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Xan 03-10-2010 09:21 PM

Your Creative Powers of Mind

This article can be a starting point for how to create your life as you wish, using the creative power inherent in the human mind. There are a few basic universal principles to know and use.

* The Law of Attraction, described in "The Secret", "The Vortex" and other writings both ancient and modern is simply the recognition that we are always attracting what we believe to be true about ourselves and about life... unconsciously or consciously.

* Our most basic essence is pure Consciousness, and what we are aware of in any moment creates our reality as we experience it.

* All existence is interactive through Universal Consciousness, so what we focus on in our lives, usually unconsciously, will be mirrored in our relationships, our circumstances, and even our material and physical well being.

* Thought is creative. Thought plus emotion is creative power itself.

* There is power in our attention. Where our attention goes increases... so if you are dwelling in negative thoughts and expectations, this is what you will experience within yourself and in life all around you.

* There is also power in our Intention... consciously choosing what we want to experience manifesting and healing in any area of life.

* We have the capacity to choose what we give our attention to. Most often we simply allow our conditioned thought processes and emotions to run without being aware of them, or even more, that there is an alternative. By becoming more self-aware... of how we are thinking and the feelings our thoughts are creating in us... we can come to notice that by stopping the momentum of thought in a moment we can Choose to think and feel differently. This is where Releasing the old and Affirming the new comes in.

* It doesn't work just to try to avoid, deny or cover up negative beliefs and emotional patterns, but they need to be healed and released to make room for new, positive thoughts. (There are many methods to do this. EFT is one of the best. Check out: http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=4478)

* Emotional energy is creative fuel. When using affirmations (conscious verbal thought) and visualization (conscious imaging thought) it's important to bring in the Feeling of going ahead in what you are creating.

* The most creative energies are higher, spiritual emotions such as openness, acceptance, happiness, joy, love, peace, compassion, wholeness and so on. Our true nature is spirit, so through letting go of downward emotions such as fear, guilt, shame and blame, resentment, unforgiveness, unworthiness, etc. our emotions naturally become more positive.

* Really 'getting into' the positive emotions not only uplifts our mood and enhances the creative potential of our thoughts but raises our vibrational frequency.

If you'll notice our world is made of specifics, so in using affirmations it's important to be specific in your descriptions of what you want to manifest. This is the reason that visualization is often more effective, not only seeing what you are going ahead into but feeling it with all your senses... as if it is actually happening now.

* The subconscious mind doesn't relate to past and future, as everything it experiences is happening now. So affirming not "will be" but "is" is the best way of phrasing affirmations.

* Along the same line, if you affirm that you want to get rid of something your subconscious mind only records that thing. Instead, affirm that you are now letting go of the negative and that the positive is showing up now, or is beginning to.

* The most creative level of thought energy lies in the alpha and theta brain wave states. We are in alpha whenever we close our eyes and relax as our external focus turns inward and our thoughts begin to slow down. Theta is a deeper level of consciousness with a sense of wide open space, quietness and peace.

Happy creating!


Coming2 04-10-2010 03:07 AM

Wow thanks Xan!! I was never much for coming to this specific forum but am really interested in trying any new techniques that would raise my consciousness and awareness....

I am really glad to see you back...I have always respected your beliefs and the information that you share......

Xan 04-10-2010 11:05 PM

Namaste, Elyse...


Cal 08-10-2010 12:52 PM

Very simple and to the point - easy to understand. Thanks Xan!


maidenmothercrone 10-10-2010 03:38 PM



Shalamar 11-10-2010 06:42 PM

I loved this Article, thank you for posting it. No truer words there are!

spiritflow 13-10-2010 05:48 PM

change your thinking, change your life

this is the motto I live by

thoughts create the physical experiences we have in life. we need to pay attention to our thoughts - and the measure of them in our feelings to become who we want to be

Shen Mashel 01-11-2010 05:55 PM

Wow, thanks a lot Xan.I kinda knew those things, but you put them in a different more profound manner.I can't explain in simpler words, but i agree with everything.

Miss Hepburn 01-11-2010 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by spiritflow
Change your thinking, change your life.
this is the motto I live by
thoughts create the physical experiences we have in life. we need to pay attention to our thoughts - and the measure of them in our feelings to become who we want to be


And, thank you, Xan.

sweetdisposition 04-11-2010 06:29 PM

Thanks for sharing this, Xan. I truly believe in the power of affirmations. Your article is very helpful.

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