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Totu 17-10-2010 08:51 AM

Becoming a healer...
Hello Everyone!

In this topic I'd like to create a nexus for people who are healers themselves or want to be a healer. It would be good to share our stories, questions, revelations, discoveries and such things.
The basic question is: how did you become a healer? :)

Here is my ansver:

I myself on a path to become a healer. Or at least I'd like to be one. Its kinda mixture in physical and spiritual healing. I call it spiritual massage. :) My hands know their job pretty well and it feels like a state of mind when I'm really in the mood. Sometimes it feels more like

Yet I don't have any legal papers to do it officially so It remains on a lower level where a few people let me share the things I got for them.

So how it started? I don't know exactly. It was always with me - seeing others having problems that sometimes I could help -, maybe not. I was young and had many family problems and they hurt me a lot. At school, at home, I didn't have any friends so I was left alone with my problems. I craved for some help but none responded well, so I had to develop my self healing - which in fact everyone has - and had to start working on myself.

And over time I had some(but not all to this day) of my problems healed. And as I first glanced at the world around me I saw many people having the same problems with self healing as I did. I asked the question: why can't they do the same as I did? This has yet to be fully ansvered but I still keep the hope I can help more people than this - though it's already a great gift from life to see the people I helped already.

I hope this will be an inspiration for you there people to share your own stories with the rest of us!

Best luck!

RuberPeach 06-11-2020 06:49 PM

That can become a healer ! Only a shaman can tell when it is the right time. When forest dweller can depict spiritual issues of people . When the "sing sing" doesn' t speak to you anymore.

deactivated 07-11-2020 02:13 AM

Everyone has their own bed to sleep in and wake up in come morning. Some are born with more empathy than others. Some develop hypervigilance through trauma, which drives them to seek out people and situations to fawn over, thus giving the gratification of helping another even if it leaves the 'healer' empty. Some probably don't even realize they heal others.

I'm not sure if healers consciously decide to be healers, but I do think people make the conscious choice of whether they want to heal themselves or not. Does that make sense?

But yea I feel it in my hands too. You might consider looking into reiki or tai chi.

To me, being a healer is kind of a funny burden. I'm still learning how to differentiate between my anxiety and what I feel radiating off of others. Guess I'd heal it the same either way. Deep breath, transmute, work those hands under the table so people don't think I'm a weirdo:)

angel-of-light 07-02-2021 04:12 PM

hello everyone
first, allow me to say good call you got out there to make this post,
now a bit on myself: being interested in mystic ever since I was young,
I started to learn reiki by the age of 13 or 14 (memory bit vague ), as well as working with energetic stones. After that, I start learning on my own slowly,
I have been facing a great deal of darkness and sorrow that nearly wiped me out,
OVER over time, I learned other things as well. I am not a professional by any mean,
and just a student such as mediumship recently in 2 years ago,
as well as other aspects of the mystic, that pretty much sum up that,
but as for something I want to share, I do,
first gemstones are tools my first one at the darkest time that I naturally choose without knowing is black tourmaline. Also, I recommend on moldavite,
mostly at energy work, an Elixer of moldavite is extremely useful both
in emotional healing and spiritual awakening and sharpening psychic, abilities,

second youtube is a great tool also when making elixirs or purifying a toxic area (you will be surprised by the number of low vibration invaders
that come to feed on lifeforce mostly at 2 kinds of places
1 energy workplaces that don't get purified often and only cultivate vibration 2 at places of great negativity or great tragedy)
a good purification method I find useful Tibetian bowl gong, candles and sage as well as kitchen salt either in drops or steam,
symptoms that indicate about them from my experience
1-drained out even though you meditate and cultivate vibration
feeling like something drain you out both mentally and physically
2-at night weird noises or whispers
3- those with psychic abilities can feel them like chills out of nowhere or even see them depend on how sharp your psychic sense (in my case I see them as fleeting shadows for a very short time)
and touches mostly at the chakra
4-overall a heavy feeling in the area both for you and others as if the air is heavy

upon purifying an area, those symptoms will vanish but may return from
time as an energy work site
glow with high vibration energy and lifeforce, so that attracts attention so from time to time keep purifying every once in a while,
also, it seems they extremely don't like angelic high vibration music. At least from my experience can be useful after purifying,
and the last tip for cleaning your aura effective and consider fast speed
take a pinch of salt (tablespoon blend with water at glass), take few sips
the salt purifies the aura and makes it glow better and drink water often that help raise vibration )

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