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In_Shadow_I_Wait 11-06-2012 01:40 PM

Everything is too intentional...
These last four years mainly... but I just look back and realize how much of my life seems... intentional... These last four years I have learned so many lessons one after another. Hard lessons that I couldn't have learned any other way. These things, which just seemed like things I would have been happier if they didn't happen, have taught me some of the most valuable lessons I have ever learned. They just happened so fast, so suddenly one after another it was just hard to see it at the time.

I look back though and it just seems too intentional. Almost like it was on purpose, like it all just happened to teach me or to setup for something later. It's almost like I was, and probably still are, being prepared for something. I even feel like I am being guided, like I have been set on a path to something almost.

Could I be being guided towards something? If it seems like I am is there a way I could figure out how I am being guided?

And would a guide be a legit spirit? Or is it something inside of me?

Sybilline 11-06-2012 02:35 PM

Some believe that spirit guides are actually guides, some say they are good entities, others say they are the dearly departed. Some say they are within yourself and represent your highest truth. That, I choose among those three.

Yes, I believe you are being guided. But --- this is just my personal thought --- I'm not sure if it's such a good idea to put your life into other people's hands. I think it's best we take over. I say let your guides show you the way when you are "lost", but you must walk it yourself.

I think we should create every moment, create yourself, every new moment...

immortal coil 11-06-2012 11:13 PM

The last few years for me, have been pretty difficult. It seems just when you pick yourself up, something else comes along to knock you back down.

It's gotten to the point, where I'm skeptical of anything appearing good that comes into my life, as there always seems to be a hidden cost or lesson involved.

I just thank god for my inner circle, because without them, I truly would have nothing. They have been my rock through all the tough times.

But to answer the OP, yes it's intentional. One test ends, another begins... I just wonder why some of us are tested so stringently and others can lead a life of abundance with relatively few tests...

DayLight1555 13-06-2012 07:30 PM

I don't know if it's for the good or the bad, good spirits or bad spirits in your case, but in the last few years my life has been guided also, and it was cool. After I realized that, I would wake up each day and think: hmm, I wonder what I will learn today... All things were falling into place, one after another, in the logical order, things I had to learn. And I was taken on a journey of discovering something and leaving my previous knowledge/beliefs behind.

Adrienne 13-06-2012 08:02 PM

DayLight, that's a positive slant on looking at things and how they happen.

Sometimes I think things happen for a certain reason, if there is a lesson to learn perhaps and sometimes I think things happen because of choices we make along the way. Then there is the line of thinking of Divine timing, things happening when they are supposed to .And sometimes I am not sure of any of it. :smile:

Dream Angel xx

Adrienne 13-06-2012 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by immortal coil
The last few years for me, have been pretty difficult. It seems just when you pick yourself up, something else comes along to knock you back down.

It's gotten to the point, where I'm skeptical of anything appearing good that comes into my life, as there always seems to be a hidden cost or lesson involved.

just a thought here, immortal coil, on the being skeptical...

if one is expecting things to happen a certain way, such as having a hidden cost or lesson, it seems then the Universe provides us with what we are expecting. Maybe if you could change your expectations to expecting something good without any other attachments, things may change for the better ?

Dream Angel xx

Westleigh 13-06-2012 08:43 PM

I can very much empathise with everything you have written here - I could have written it myself. The obvious reaction to such events is "I did not want to experience that, I wish that had not happened to me". But you need to look at what resulted from it - not in the physical world, but in you. Look at who you have become as a result of those things and at the growth you have experienced. The last few years have been for me probably the most difficult and challenging of my life, but I am happier now than I have ever been before, and that is not an accident. :smile:

Certainly it is intentional, though the events are not dictations from a third party - you, yourself, the part of you connected with spirit, manage your path of growth. Guides merely assist us with the things we have already chosen. If you feel a good understanding of the reasoning behind the events in your life, that is very spiritually empowering - it means you are probably feeling a stronger connection with your spirit-self. Guides are certainly legitimate spirits; I talk to my guides, but the longer I know them the more I find that "guide" is a slightly inaccurate term for what they do (though the best I have yet come across. It is always difficult to find the right words to describe spiritual phenomena). Their role is not so much to guide you in what to do as to facilitate your self-guidance by helping you connect with yourself; a guide will never tell you what to do or how to do it, but instead help you figure out how you feel about whatever-it-is, which is an astonishingly difficult thing for most of us to do. :wink:

immortal coil 13-06-2012 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by Dream Angel
just a thought here, immortal coil, on the being skeptical...

if one is expecting things to happen a certain way, such as having a hidden cost or lesson, it seems then the Universe provides us with what we are expecting. Maybe if you could change your expectations to expecting something good without any other attachments, things may change for the better ?

Dream Angel xx

I would have to agree with you, although for the longest time I practiced the positivity you speak of, and it didn't seem to make much difference on any particular outcome.

So what I do now, is to not place any expectations on a given situation. Emotionally detach from it as much as I can. Try to remain positive that I'm on the right path and that I will be given what I need.

At this point, I don't know another way to live.

Thanks for your thought though!

Adrienne 13-06-2012 10:49 PM

immortal coil,

I know, sometimes things we hear of don't always seem to help when we try them. There have been times when I know I should be thinking positively, but it just doesn't work.

I think you have the key there on the expectations ~ someone once said " don't expect, just accept " in that way one isn't disappointed. This fits in nicely when reading about other peoples experiences and thinking one might have exactly the same, so not to be disappointed if they are different. .... strayed a bit with this tidbit of info :smile:

Best wishes to you on your journey ! :hug:

Dream Angel xx

In_Shadow_I_Wait 17-06-2012 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by Westleigh

Guides are certainly legitimate spirits; I talk to my guides

How do I talk to my guide?

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