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Sapphirez 19-01-2013 11:18 AM

The C word
hello! I have been invited to help admin on a facebook page called Our Enemy the FDA which has over 20,000 fans and I decided to write up something about cancer to share as my first contribution.

I wanted to get some peer review so I am posting it here. I wholeheartedly believe what I've written, but I am still a little squeamish and don't want to be accused of talking nonsense so if you are knowledgeable in this subject I would appreciate your opinion about what I've written. I know that the way I talk is sometimes um a bit fancy and exasperating lol.. but hopefully it's easy enough to read and understand what I'm trying to say... thank you kindly and please don't crush me lol ♥

The truth is that the Big Bad C word is not as taboo as we've been led to believe. Like many things, the reality of cancer has been covered up and snuffed out time after time. As you might imagine, our bff the FDA and their cohorts are largely responsible for this. If one were to reference all of the cases of cancer being cured seemingly miraculously and the wonderful doctors who have saved thousands of lives it would take a very long time and it's really a simple matter, so we'll cut to the chase. Cancer is complicated essentially. There are hundreds of different types, but they all have basic factors in common. Cells get mutated and go awol.

Naturally our bodies should be able to defend us against such chaos, but the current standard of living isn't very conducive to keeping our bodies, minds and spirits balanced. The most common cancer-causing substances are things we are exposed to and consume in our everyday lives. It is hard to get away from them, and with so much brainwashing it's not easy to listen to your instincts and trust that you actually do know what's best for you and your body. But it isn't that difficult.

One of the most important things you can do is to not shop at a "regular grocery store" or drink tap water. Even some brands of bottled water are dangerous for you. If you don't have a sufficient filtration system in your home or a natural, healthy water source available nearby, it is best to bulk purchase water that's either purified through reverse-osmosis, distilled (and with that you'll probably want to add some trace minerals as the minerals are removed) or properly filtered and "magically" charged (details about everything will not be posted in depth here, but any questions are welcome and you can always do research to better inform yourself of the crazy and amazing possibilities, however, I will mention that plants and crystals are two ways to charge water).

Besides the atrocious things that Monsanto does to our food with genetical modification and their popular herbicide Roundup, often produce is literally put into gas chambers and sprayed with chemicals before it arrives to a store near you. That is why it's important to purchase organic or naturally grown, preferably local if possible.

One more thing about toxic food that will be mentioned is the hazardous chemicals, many of which can be researched on this lovely page, conveniently organized by food type http://www.dyediet.com/
There are also over 20,000 chemicals allowed in food that the FDA says food companies don't have to tell us about using in their products! I am not sure what all the dyediet site has the skinny on, but there are enough scary ones openly listed anyways. I personally would suggest staying away from anything that is artificially fat-free, sugar-free or perhaps artificially anything! Nature is the key.

That brings us to the hundreds of natural foods with wonderful health-promoting properties. Heavily alkaline foods are one of the best ways to combat cancer as cancer thrives in an acidic environment and the popular diet consists of many acidic foods and beverages. Cancer also cowers in the presence of abundant oxygen. Raw foods, especially those high in chlorophyll are excellent at oxygenating and alkalizing. Enzymes and phytonutrients are other important things to look for in food.
Cooking food destroys many important nutrients, but sometimes it isn't easily avoided. And some select foods actually have healthy properties intensified by cooking in a gentle way. However, I would abstain from disgracing anything by putting it into the microwave.

Stress also creates a more acidic environment believe it or not. A happy body is a healthy body. Some mindful and esoteric practices have even been reported to cure cancer on their own. Our thoughts are much more powerful than we currently realize. I could go on and on, there is so much extraordinary information out there. Colors, light, sounds, the Earth itself, all have mind-blowing potential and rejuvenating properties. Even creative and artistic expression (not to mention physical movement and touch) is being explored and studied with favorable results for its beneficial nature.

Well, there is so much more to be said, but I've taken enough of your time and it couldn't all possibly be stated at once, so I will conclude my message here. What's most important to note is that we must learn the carcinogenic culprits in our lives, reduce them as much as possible, and introduce plentiful positive and rebalancing elements. Hopefully what I've written has been agreeable, or incites you to ask questions or set out and research more things that you weren't aware of. Or perhaps even inspires you to share with us what you have learned that you think is important for the world to know about cancer and the miracle of our planet and ourselves. ♥
There are countless resources and articles online, but I will leave you with this fabulous one that breaks down the reality pretty succinctly. The entire site seems to be a great resource for those that desire to investigate further.

StephenK 21-01-2013 01:18 AM

You've pretty much nailed it! I've had my nosed buried in one book or another for the last couple of years intensively exploring "what's wrong with this picture" and your conclusions are essentially my own as well! The medical system is insane, chasing symptoms and not causes.. the food producers are insane, focused more on shelf life with little to no regard for beneficial nutrition. And this all is being mouth-pieced through a self-serving media that cares more about it's bottom-line that it does about the well-being of it's viewers...

There is the need for a break-away from all this that is long overdo! There's the need to get back to the basics, back to whole foods, back to the natural rhythms that did magnificently well at creating our bodies of such intense complexity. Cancer is a wake-up call ... it comes at the tail-end of a body that's steadily undergone serious abuse...

All this would just be so much rhetoric if it wasn't for the fact that when "wisdom is applied" then the results are forthcoming. Anyone can try it themselves... Stop eating processed foods, move toward organic, eliminate sugars, eliminate the highly processed vegetable oils (we also eliminated grains) choose a non-processed salt (ours is now Himalayan) and step away from all manor of toxins where one can (those found in soaps, toothpaste, household cleaning products) try this for a time and see what happens...

Most of us have no idea what "health" feels like... we were raised with sick promoting eating habits. It's so bad that we think being sick is normal! This is the culture we now live in... My wife and I have been making this change over the last couple of years and we no longer know sickness, no longer use meds, are no longer struggling with increasing weight, are no longer allergic to anything.... we are no longer pre-diabetic, and no longer worry about cancer... and perhaps for the first time in our lives we now know what "health" actually feels like....

Celebrate our natural gifts... do so through natural living.. Our bodies had this figured out millions of years ago... it has taken the ignorance of a culture that prides convenience over wisdom to essentially take this magic-of-balanced-perfection and drive it clean off-the-rails to the point where roughly half of those alive now are running the risk of cancer... we are doing this to ourselves... it's not necessary....

Sapphirez 21-01-2013 03:45 PM

thank you Stephen, I highly respect your opinion so your approval is appreciated! and another great post by you.

I just got pink himalayan sea salt and was so excited about it haha.. I had been using sea salt from a grinder, but after I was learning more and more I realized that McCormick's sea salt is probably far from ideal lol...

yes I can't wait to not feel "unwell" anymore.... (ok so there may be some dangerous double negatives going on in that sentence but I'm going to leave it like that lol)

I was beginning to prepare for a fast, but ended up spending a week eating fruits and vegetables.. (except the 2nd day I ate some chocolate w/ caramel and hot cocoa I didn't want sticking around the house for when I was done :tongue: and I also ate sweet potato fries lol which had sugar in the cajun seasoning and then added beans prepared with hispanic seasonings to my allowances) I was just going to eat them for a couple days, so my body wouldn't be shocked when I gave it no food at all, but then I had got a bunch of fruits and vegetables I would've liked to juice... and then discovered that there wasn't a working blender here, and I don't have a juicer. So, I had to eat them lol...
now, lol then Friday I realized I had some cookies n cream ice cream that shouldn't be left til after my fast, so I decided to eat whatever I wanted that day.. and then someone made a comment about it being the weekend, so I decided to eat whatever all weekend lol... Now, I'm going to restart my fruit and vegetable preparing, and do a water fast. I guess a juice fast isn't meant to be a one or two day thing anyways.. so a water fast will be much more ideal and help me remove toxins and rebalance..
it's my first fast, and school is beginning quicker than I realized, so I am going to do the water fast for just one maybe two days.
I wanted to make a thread about it on here asking for advice, but I guess I haven't because there's more research I could do on my own and I haven't done enough so it wouldn't be fair to just request all the answers be given to me..
but I did want to consult you about it and see if you have advice about it if you care to help me?

StephenK 21-01-2013 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by Sapphirez
thank you Stephen, I highly respect your opinion so your approval is appreciated! and another great post by you.

Thank you Sapphirez.. :^) What you'll likely get in many of my posts is a growing frustration that can come with an increasing education on these issues. It's becoming so very evident that much of what we were taught over the years in relation to maintaining good health has been bogus. The big debate among the alternatives out there is the concern that this bogusness was likely authored on purpose... the science employed by the medical and food industries is so horribly thought-out and executed that it leaves one with the distinct impression that something else, other than health, has been driving the narrative...


Originally Posted by Sapphirez
I just got pink himalayan sea salt and was so excited about it haha.. I had been using sea salt from a grinder, but after I was learning more and more I realized that McCormick's sea salt is probably far from ideal lol...

Congrads! When the issue of salt comes up as being bad for us, this is both true and not true at the same time.... true if we're talking about table salt, not true if the substance is unrefined sea salt (essentially all salt was formed by the sea at some point :^) Unprocessed sea salt is loaded with much needed minerals... while processed salts are mostly stripped of those minerals leaving us with a substance that our body must get rid of...

Here's a basic description about the skippy with table salt:

Table salt can be obtained either from sea waters or from underground salt mines. But what makes table salt different from sea salt is the fact that it is heavily processed and has other ingredients added to it.

What it ContainsDuring processing the table salt is heated at high temperatures and stripped of all of its natural minerals. The only minerals that remain are sodium and chloride.

Anti-Clumping Agents. Then once the salt has been refined, other ingredients are added to keep it from clumping such as sodium alumino-silicate and alumino-calcium silicate. These anti-clumping agents contain high amounts of aluminum which is very toxic to the body and brain.

Sugar. Aluminum is also bitter, and thus a form of sugar such as glucose is added to help neutralize the bitterness. Sugar is also bad for your health and can cause serious diseases.

Iodine. Iodine is added in the form of potassium iodide. When ingested the body is able to break it down into iodine.

Stabilizers. However, in order to preserve the potassium iodide so that it does not break down before it is ingested, stabilizers are added. These are usually in a form of sugar such as glucose or dextrose.

The added ingredients are added in very small amounts, as once the processing is finished, the salt content remains at about 99.9% sodium chloride and only .01% other ingredients. However, table salt is acidifying to the body, as all the minerals which help to neutralize the acidifying effect of the sodium chloride are stripped out.


Originally Posted by Sapphirez
yes I can't wait to not feel "unwell" anymore.... (ok so there may be some dangerous double negatives going on in that sentence but I'm going to leave it like that lol)

Your sentence may have double negatives but the intent is highly positive! :^)

I think the thing with all this, is to instill a steady motion toward a healthier direction. My wife and I have been all over the place with this over the last several years and yet steadily we continue to get healthier. The big thing at first is to start phasing-out the garbage.... when we first started this we opened the cupboards and firmly tossed all the boxed and processed foods in the garbage. We figured we disposed of several hundred dollars worth that day... and we never looked back... from there we started studying ingredients, both online and then the follow-up at the grocery store... We did this for roughly two years until we shifted to the point where we now essentially buy single ingredient products almost exclusively... generally if it has more than one ingredient then it's been processed... We found that as we studied "ingredients" then each one became individually relevant over time.... so now we're focused on each (and quite casually) and chose from among the best available (organic preferred).

So not overnight for the whole thing... but purposefully over time we've been moving steadily in the direction of cleaning up our act, of giving our bodies what they truly need, and further protecting ourselves from unhelpful toxic exposures.... It's become a fun journey, and it comes complete with results.... so take your time making this transition... but firmly make it.... there is no better favor that we can do for our unique physical self! :^)

Sapphirez 23-01-2013 11:50 AM

Oh . Wow . ! I knew that sodium was an issue, but I had no idea that table salt was raped and assaulted (oratory pun intended lol) so badly!!
I think I will post about that on the FDA page, thank you!! This will be great for people to learn.. *sigh* it's harder than I thought lol.. well also the Mercola site says that the content of the other ingredients is over 2%, not .01% as your link claims.. so I was trying to write something up and quoted your site first then I had to modify it to take out the quotations and summarize other parts lol... I probably shouldn't be posting on a page with 20,000 fans when I'm sleep deprived :tongue: aww that smilie looks like a giant pink himalayan sea salt fan hehe

well I don't need too much of a crash course... My progress has been in steps, but many of them were giant steps.. and I've been shopping at a natural food store for a while now since I don't drive and it's within walking distance. thank goodness!
well I think it's more important to eat organic than to eat with only single ingredients.. unless of course the single ingredients are trusted natural, just not carrying the organic label..

as for what you said at the end of your first paragraph, have you seen the disclaimer that the site creator had no time for conspiracy theories? so in my opinion unfortunately they're not to be discussed on here.. but anyways, I've learned a lot about the truth behind a lot of things, so I am certain that it's much more sordid than it would seem. I mean, our government is stupid, but not that stupid lol

so I'm guessing fasting isn't your forte since you didn't mention it?

StephenK 23-01-2013 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by Sapphirez
so I'm guessing fasting isn't your forte since you didn't mention it?

Fasting is fascinating... :^)

It seems that roughly 80% of the energy we expend throughout each day goes toward the process of digestion. That leaves around 20% left over for every other bodily function.... so if we can help the body out in any way in this regard then that's most helpful! So do I fast...? yes and no... I don't fast in the way people mostly think of fasting.. I don't do the longer day or two or week-long process that is often talked about... I instead pulse-fast... I do so daily by paying homage to our Circadian rhythm... I'm sure you know this but as a refresher and as a lead-in to my explanation:

In mammals, the circadian timing system is composed of a central circadian clock in the brain and subsidiary oscillators in most peripheral tissues. The master clock in the brain is set by light and determines the overall diurnal or nocturnal preference of an animal, including sleep-wake cycles and feeding behavior. The clocks in peripheral organs are largely insensitive to changes in the light regime. Instead, their phase and amplitude are affected by many factors including feeding time.
The clocks themselves keep time through the fall and rise of gene activity on a roughly 24-hour schedule that anticipates environmental changes and adapts many of the body's physiological function to the appropriate time of day.

This has been my latest toy to play with... aligning both my sleeping and eating habits in order to better align with this rhythm. Early to bed and early to rise does make a most remarkable difference... and since the body does most of it's detoxing in the morning, keeping things light around that time is not a bad habit to get into.... so I tend to fast-lite in the morning... light dietary input often till around noon or so... juicing, ozoneated water, kefir... generally keeping the pressure off the digestive system while the natural detoxing process is under way... So in a sense I fast daily... there's also another form of fasting that's not really fasting at all, but is more focused on limiting how much food we place into our system... keeping our foods nutrient-dense and clean we can actually dial-back the quantity in such a way that's conducive to good health... They found in animal studies that those that ate the less (as long as the food was nutritional food) actually lived quite a bit longer... that works for us as well... we don't have to be full all the time... and much of what is thought of as hunger can very-well be thirst.. some estimates suggest that roughly 75% of us are dehydrated... and when our body is asking us for water we mistake those signals for hunger and start adding food.

So I tend to lightly pulse-fast daily... it's kinda nice really... my body adapts to this continuous pattern and is clearly making the most out of it.... :^)

sesheta 23-01-2013 06:44 PM

To StephenK
I myself also find it frustrating sometimes that it's so hard to get across to people that health is actually so much easier than we think it is!! I tend to try to keep things simple for myself: eat small amounts of food several times a day ("grazing" 4-5 times a day, instead of just having 3 meals..); I use as many natural remedies as I can. Try to get regular exercise, and regulate the "junk food" I let myself have (soda, chocolate, etc...)
Then my co-workers, etc all constantly say to me: "You're never sick!" or "How come everyone else here has a cold, and you're not getting it??"

But then when I tell them how I do it...they think it's interesting...but they don't seem to want to apply it to themselves! They find it easier to wait till they're sick, then run to the drug store for medicine, or run to the doctor for antibiotics :icon_eek:

One thing I think makes a big difference, too, is washing your hands. I have 4 cats, so between doling out their food, cleaning litter boxes, etc, as well as whatever else I get into over the course of the day, I end up washing my hands many times a day...

***Quick question - what do you think of all those "antibacterial gels"/hand sanitizers that are so prevalent today? I never use them :(

I also love that you mentioned our circadian rhythm - that is such a huge factor!! Personally, I have never been an early-morning person, but I am a night-owl. So I function best if I can wake up between 8-9 a.m....then I can go straight through till about 2 in the morning (depending on how stressed I get during the day, lol!) My brain seems to be at its sharpest between 2 pm. - 9 pm., and I can do maximum physical exertion in the afternoon (if I try to exercise in the morning it rarely goes well!)
It's interesting how everyone is different - some people can rise & shine, bright-eyed and alert, at 6 a.m....but then have to be in bed by 10 pm. Or other people need a nap in the afternoon to see them through....

psychoslice 23-01-2013 09:29 PM

I just eat the best I can and leave it at that, if your going to get cancer you going to get cancer. I have been a vegetarian for years, I ate a lot of foods with zinc, which is good for the prostate gland, but I end up getting that very cancer. Of course the more healthy you are the more chance you won't get cancer, as I said, you can only do the best you can.

StephenK 23-01-2013 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by sesheta
But then when I tell them how I do it...they think it's interesting...but they don't seem to want to apply it to themselves! They find it easier to wait till they're sick, then run to the drug store for medicine, or run to the doctor for antibiotics :icon_eek:

Oye... don't get me started on that one.... the way people resist any manor of addressing what ails them via eating habits... it's creepy... people are so programmed that they would literately die than change... my wife runs into this at her work all the time.... she's a nurse among lay-staff and other nurses, and though several find that what she has to say about all this is interesting they certainly don't want to actually do it... and she only lightly touches on what we're doing... she'll tell them some of the long string of benefits that has come out of our doing so... they find it interesting, while sipping on a diet coke.... She and I have found that talking food with others is worse than talking religion.. I have neighbors that I've been discussing this stuff with for a year or two and they love the conversation... but I give them books, they don't read them, I suggest changes that are specific with their situation, they don't adapt them...

And that's the abbreviated version of what easily could turn into a very long rant... :^)

Now on the more positive side...
There's a light that I can see in the eyes of those who understand this that is very nice to observe.. I've come to call it "nutritional enlightenment". There's a point, when looking into this, that the deep implications of healthful habits just "click".... when the connection is made... when our patterns of dietary intake start taking that shift toward becoming a more valuable focus... with improvements shortly following in the wake of qualitative changes.

It's a cool thing to watch in others... a wonderful thing to experience within myself... there is that dark side though, where we realize along the way just how baddy we've been lead astray... and then having to watch it still continue (seriously, excitably happy kids on TV commercials drinking out of large squirt bottles of high fructose corn syrup, flavored to taste like chocolate, all the while setting the stage for their early onset of type two diabetes... mom quick, it's on sale...) such madness...


Originally Posted by sesheta
***Quick question - what do you think of all those "antibacterial gels"/hand sanitizers that are so prevalent today? I never use them :(

You're wise not to use them!

They're not only unnecessary they're probably not helpful at all... We have a very rich population of beneficial bacteria that live on the surface of our skin that helps protect us from all sorts of stuff... while the antibacterial stuff doesn't differentiate between the good and bad, it kills most all of them, leaving the skin now more vulnerable to whatever comes next. Natasha Campbell Mcbride (founder of GAP's) only baths periodically and is very careful at that.... she feels very strongly about protecting these beneficial populations... and studies have found that kids that grow up in air-leaky trailers tend to have much better immune systems that those who grew up in a neat-freak environment...

It's not the germs themselves that's the problem, we currently have hundreds of differing strains of non-beneficial organisms swimming around within us right now... there is no way we can keep all these out... but what does keep them under control is a healthy immune system... and as we invest in healthful habits in support of this system then we're shoring-up our bodies ability to defend itself and doing far more than any antibacterial soap could ever do!


Originally Posted by sesheta
I also love that you mentioned our circadian rhythm - that is such a huge factor!! Personally, I have never been an early-morning person, but I am a night-owl. So I function best if I can wake up between 8-9 a.m....then I can go straight through till about 2 in the morning (depending on how stressed I get during the day, lol!) My brain seems to be at its sharpest between 2 pm. - 9 pm., and I can do maximum physical exertion in the afternoon (if I try to exercise in the morning it rarely goes well!)
It's interesting how everyone is different - some people can rise & shine, bright-eyed and alert, at 6 a.m....but then have to be in bed by 10 pm. Or other people need a nap in the afternoon to see them through....

I used to be a late nighter as well until I was reading an author who focused specifically on this issue... I'll go into this more later (my writing time has run out :^) but suffice it to say it's an interesting observation as to the difference it's made in the way I experience a day... never would have guessed it pre-trial... but more later :^)

Baile 24-01-2013 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by psychoslice
I just eat the best I can and leave it at that, if your going to get cancer you going to get cancer. I have been a vegetarian for years, I ate a lot of foods with zinc, which is good for the prostate gland, but I end up getting that very cancer. Of course the more healthy you are the more chance you won't get cancer, as I said, you can only do the best you can.

Exactly, and while the health advice in this thread is great, the fact is cancer just happens regardless, and for many different and unrelated reasons. Nothing more to it than that, and not a lot one can do about it either. I think that's easier to understand when someone in your immediate family has died from cancer. And I have a sister and three uncles who had cancer and who died from it. And while it's a terrible illness obviously, it's a part of life and of the incarnation experience.

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