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seeker89 25-10-2012 04:09 AM

How reliable/accurate are pendulums?
Like the thread title says, I'm just wondering how accurately pendulums can give answers to simple questions - For example, I want to know which out of 2 jobs I'll be happier at. How accurately could a pendulum tell me this?


sunshineofthesoul 25-10-2012 07:27 PM

I think Pendulums are very accurate, you just want to make sure you are grounded and focused first. before I ask my Pendulum questions. I like to say a little prayer to make sure I am connected to my higher self. I visualize myself as well as my Pendulum surrounded by white light. When I am ready the first question I ask my Pendulum is "may I ask a question?", if it says no then I put it away and try again another time, if it is says yes the second question I ask is " am I connected to my higher self right now?" when it says yes that is when I begin my Pendulum Reading.

theramin 22-02-2013 02:05 AM

It depends..
I believe that accuracy depends on the person. As far as hit miss statistics for the average pendulum user I don't know. But for me, I make a list of the times I know I've been wrong and the times I know I've been right. I add up the two columns and divide the totals to get my percentages.

ZechariahBenDovid 19-04-2013 09:16 PM

So what are your percentages? After the tragedy at the Boston Marathon, I pulled out my pendulum and asked "are there more than 2 people dead?" It said yes. Then I asked "was more than 1 person involved?" Another yes. Finally I asked "were they American? It said no. 3 for 3. Also I don't ask my pendulum for permission or surround myself with white light and make sure I'm accessing my higher self or any of that hooey. I just start asking questions, and on the rare occasion that it can't or doesn't want to answer it shakes and vibrates and remains motionless other than the slight shaking.

Selbor13 19-04-2013 09:48 PM

It really depends, pendulums can be easily manipulated. You can make it give you the answer you want regardless if it's correct one or not. Having a clear mind, clear question and no answer in mind helps the accuracy.

I remember one time I wanted to test the accuracy of the pendulum so I asked a question I had the answer to (or so I thought). I had just met a person and they told me they were from the east coast, so I asked my pendulum if the person was american and the answer was no, then I asked if the person was born in the US and again it said no. I asked again but this time I was thinking of the answer because according to me I knew the person was american. Of course the pendulum's answer switched to what I wanted it to be. Later I found out that the initial responses were correct, yes the person lived in the US but was not born in the US and was not a citizen.

Alexis M 29-04-2013 09:37 PM

My pendulum is programmed in 2 ways a verbal program to allows speaking to my guides and higher self AND the combination of stones to bring balance and love while dispelling negativity. My answers are pretty consistent. However it’s important to note, your ego can influence your answers, and so coming from a place of pure intention or meditation and not being too invested in the answers can let it come easily.
Also if you’re asking numbers or percentage use chart with columns and rows, my guides know I like round numbers so I don’t add 2 or 37. It will be 1% or 5 or 35 or 40.

passnthru2 02-09-2013 04:13 AM

I was working a job installing pvc irrigation systems in '72, we Had an 80 acre parcel where the farmer plowed under our stakes indicating where the brass valves were to install the access boxes.. there were 48 of them 3 feet deep ..somewhere. the boss wanted 14 of us to dig holes 3 feet deep at random to find them.. so I took 2 brass welding rods off his truck and made L-rods. I used them to find the main line.. the sub-mains, then the lateral lines with the valves. I walked the laterals and made an X with my boot to mark the valve, people dug holes behind me. I found all 48 valves the first hole dug under my X's.

becklyn37 15-09-2013 02:44 AM

Why not make a chart with percentages on it and ask your pendulum how accurate your answers are. It's easy enough to do, and there are lots of free charts on the internet you can download and print.

wstein 15-09-2013 02:58 AM

Pendulums are 99% accurate. They swing to and fro and around in circles and seldom break. On rare occasions they hit something and begin to shake or vibrate leading to ambiguous indications.

The accuracy of using a pendulum to answer your question however is up to your skill. Most of the 'trick' is to actually ask a question where the 'yes', 'no' answer means something useful.

Pendulums require exceedingly precise questions to get useful answers. Questions like "which out of 2 jobs I'll be happier at"? are way to ambiguous to illicit any meaningful answer. Happy when? by whose standards? happy in what way? Also neither job may make you happy. Also yo might be happier but not better off. If you just want to feel happy, perhaps a pill might be a better option than a job. One needs to ask the 'right' questions in order to use a pendulum for guidance. Try a question more more like: "is taking job 'A' going to have been clearly beneficial to me as I look back on it throughout my lifetime?"

As some practical advice, I suggest you ask about each job separately first. If neither job or only one job will be satisfactory, the choice is obvious. Only in the case that both jobs would satisfy need you bother to ask which is 'more' optimal. Also ask about other jobs and other options to make sure there isn't some way better choice.

Belle 05-10-2013 07:42 PM

I've only just started using a pendulum - to interesting effect. For example, I was clearing my house and I asked the pendulum if the room was clear. I thought a strong yes, and saw the pendulum was doing a nice big circle - and at first I thought I had influenced it but then realised that that was the "no" of the clockwise. (I get an anticlockwise for a yes).

But for questions such as whether you will be more happy in a particular job - I'm not sure of the question. Because happiness is such a spurious term. There are so many layers of happiness - the answer might come out as a place where you wind up incredibly unhappy - but as you shred a lot of karma - your higher self is delighted! It is also not a question which necessarily serves the highest good.

Sorry I'm sounding critical and i don't wish to be unkind - but have a think of what you want to achieve. There are no right or wrong answers - but precision and clarity is important.

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