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sesheta 24-02-2013 08:23 PM

5-HTP & Depression
I just wanted to share this with everyone.
For the past 6 months or so I have been having a lot of "down times" - as in feeling sad, hopeless, not much energy...It has been getting progressively worse, with this past month being extremely hard- crying almost every day, feeling alone, not understood, and like nobody cares.... I have been taking a Vit. D supplement for months, and that didn't seem to be doing much good.....

So - I did some searching, and found something that seems to be working really, really well!!!

5-HTP - This is an herbal anti-depressant. I've been taking it for about 3 and a half days now, and it already seems to be helping a lot :smile: No more severe crying jags (I haven't cried at all yet today - YAY!), and my mood is much more even. The only side effect I have noted thus far is that, occasionally, I will get a "queasy stomach" for a minute or so, but it is literally only for a minute, and then it goes away.
I will stay on it for at least a couple of months, to see if it really is taking effect, but I am truly amazed at how different I feel! I was not sure if it would work at all (I'm always sceptical of any medicine, or natural remedy, until I see tangible proof that it's doing anything!)

Here is a link if anyone wants to check it out:


Sarian 26-02-2013 02:45 AM

Thanks Sesheta, I guess I'd better get some. I've been way too emotional and upset...Crying lots.

Amused59 26-02-2013 03:06 AM

I've had a similar experience with 5-HTP. I second sesheta's recommendation

sesheta 26-02-2013 07:55 PM

I had one of my friends ask if I think maybe it's "just in my head" (ex. the placebo effect) However I don't believe it is...over the past few months I have given myself "pep talk" and lectures all the time...knowing in my head that I was just being overly sensitive, and that the negativity was not nearly as bad as I was believing it to be....but it never helped. No matter what I tried, I just could not shake all those horrible, dark feelings, and I would cry endlessly.....
Taking this has made it stop - all of it. Here's a link that gives more info, as well:


Belle 27-02-2013 09:36 AM

Well, I sneakily got some and it arrived today.

Whilst I believe there is a merit in the dark feelings and they shouldn't be ignored, taking the edge of them is something that holds water for me.

Vit D did nothing.

I do like Bachs Rescue Remedy for the crisis moments.

Thanks sesheta for sharing the information.

sesheta 27-02-2013 07:18 PM

To Belle
Whilst I believe there is a merit in the dark feelings and they shouldn't be ignored, taking the edge of them is something that holds water for me.

-- I agree - I put up with all those dark feelings for a long time, thinking that it would pass, and I would learn more from actually making myself deal with it....but it reached a point where I just couldn't cope anymore, and I realized that there was something very wrong - that behaviour/thinking process was not like me AT ALL. I was draining the people around me, and I was exhausting myself.....so I had to do something. And I am so thankful to have come across this - it has made a world of difference, and I feel like I am back to my normal (well, as normal as I ever get, lol :tongue: ) self!!

Belle 27-02-2013 07:53 PM

Indeed sesheta, 6 months is far too long and as you say, you have to consider those around you as well. Healing and confronting the difficulties isn't all about the self, it has to be borne out in conjunction with others.

B_Tarot 27-02-2013 08:22 PM

Hi Sesheta, thanks for the recommendation and I am going to look into this too.

sesheta 28-02-2013 02:35 AM

**keep in mind that, just like everything else, you need to check if it's OK for you, if you are already taking other medications, so PLEASE check the warnings and possible side-effects that can occur if taken with other things!!! I checked that myself first...sometimes we think that an "herbal/natural remedy" can't hurt anything, lol, which is not true!
But if you determine it is safe for you to take, by all means, I highly recommend it - I was on the verge of going to a Dr. to get prescribed anti-depressants....and I always prefer natural remedies first, so I am SO glad this is working for me:smile:

Aurora Borealis 04-03-2013 07:17 PM

How much are you taking?

Keep us posted on effect( /side effects) ! :)

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