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Summerlander 26-04-2012 07:55 PM

The Truth About So-called Astral Projection
Hi! I've returned here after so long because I feel that the community here is really behind when it comes to making progress in astral projection affairs. Here's the absolute unadulterated truth about the phenomenon: it is all lucid dreaming!!

Lucid dreams can make whatever fantasy you have in your heads come true. So if you want to see your idea of an astral plane... voila, you will see it. Want to have an out-of-body experience? Wake-initiated lucid dreams (WILDs) can emulate this for you really well.

I teach and live such state of consciousness and simply call it the "phase state" when I represent Michael Raduga's school. I work with him on the research side at the OOBE Research Center and deal with many volunteers for experiments. The following is what I usually send to people who want to get started and are interested in becoming my students...

What is the Phase State?

The phase is a hybrid state of mind which incorporates both wakefulness and dreaming. In the phase, a person is able to lucidly experience their dreams and possess waking life memory. Experience in such state can be so realistic that an individual will often mistake it for wakefulness - not just in the case of false awakenings but also upon an intentional phase entrance. But wait… don’t we mistake the usual non-lucid dreams for waking life? After all, a two-headed monster could be chasing us in a dream and such event is accepted as normality. Here is where the phase differs. In the phase, that two-headed monster is recognised as an anomaly indicative of the illusory nature of what is being perceived. Mindfulness is a hallmark of the phase state. The logical approach most commonly associated with wakefulness is operational in the phase and you can afford to be analytical about the immediate surroundings. In the absence of lucidity, however, even if there is some consciousness in the dream, what’s absurd is mindlessly taken to be true. So, the “phase state” encapsulates lucid dreaming, the perception of being out of one‘s body, false awakenings, sleep paralysis, hypnagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations, and gets right down to the nitty-gritty of what it means to be “awake“ during your sleep. The phase can be used as a broad term to describe an experience where you are fully conscious whilst holding a partial or full perception of being ‘somewhere’ other than where the physical body lies. It is also believed that the phase accounts for the majority of alien abductions (especially when these are closely related to sleep), and, bizarrely, near-death experiences (NDEs). In the case of NDEs, neurologists postulate that a drop in blood pressure causes bursts of REM (rapid eye movement) activity in the brain. REM is a stage where most of our vivid dreaming occurs and where lucidity is likely to manifest. The phase state, under normal conditions, can be voluntarily induced from wakefulness or dreaming: wake-initiated and dream-initiated lucid dreams (WILDs and DILDs). Entering the phase world from wakefulness can often involve the realistic illusion of separating from one’s body. In fact, methods of “separation” are recommended if strange sensations arise and intensify (such as vibrations, sounds and imagery) while practitioners still perceive themselves to be in the body. Due to the fact that lucid dreaming is a dissociative phenomenon, where one remembers that the physical body lies asleep in reality, it is sometimes referred to as an “out-of-body experience” (OOBEs or OBEs), or, in a more belief-centric interpretation, “astral projection”. But make no mistake about what goes on in the phase. Upon a perceived separation from the body, you will find that the environment you encounter is not the physical world. The bedroom you see is a mental simulation unconsciously generated by you from expectation and memory. Look again and you might find that your bedroom may have more windows than it should, your TV might be missing, or the walls might be a different colour. The bed you have just moved away from is not an actual bed - it is a dream bed. The body that lies in bed, apparently asleep, is not your physical body - it is also a dream element. Nothing in the phase is physically real even if it appears to be so. Even space and the distance between objects, which are brilliantly emulated, are not actual either. What’s more, everything that you perceive in the phase is manipulatable. You can feel the two-dimensionality of a painting on a wall by running your bare hands over its surface, and yet, you can also plunge into it and experience a painted landscape as a virtual world. Try it and see! Pragmatically, phase states of the brain (as observed in EEG scans) are what seem to define full-fledged consciousness and self-awareness while dreaming. To deepen, maintain and manage the phase is to improve the quality of your lucid dream experience by intensification, prolongation and practicality. Deepening is one of the first things a practitioner should do upon phase entrance. This can be achieved by rubbing your hands together, touching objects, peering at them, palpating your dream body, keeping active and amplifying all your senses in general. In general, engross yourself in the reality of the phase and bear in mind that sensory amplification is an important key for gaining clarity and time in the state. For more techniques check “School of Out-of-Body Travel” by the renowned phase practitioner Michael Raduga.



The phase can be entered before, during and after sleep (for more information on this see “deferred, direct, indirect and dream consciousness methods” in Michael Raduga’s SOBT). The hardest way to enter the phase is before sleep. If you are going to enter the phase during sleep, by becoming lucid in a dream, then you better start recording your nightly adventures in a journal in order to improve dream recall, learn to recognise dream cues, and perform reality checks during the day. Ask yourself the question “Am I dreaming?” and learn to answer it effectively. Can you remember what happened an hour ago? Do you remember getting up and having breakfast in the morning? How did you get to where you are? Can you levitate off the ground? Look at something, look away and then look back at it? Is it still the same or has it mysteriously changed? Perhaps its now missing! Look at your hands. Do they look normal? A way to check reality which is highly recommended by Raduga is to perform the hyper-concentration method. This involves looking at something, like your index finger, for more than ten seconds and at a recommended distance of 4-6 inches from your face. Objects in the phase cannot withstand prolonged attention and may waver before going askew or exhibiting warped behaviour. Last but certainly not least, we have entering the phase after sleeping. This is the way that definitely provides the sought after shortcut for the novice. Why? Because by having a nap or sleep prior to induction you are biologically priming yourself for the induction of the phase state later. As you wake up, you can remain still and propel into the phase from the hypnopompic state. If this doesn’t work and falling asleep occurs, you can always try the next awakening or even get up and keep active for a while in order to reduce the fatigue caused by sleep inertia. When you go back down to enter the phase, you will find that you are able to relax easily and REM atonia will soon follow. The following doesn’t have to be followed strictly but it may serve as an initial guide…



Lie down comfortably and close your eyes. Your eyes are to remain closed throughout the induction. Relax as deeply as you can and take your time. Be patient and don’t rush it. Make sure that you are not disturbed. There are many books about the various effective techniques you can use to acquire a deeply relaxed state, but, because you have biologically primed yourself for the experience, it should be fairly easy for you to do so without having to read up on it.

Focus on something in your mind:

It could be a mantra or a familiar object (the latter does not have to be visualised to perfection). Do this as you sense that you are drifting off to sleep or when your mind starts to wander. Keep bringing your mind back to focus whenever it gets ‘lost’. Keep still and relaxed and do not fall asleep! Focus on your ‘something’ until you reach the hypnagogic state.

The Hypnagogic State:

This is the state between waking and sleeping. You will know that you have reached this state once its imagery, or potential dreams, begin to invade your point of focus. Being aware in this state is already an achievement. Prolong this state by passively watching its imagery, and, given the opportunity, jump into a dream scenario. Whatever sensations you experience here, attempt to amplify them as this will certainly get you closer to the phase. If there are no images, then you may get auditory hallucinations. Listen in as you remain relaxed. You may experience paralysis and vibrations (or other strange sensations) may ensue. Keep calm, don’t panic and bear in mind that nothing can harm you in this state.

Sleep Paralysis / Vibrational State:

Let go of any worries relating to the physical body. The trick is to let your body ‘switch off’ as your mind is still very much aware. This may involve resisting any urges to move or scratch itches. Your body will start to feel extremely heavy and there may come a point where you will be aware of not being able to move it. Remain relaxed nonetheless and don‘t panic. Vibrations may or may not ensue. If they don’t, then other sensations will. The vibrational state can be mild or strong. It can vary from tingling, warmth, and the sensation of low voltage electricity flowing through the body. Strange sounds are reported during this stage. We know that the ear converts sound waves into signals that the brain can interpret through the firing of neurons. The Tensor Timpani muscle in the ear may cause rumbling as it spasmodically vibrates during sleep paralysis, and, the perception of vibrations could be feedback from neuronic activity at this stage. The sensation of paralysis alone may occur when cells at the pons send inhibitory signals to motor neurons in the spinal cord, thus eventuating muscle atonia, which is necessary to prevent individuals from acting out their dreams. Amplify whatever sensation you are having and separate.


You can try partial separation first as practice before attempting full separation. Partial separation is optional. There are many ways of achieving a successful disassociation from the body. For example, you can imagine that the ceiling above you is a huge magnet that counteracts gravity and pulls you upwards. Alternatively, imagine yourself being catapulted or cannon-balled out of the body. Also, you can slowly roll over and out. The method of rolling over and out of the body is, in my experience, one of the most effective. Do this subtly and as though you are moving physically but without using muscles. It is best to start by rolling over from the head as this causes the rest of the body to follow. If there is a perceived resistance, be forceful. This movement is not imagined, it is done with intent. Once you have succeeded, you will realise that you have moved incorporeally.

What happens next?

Once you are out, explore or carry out any plans that you may have. Try not to get overexcited and avoid fear and doubt. Stay out for as long as you can and don’t worry about getting back, because you always do in the end. A variety of experiences are open to interpretation. From inter-dimensional travel, space exploration, alien encounters, meeting strange spiritual entities, visiting the living and the dead, time travel etc. etc. Remember: whatever the nature of your experience and however profound it may be for you, try to look at it from a viewpoint free of preconceived ideas. For instance, seeing a luminous being who starts singing the most beautiful melody you have ever heard does not mean that you have just met an angel. Consider all perspectives. Record your experiences in a journal. Feel free to carry out experiments of your own to try to determine the nature of your experiences for yourself as you bear in mind that anything in dreamland is possible.

Using the phase state for practical ends:

The following are examples of how the phase can be beneficial: taking medicine in the phantom world of the phase can dupe your brain into “switching off” its pain receptors as the placebo effect is more prominent in such state - in extreme cases of illness, medical assistance must still be sought (healing). Facing your fears while lucid is a great psychological tool (self-integration and therapy). Contacting deceased loved ones regardless of whether you believe that they are real or realistically simulated can be an exhilarating and emotional experience of relief (helps with grieving). In the phase, you can also eat as much as you want and whatever you want without putting weight on (helps with dieting). Learning new skills and honing existent ones (confidence and adroitness). Fulfilling sexual fantasies (pleasure without social constraint). Accessing the subconscious mind reservoir (information and problem-solving). Visiting exotic places, exploring other worlds and being adventurous (escapism and entertainment). Lucid dreaming can generate new ideas at your request (artistic purposes). There are many other uses for the phase state. The mind is the limit in the world of active imagination and if you want to reap the benefits mentioned above and much more - start practicing!


Waking State:

Also known as wakefulness. In this state, people perceive the physical realm. An individual who is awake is conscious, self-aware, and there is realism of perception. The environment is stable and there is no required effort to enter this state. The perceived world follows set rules, and, only on a quantum level, do things appear to be more uncertain.

Dream State:

This entails non-lucid dreams and falling asleep is all that is needed to enter this state. Self-awareness is absent and the unconscious mind rules when a person dreams. The dreamer is mindlessly immersed in plots and often detached from waking life memories. The experience can be vivid or vague, and, despite the instability, the illogical appears to make sense. Certain techniques can be employed to boost dream recall.

Phase State:

This entails out-of-body experiences (OOBEs or OBEs), and both wake-initiated and dream-initiated lucid dreams (WILDs and DILDs). They are all part of the same phenomenon as the phase practitioner has the distinct sensation of being apart from the physical body. This elusive state can be entered before, during, and after sleep. Effort is required to enter the phase voluntarily, although, some experiences are induced involuntarily. The phaser is conscious and self-aware in what appears to be a phantom reality of a mental nature which often emulates the waking state. The phase can surpass waking experience in quality, and, although environments can appear stable, they can also transmute. It is possible to slip into the dream state from here and vice versa.

Rumar 26-04-2012 09:05 PM

To go out of your way to try to say your belief rules over theirs as absolute truth is just the same as the people who go out and say that their religion is the absolute truth.

"Way back when, people did not have consciousness. Yet
once it developed, it gradually started occupying more and
more of the waking state."
What is Consciousness?
1. the state of being conscious; awareness of one's own existence, sensations, thoughts, surroundings, etc.
2. the thoughts and feelings, collectively, of an individual or of an aggregate of people: the moral consciousness of a nation.
3. full activity of the mind and senses, as in waking life: to regain consciousness after fainting.
4. awareness of something for what it is; internal knowledge: consciousness of wrongdoing.
5. concern, interest, or acute awareness: class consciousness.

so they didn't have any consciousness? Even animals have it and you can tell when one fights to survive, the ability to strategize in order to take down prey, the power to overcome obstacles and challenges (see squirrels breaking into bird feeders, raccoons figuring out how to get to food sealed up, look at the classic video of a japanese crow learning of the crosswalk's laws and able to get the hard nut it dropped to break open. Cavemen had consciousness and it has been proven by cave paintings, a form of art which requires some form of consciousness in order to create, not accidentally these were PAINTINGS, clearly they were wishing to tell stories to SOMEONE, if not that, then they admired the beauty of the hunt, the beauty of the animals they lived with, etc. Did that NOT require consciousness to do? Were they just unconscious all of their lives? But when we're talking about far down the road such as when man was first created, then explain about how they learned to break open bones for the marrow in the cleaned carcass. That was discovered through scientific research which this book strongly supports. If something can't be proven through scientific means, it doesn't exist or has just been dreamt up.

Some years in the past I was sure it's another world. But no experiments could prove it in clear way. It means no useful way for application of this state of mind. It is waste of time for everybody who think so... You can see it in any sites and books about OBE or AP. They NEVER tell how to use it! NEVER!

If you want to use it and be selfsatisfied you should think it's all in your mind. And if so the area of application even more if it would be an parallel world

Look here:
« Last Edit: August 01, 2009, 09:32:22 AM by Mike Raduga »
I thought he said that the Phase WAS astral projection, OBE was part of Phase, these are just terms to describe the same mind created place. They NEVER tell how to use it, you mean like how to master it? There's quite a bit of methods and techniques to do such even on your own website. It is a waste of time to think otherwise in what he believes... nice, guy.

What is Science?
1. a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws: the mathematical sciences.
2. systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation.
3. any of the branches of natural or physical science.
4. systematized knowledge in general.
5. knowledge, as of facts or principles; knowledge gained by systematic study.

A man-made form of study to understanding the world(s) around them. Man is not perfect and therefore what we do and create is also not perfect, science can't explain everything, there are many parts of the brain which we know so much but then how come we haven't figured everything out about our universe and our oceans? We've certainly had many centuries worth of science to study. I'm not saying that we should just jump to a spiritualistic way of life nor am I saying that magic is involved with things.

Energy, what is it? Let's look up the dictionary's term for it:
1. the capacity for vigorous activity; available power: I eat chocolate to get quick energy.
2. an adequate or abundant amount of such power: I seem to have no energy these days.
3. Often, energies. a feeling of tension caused or seeming to be caused by an excess of such power: to work off one's energies at tennis.
4. an exertion of such power: She plays tennis with great energy.
5. the habit of vigorous activity; vigor as a characteristic: Foreigners both admire and laugh at American energy.

Energy can be believed to be an unseen phenomenon but everyone agrees that energy is in a form that exists, such as the sun, solar energy, heat is considered an energy, emotion is considered energy, you can feel it, you can sense it, a bad vibe, is that not energy? What about electric power, isn't electricity a form of energy? Isn't wind considered a form of energy? Is it physical or is it chemical? It can be used to power something so why not? Calories are existing and they're considered a form of energy. And yet most believe energy is just made up? Or at least a member or two have stated it's not at all real or at least in the phase it doesn't exist. So why is it only restricted in our world? Aren't spirits a form of ectoplasm as some scientists believe? But then this also explains why they can't AP for longer than 15 minutes and why during those 15 minutes they have to palpate in order to stay in the phase. And due to the fact THEY can't stay in the phase, then it must be impossible to be in the phase longer than 15 minutes. The other people only CONCEIVE that it's for longer than 15 minutes but in all "reality" it's not.

The reason for techniques and methods are just to get yourself going, to learn about how to leave the body (or enter the Phase), some folks believe that certain methods are guaranteed to get you going, they promise it will and if the person can't do it, they're doing something wrong. Well, then it's not guaranteed then if a person or persons can't seem to utilize it, it's not THEIR fault the method doesn't work for them, every person is different and will need to follow their own ways, the point of learning a technique that is successful is to utilize it and move on with your own methods even if it's the same with an alteration here or there, you must become absolutely independent or there is no point in leaving at all. To rely on another is absolutely fine but to live on another is just being dependent. This is why you still struggle to enter the phase at will by according to your posts at OBE4U, that they are far in between at times as well.

Why even BOTHER to enter the phase if it's just made up, you might as well just go to sleep and dream because at least that way, you're not straining yourself for a mind-induced adventure and everyone's successful at getting at least one very vivid dream in a life time unlike entering something like the phase or astral realm in which some folks can't try out and explore.

Summerlander 26-04-2012 09:12 PM

You can spout all you want and I don't blame you. You have not yet reach the frame of mind to accept the scientific method. Consciousness, by the way, is something that you have developed as you grew and developed. The consciousness that you have now is not the same one you have when you were a baby. As you grow older, it will soon start to dwindle. Before you were born there was nothing and so it shall be at the end. This in itself wipes out the concept of astral planes or afterlife realms for that matter.

Rumar 26-04-2012 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by Summerlander
You can spout all you want and I don't blame you. You have not yet reach the frame of mind to accept the scientific method. Consciousness, by the way, is something that you have developed as you grew and developed. The consciousness that you have now is not the same one you have when you were a baby. As you grow older, it will soon start to dwindle. Before you were born there was nothing and so it shall be at the end. This in itself wipes out the concept of astral planes or afterlife realms for that matter.

How does it wipe out the concept of astral planes or afterlife realms by saying it's all in your head? So even you have said you have a consciousness by birth, so how come Michael says that before people didn't even have one? I've seen portions saying that energy doesn't exist, so how come on Ripley's Believe it or Not LIVE, they caught a guy heating meat with his energy alone on infrared? They showed both types cameras in front of a live audience, he performed it on stage, the meat started to sizzle. Then there's several people on "Stan Lee's Superhumans" where they perform such things that you say are impossible ON camera hooked up with scientific equipment, while monitored with credible scientists? You haven't even begun searching the internet for actual information concerning these things because the people you look up to haven't mentioned it.

You're not open-minded enough to actually accept a possibility, people here haven't gone to OBE4U and started spouting off hot air saying what you believe in is make-believe and wrong. They give people the space to believe in whatever they want, it's a shame that you're going the lengths to actually mock people for their beliefs.


You have not yet reach the frame of mind to accept the scientific method.

You have not reached the frame of mind nor maturity for credibility to even speak highly of yourself.

ZOV 27-04-2012 01:46 AM


Hi! I've returned here after so long because I feel that the community here is really behind

Oh, and you care right?


Here's the absolute unadulterated truth about the phenomenon: it is all lucid dreaming!!

lololololololo.... lol.


I teach and live such state of consciousness and simply call it the "phase state" when I represent Michael Raduga's school. I work with him on the research side at the OOBE Research Center and deal with many volunteers for experiments. The following is what I usually send to people who want to get started and are interested in becoming my students...

Selling something here?

Sangress 27-04-2012 02:19 AM

This is just different explanations and perspectives for exactly the same act. Neither can disprove the other as far as I'm concerned. I find value in both methods and theories because each overcomes the others limitations in various areas (especially where skeptics are concerned.)

Phase States seem more geared toward the dreamscape than traditional Astral Projection from my experience, but its really the same act, just different states of consciousness and different layers. *shrugs*

I dont see why there is this competative edge between the two theories/methods involving Phase States or Astral Projection.

Astral Explorer 27-04-2012 02:20 AM

Lol I read like 2 sentences and came to the conclusion this guys "absolute truth" is an absolute crock. Maybe if people only AP'd through sleep could he say this, but thousands of people worldwide AP through meditation and in my case which I imagine others has nothing to do with sleep. During an AP through meditation I am just awake as I am typing this now until the point of light body split. I am wide awake leave my body and my consciousness carries on while my physical body is left behind. So thanks for all your work and waste of time to discredit something you clearly do not fully grasp or understand. But please take your skepticism and work else where to like-minded critics who might actually finish reading more than a paragraph of that ****. Every time someone comes on here with this same mumbo jumbo to me it just looks like a sign they are holding up saying "Hey look at me, I really need some attention!"

12padams 27-04-2012 05:12 AM


Originally Posted by ZOV
Selling something here?

Actually he's not. He's offering you free books and research papers which you can respond to however you like.

Astral Explorer 27-04-2012 06:37 AM

Why would I waste my time reading a skeptics opinion. There are far too many great knowledgeable books on astral projection out there for me to even consider reading his sorry excuse for a book. Hopefully an admin will ban him sooner than later it is obvious he is seeking attention. People with his beliefs will never experience astral projection therefore they will never be able to write anything about the subject other than their personal opinions. The only thing he has proven is that he has yet to prove anything, opinions are not facts.

Doctors cannot explain dreaming still to do this day so how can he conclude that astral projection is dreaming, he realistically cannot and never will be able to. I am sure there are forums for like-minded people to communicate. Unfortunately they found their way here and obviously think they can prove us wrong, but they cannot. Him writing about astral projection is like a virgin writing about sex. He is lacking the experience to say anything worth reading.

12padams 27-04-2012 07:12 AM


Originally Posted by Astral Explorer
Why would I waste my time reading a skeptics opinion. There are far too many great knowledgeable books on astral projection out there for me to even consider reading his sorry excuse for a book. Hopefully an admin will ban him sooner than later it is obvious he is seeking attention. People with his beliefs will never experience astral projection therefore they will never be able to write anything about the subject other than their personal opinions. The only thing he has proven is that he has yet to prove anything, opinions are not facts.

Doctors cannot explain dreaming still to do this day so how can he conclude that astral projection is dreaming, he realistically cannot and never will be able to. I am sure there are forums for like-minded people to communicate. Unfortunately they found their way here and obviously think they can prove us wrong, but they cannot. Him writing about astral projection is like a virgin writing about sex. He is lacking the experience to say anything worth reading.

He does have experience and does write about his experiences and even draws what he see's... Here's just one of many of his pictures.

Last of all banning someone because of their beliefs doesn't sound good... It will give him a fantastic excuse to bad mouth this site which is exactly what you don't want...

And don't think I am on his or your side. I am on nobody's side because I hate having enemies. I can't take a side because if I do those from the opposite side will be against me. Until everyone takes a side I am going to remain in the middle. Thats why I won't give up until something is proven!

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