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12padams 29-04-2012 07:47 AM

What have astral people said about the astral plane?
"Astral people" refers to those you meet within the astral dimension. Whether mind created or not I know that their replies to questions you ask them are always unexpected. So if an astral person has ever explained any aspects of the astral plane list them here:

I'll start off... Back in December 2011 I became stuck in the astral plane and was unable to escape. I failed my multistep plan of action and the scary dark environment was scaring me... When you are stuck in a non physical world and are unable to return to your body it's the worst feeling ever. Eventually I figured out that I could look out my window and mentally force the sun to rise. Once I did that I started attempting my other goals since the fear aspect was mostly gone (until I went outside my house).

Once I realized that I couldn't wake up no matter what I did I eventually learned to accept my new life within the astral plane. At one point I found my mum folding cloths in the lounge room so I asked her about what she thought about me astral projecting. Here's a quote from my experience:

(please note that "phase" just means "astral")
"My mum replied to me by saying “it depends”. I questioned her response as I didn't quite understand her answer. She responded by explaining that the phase consists of two dramatically different nonphysical sections. My mum stated that she is fine with me entering the phase as long as I stay within the mind generated world. I didn't fully understand what she meant by this however I am guessing it’s related to staying away from the spiritual dimension theories associated with astral projection."

If you want to read that whole experience you can do so at this direct link (Warning: It's an extremely long experience):

So that's what I was told about the astral by someone within the astral. What have you been told?

Podshell 29-04-2012 10:52 AM

I can tell you what I get from that experience 12padams . maybe it just coincidence that it relates to some ponderings I have had myself recently, the important part to me was your mother and her telling you to stay wthin the mind generated world. It could be akin to her not letting you play out for some reason and sitting you in front of the TV.

Now I cannot think of the reasons why , but I can tell you of my own problems regards this....I am nearly 50yrs old and have in my life gone through long periods of using alcohol, because of this I have noticed differences on the astral, for instance negative influences, I have also realised I myself have ended up being disruptive to others so believe at some stages have been confined , or had my powers of travel curtailed by authorities in spirit.

I am not saying this is why your phase mother is confining you, it could be you will be vulnerable to negative spirits and maybe misled by them.

Regards my theory of lucid dreaming/TV being tools for keeping people occupied , and maybe also a teaching aid until we can face the realities, the internet could also be viewed as this too.

Astral Explorer 29-04-2012 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by 12padams
"Astral people" refers to those you meet within the astral dimension. Whether mind created or not I know that their replies to questions you ask them are always unexpected. So if an astral person has ever explained any aspects of the astral plane list them here:

I'll start off... Back in December 2011 I became stuck in the astral plane and was unable to escape. I failed my multistep plan of action and the scary dark environment was scaring me... When you are stuck in a non physical world and are unable to return to your body it's the worst feeling ever. Eventually I figured out that I could look out my window and mentally force the sun to rise. Once I did that I started attempting my other goals since the fear aspect was mostly gone (until I went outside my house).

Once I realized that I couldn't wake up no matter what I did I eventually learned to accept my new life within the astral plane. At one point I found my mum folding cloths in the lounge room so I asked her about what she thought about me astral projecting. Here's a quote from my experience:

(please note that "phase" just means "astral")
"My mum replied to me by saying “it depends”. I questioned her response as I didn't quite understand her answer. She responded by explaining that the phase consists of two dramatically different nonphysical sections. My mum stated that she is fine with me entering the phase as long as I stay within the mind generated world. I didn't fully understand what she meant by this however I am guessing it’s related to staying away from the spiritual dimension theories associated with astral projection."

If you want to read that whole experience you can do so at this direct link (Warning: It's an extremely long experience):

So that's what I was told about the astral by someone within the astral. What have you been told?

You should project through meditation it makes it much easier to instantly end your projections. Through training I have gained the ability to instantly end my dreams as well, but projecting taught me the beginning steps of this. To make a long story short all I have to do is think about moving my physical body in a projection or dream and I will instantly be back inside of my body and out of the projection/dream. But when doing that if you go back to sleep it is interesting because you will be teleported back to where your astral body was when you ended the dream/projection and it will continue. For proper reintegration you must be a certain state of mind and relaxation. Panic and fear typically is not conducive to reintegration so you must stay calm.

I too have been to the dark planes you describe and I know how you feel, they are no fun being in and typically I end my projections the second I see I am stuck there. The reason you are going there and not somewhere pleasurable is because of your skepticism about projection most likely, first you must believe and then you must do things that will raise your vibration. The dark planes are the closest planes to the physical dimension so if you are vibrating at a low rate then you will likely end up in a dark plane. If you have a high vibration it is likely you will be able to fly out of the dark planes and into a much nicer bright plane. I am not saying all low vibrational planes are dark though, I have visited light ones that were just as scary. The moral of the story is you cannot just attempt to AP and end up where you want to, or do what you want to. In most cases you must do a lot of other things on the side to advance your subtle bodies and raise your vibration to have good projection.

Podshell 29-04-2012 10:33 PM


Just a question that has come to me out of the blue.

Do you have any past life memories ?

earthatic 29-04-2012 11:32 PM

I've had two say on different occasions "People in the Astral aren't real.'' When I asked one girl to explain further, she said "My mother doesn't like when I see you." then she took off. When I questioned the other it said "Stop what you are doing and stop asking questions. Where did you meet that girl?" and I felt a sharp/raw pain in my abdomen. The latter event was in a dark area, and the being was wearing a black robe with a hood. Months later the same being was trying to say "Your scientists have the space-time continuum, we have the ------" and went on to explain something, but wouldn't stop to allow me to analyse what was being said either intentionally or it was just spewing gibberish...and astral entities do that a lot in order to confuse people.

They can seem as if they're giving genuine responses/impressions when they're actually just conveying deceitful nonsense (and they know it). In the case of APing being real, astral entities probably do this all the time which is why mediums always come up with conflicting info. There is definitely a pattern of behaviour among them.

Xanth 30-04-2012 12:59 AM


You need to begin thinking for yourself. That much is clear.

12padams 30-04-2012 07:40 AM


Do you have any past life memories ?

I really would like to know why you asked that question... (what made you say that)

But overall that's a hard one to answer. I have done something called "the room technique" which involves looking in a room deep within yourself to see your past lives. I saw an important "man" sitting on a throne and a bunch of people lined up waiting to see him. Little did I know that the vision I saw would match up with what it was supposed to. Yes, someone knew what I would see before I saw it...

Podshell 30-04-2012 11:34 AM

It could be an idea for future experiment , regression into past lives could also be like lucid dreaming created by the mind, but you may fall lucky and be able to check any past lives you recall.

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