expected and a few houses remain to this day but the area was taken over by farming.

The home we stayed in was built as an athenaeum, became a storage shed for farm implements, was used occasionally as a dance hall and was eventually turned into backpackers and then became a private dwelling.

The news of Amy having been a real person living in the house we did our first communication in was something of a confirmation - the fact that she had only lived while gestating in her mothers’ womb was especially thought provoking.

I carved a small memorial from limestone and placed it at the base of her fathers’ memorial. It is still there where I placed it.

TahitianVanilla 18-08-2013 05:55 AM

This was actually a good read. I don't have any questions really. I've been drawn to ouija boards since I was little. I still remember when ToysRUs sold them. I was heavily fond of board games then. I did think the ouija board was a board game; however, I was so significantly drawn to it. I remember my dad always taking me in there and me always running up to it and wanting it; however, he didn't get it. I'm not too sure if he knows much really about Ouija boards, but it's just something on being drawn to it at an early age. Your post gives ouija boards a positive vibe from all the negativity found on the web about it (though I know it can attract the negative spirits in).

primrose 18-08-2013 06:57 AM

William, are we going to get to read more of your experiences with your ouija board? I find it interesting so far.

William 18-08-2013 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by TahitianVanilla
This was actually a good read. I don't have any questions really. I've been drawn to ouija boards since I was little. I still remember when ToysRUs sold them. I was heavily fond of board games then. I did think the ouija board was a board game; however, I was so significantly drawn to it. I remember my dad always taking me in there and me always running up to it and wanting it; however, he didn't get it. I'm not too sure if he knows much really about Ouija boards, but it's just something on being drawn to it at an early age. Your post gives ouija boards a positive vibe from all the negativity found on the web about it (though I know it can attract the negative spirits in).

I tend to look at it like the internet – although I myself have not encountered ‘negative spirits’ using Ouija I have read enough stories about those who claim to have experienced these – in regard to the internet there are negative hurtful personalities all invisible behind their avatars and using such opportunity of being anonymous to be abusive, lie and purposefully try to cause harm to others etc.


Originally Posted by primrose
William, are we going to get to read more of your experiences with your ouija board? I find it interesting so far.

I guess so - I didn't think anyone was overly interested.

Another interesting story:

I am a musician and in February this year I meet an individual who played base and we have been playing music together since then.
Recently we were talking about Livingstone – the area where I lived and made my Ouija devices and he told me a story about the first time he had gone to Livingstone (which was last year I think) and while there he went to the graveyard and took a picture – when he showed me the picture – this one here:

I told him that I had carved this and then told him the story behind it.

This image shows the house (circled) where we did our first communication and connected with Amy

This image is where I lived and created all my communications devices;

And this image is where the graveyard is in relation to where I lived.

I am happy to answer questions. :)

TahitianVanilla 18-08-2013 10:38 PM

Your experience is rather fascinating.

becklyn37 19-08-2013 04:55 AM

Please continue, I am extremely interested in your experiences. I would never of thought to ask if "Grey's" can communicate via Ouija! I have been interested in Ouija since I first heard my grandmother's stories about them as a child. I am frightened of them though due to all the negative experiences I have heard and read. I like how you associate it with the internet! More please! :icon_eek:

William 19-08-2013 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by becklyn37
Please continue, I am extremely interested in your experiences. I would never of thought to ask if "Grey's" can communicate via Ouija! I have been interested in Ouija since I first heard my grandmother's stories about them as a child. I am frightened of them though due to all the negative experiences I have heard and read. I like how you associate it with the internet! More please! :icon_eek:

Avet and Others.

As mentioned, when Avet took over from Amy, the communications immediately became clearer and more in-depth.

I won’t go into details but will just share some of the highlights.

It became apparent shortly after first communing with Avet that she wanted me to make use of the empty space on the mirror glass.
As the images in the OP show, the original design was quite basic and while functional, did not allow for much in the way of actual symbols which could be used for communicating, and I was encouraged to put more symbols on the device, as can be seen in the photo in the OP.

I was even encouraged to make meanings to the places where each point of the triangles met, and in order to remember what these places meant I had to draw a diagram of the device and mark it like a map, and allocate a meaning for each.
This proved interesting in itself rather than just a letter of the alphabet I could allocate a whole paragraph to each point.

This improved the whole process of communication immensely.

This is when I found I also had to make adjustments to the glass pointer, which I did by inserting a small pencil into the glass, as shown in this image.

After much use of the first device, I was encouraged to make another one, this time in a circle.
I chose the design I would use from the Tarot World card.

The end result was this device.

As can be seen, the symbols on this device represent a whole other level in being able to communicate far more comprehensively and in relation to traditional Ouija boards, well only the principle remained.

Far more could and was conveyed through having something which offered a wider choice of options in regard to communication. Simply put, it is like the difference between to tin cans with a piece of string between them and a telephone.
I never looked back.

There were other personalities we communed with but the most interesting one we called QueenBee and she represented something akin to the Planet or Collective Consciousness.

I need to add here now too, that Avet was not ‘dead’ as in ‘departed’, and our understanding of the interactions of those departed and those still alive and how all were connected and the information from our collective experiences flowed to a central source and that source we referred to as QueenBee.

It is not easy to describe what it is like to engage with this Entity. It was a beautiful thing.

We learned very much about ourselves and our relationship with the Collective and how our interactions helped the whole in ways we could not even imagine.

All this simultaneous stuff happening on many, many levels.

After many months of intercommunication my partner felt that she did not want to do it so often as did I and this is where I learned to use the Principle on my own and in some ways this turned out to help the flow even more.

I was becoming quite adept at memorising a lot of the symbols – by this time I had created 2 more devices – and one time I was shown that the glass itself was not necessary and that I could just use a feather as a pointer, so I would sit with the device on my lap and have a great conversation, quickly moving the feather in a random fashion.

I mentioned earlier that I had done a kind of blind test unknowingly. This had to do with my not knowing the meaning of many symbols earlier on, even that I had created most of them myself. I was encouraged earlier by Avet to write down the messages as they happened. There were just too many to memorise and this meant that the process was rather slow because each symbol the glass stopped on had to be written down and while I knew some of their meanings, many I had not memorised at all and so we would have a communication, writing down the symbols, then decipher the message then from that, ask more questions etc...very slow but this in effect was the equivalent of a blind test and I did not even realise that.

From the process of communicating on my own, I eventually created a way of using the computer and a couple of word documents to do the same thing. I will explain this method later.

As I said earlier, we hooked up to the internet in 2002 and I began to notice how alike using the internet to communicate with others is to using the Ouija.

The screen was like the board, the typed words were the message, the pointer was the cursor, the personalities were those I engaged with, who were invisible to me...this also helped me realise that the computer could be used in a similar way, which I will give an example of in my next post.

Thank you.

primrose 20-08-2013 03:55 AM

You're quite the inventor, you should patent this device. Your photos and stories are fascinating.

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