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Belle 27-02-2013 04:32 PM

I think this might be the right place to put it, it seems to go hand in glove with lightworker.

So, I am unravelling the possibility that I am empathic, in quite a profound way. I am noticing that group sessions leave me in a bad place- the last few group work / meditations / yoga that I have done - whilst others leave floating on a cloud, I am down down down. And sometimes, conversations with people, it could be benign but I am strangely sucked down and I don't know why. And I don't understand my response, I don't understand my behaviours, except it overwhelms me.

And the other side of the coin, the yin with the yang, the light and the shadow, so light work brings shadow work.

And so I'm learning as I carry out my daily life, how as lightworker - just in existence a lot of the time - how do you deal with being the magnet for so much dark shadow that is snuck out to you, not necessarily with bad intent to hurt but just because people want to offload their shadow energies? How to protect the self, how to rid the self of other energies, how to recognise what is yours and what is someone else's rubbish?

At the moment, my very own hostility towards myself is very very happy to condemn myself for being so childish etc, but this is actually too simplistic.

The more recent "empath attacks" are getting more intense as my empath says "wake up and sort this out" and so I'm keen to learn and hear the wisdom of those who have gone before me.

Topaz 27-02-2013 05:26 PM

May I recommend Williams Blooms book on Psychic protection . This book is a gem of information regarding energy , energy work and protection

I'm sure you can buy it on Amazon or even in OXFAM .

barrynu 27-02-2013 06:36 PM

You have to raise your own Energy/Chi levels enough so that you can feel Energy in your chakras...When your chakras are clear you will draw in energy without even trying.Your sushumna channel will then get stronger and it will strenghten and expand your Aura.Your Aura is your natural protection from other peoples Energies.

The best way to stop absorbing Energy from other people is to stay away from them and i know this will be hard to do if you are doing group sessions so make sure you release these energies before they sink in.It would be best to meditate and practice yoga alone....It doesnt really matter if you dont know if its your rubbish or someone elses,its all rubbish and needs to be released so just release it without trying to understand it.just let yourself feel the emotion and it will go.

If you can make it to Dublin this weekend,check out the link below.Monk Choeng wol will change your life and teach you all about Energy.His Energy is amazing and he has been studied by Dr emoto.My energy levels have increased a HUGE amount since i discovered him last year.

Quagmire 01-03-2013 02:59 AM

So there might be some Chakra issues. As an Empath you should as much as the heavy energies can wear you down, the light energies should lift you up. There might be an imbalance in your balance center, the Heart Chakra. Like it takes emotions and reflect them downward into the Solar Plexus, and depending on how deep it go it might also affect the Splenic and the Root. This might also be seen in how you are towards yourself for being in tune with what I call your inner child energies. Release them out through your root, yet the solution lies within the heart.

Belle 05-03-2013 10:41 AM

THis is unravelling a little. I woke up this morning feeling desolate. I couldn't work out why. As I struggled to get myself together for work, I was advised / it came to me that it was the negative energy of someone else and I could process it through mother earth. Sure enough, it has gone.

It's all about recognising the energies / feelings / emotions that I have.

Indeed Dreamweaver the solution lies within the heart.

LadyImpreza1111 22-03-2013 07:04 PM

I'm an empath too and haven't really attempted to learn how to shield myself from negative energy (I know I should) and some people are good at that. It takes practice.

I think that dark spirits can and do gravitate to light ones because of their energy. Happened to me all the time. Its part of the reason why I left my job. There were other factors, but I just couldn't handle it anymore. Sometimes if you find yourself in a relationship or friendship with someone like that, then there is most likely a lesson to learn there but they also feed off your energy even if they don't even realize it. I think that is why there were certain people in my life--sometimes directly, and sometimes indirectly that caused some serious depression. They really can bring you down to their level.

lily of the valley 05-04-2013 05:54 PM

You are describing how I'm feeling at the moment....dragged down, deprived of all my energy, and the worst part is I have finally realized that a family member is the culprit! I tried to reason with him and bring this to his attention, but all I get is negativity and denial from him. He's my energy vamp and I need to find a way to stop it or else its gonna kill me sooner or later. Can someone give an example of charging the chankras?

LadyTerra 06-04-2013 06:04 PM

Greetings Everyone:
Here's what I do.

I go outside to my Circle of Trees--take off my shoes (before I enter the Circle) take (3) deep cleansing breaths--then place both hands on the ground and say;

"To the ground and out of me--
I now return this energy--
To MotherEarth to be transformed--
Turn around and be reborn."

After saying this (3) times I am an empty vessel--which must be filled--
so I turn my left palm towards the Sky and my right palm towards the Earth and say;

"I am a child of Love--a child of Light--a child of the Divine.
The Guardians of the Elements--the Guardians of Balance--
Are protecting me and mine.
We reject ill-intentions--destruction--and fear--
Only positive energy may enter here!"

Once I have chanted this (3) times I am filled with Light and shielded by my Guardians--but remember that as we venture forth and encounter others--
we must cleanse and shield ourselves each evening.

Peace and Love on the path of your choice...

Blessed be...

TruthJunkie 06-04-2013 11:12 PM

(please navigate this as you see fit)

this is really a lesson in non attachment. as long as the earth has spun her cycle energies have come and gone in a variety of expressions between one or more entities. there is no real way to stop the flow of energy however you can practice non attachment with the various states that arise as a result of being present during energetic exchange. the body is what has the most difficult time with foreign energy. the nervous system is affected. meditation is an effective tool to deal with anxieties in the body. practicing non attachment is an interesting exercise because it is typically the polar opposite of an empath and we are all programmed more or less to respond to our circumstance and environment. non attachment is a decision to relinquish control over the source energy and the response(s) that arise as a result of the exchange. this does not imply that personal control is surrendered but rather the effects of the stimuli and corresponding response on the psyche.

the body must be given proper attention to displace stresses that arise as a result of energetic exchange. one may be not attached to a particular event but the charge will often remain and sometimes unconsciously. daily and on demand practice is best.

so simple it takes a lifetime to master. :)

The more recent "empath attacks" are getting more intense as my empath says "wake up and sort this out"

how do you experience this? how does it enter the senses and mind?

Gem 07-04-2013 01:45 AM


Originally Posted by Belle
I think this might be the right place to put it, it seems to go hand in glove with lightworker.

So, I am unravelling the possibility that I am empathic, in quite a profound way. I am noticing that group sessions leave me in a bad place- the last few group work / meditations / yoga that I have done - whilst others leave floating on a cloud, I am down down down. And sometimes, conversations with people, it could be benign but I am strangely sucked down and I don't know why. And I don't understand my response, I don't understand my behaviours, except it overwhelms me.

And the other side of the coin, the yin with the yang, the light and the shadow, so light work brings shadow work.

And so I'm learning as I carry out my daily life, how as lightworker - just in existence a lot of the time - how do you deal with being the magnet for so much dark shadow that is snuck out to you, not necessarily with bad intent to hurt but just because people want to offload their shadow energies? How to protect the self, how to rid the self of other energies, how to recognise what is yours and what is someone else's rubbish?

At the moment, my very own hostility towards myself is very very happy to condemn myself for being so childish etc, but this is actually too simplistic.

The more recent "empath attacks" are getting more intense as my empath says "wake up and sort this out" and so I'm keen to learn and hear the wisdom of those who have gone before me.

Maybe group work isn't your thang, I guess it depends if you feel it's beneficial or not.

I think everyone has different reactions to different people, and some can be uplifting and some can be a real drain. It's very common.

I generally try to remain aware of how I'm reacting to others... people can 'get to me' and that happens to everyone I think... we have to take care of ourselves.

I'm just saying what I think, it's not wisdom or anything. I think you're a kind and sensitive person and can just be as you are.

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