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12padams 26-04-2012 09:23 AM

I'm Sorry Everyone - Here's The Reason I Acted That Way

As you know I came on these forums with absolute skepticism about astral projection being anything more than an amazing creation/experience within your mind. I wasn't always like this in fact I'll tell you why I am...

Three years ago when I was 15 I joined these forums (all that data was lost) and believed 100% that astral projection was as you believe it is. Before long I met someone called "Tony" who made a thread about an astral meetup in Paris. I didn't know how to astral project at the time so I asked him if he could pull me out of my body while I slept at night and take me there. He agreed but when I woke up the next morning I had no memory of the experience and Tony said that I "blacked out" and lost my memory.

I was skeptical at first but then he told me to search for my lost memories. I recalled two events and when he told me what happened during the astral projection session he also recalled them in order. Ever since that point I had a slight level of trust in Tony however he refused to pull me out again since when he does he is my responsibility and if I die he has to live with it...

2.5 years past and after trying for ages with no results I almost came to the conclusion that astral projection didn't exist because I couldn't achieve it. In October 2011 just before I gave up and lost hope I found another website that had a free eBook (won't list the website/book since it is apparently illegal to do so on these forums) that had techniques to astral project. Instantly I was hooked and devoted my life to trying to achieve astral projection and 19 days later I had my first low lucidity experience followed by a higher lucidity experience after 35 days.

After that point I continued to have more and more experiences and write them down in my own books. Wow was I excited yet before long I realized that the entire community were skeptics and said that astral projection is just you conscious in a world created by your subconscious mind. I was so angry by this that I tried to prove them wrong by performing experiments that proved telepathic connections existed within the astral.

The results were scattered yet I did get some amazing events occurring when I spoke to Tony about everything. He correctly predicted what two different people would see if they looked into themselves because he sensed they had an entity in them. When I started telling all the skeptics on the website I was using about all the "proof" I had received they said that it was all coincidence and that It would be a coincidence if things like this didn't happen at least once... They told me that I was young and immature for believing that astral projection truly took you to another place/dimension/plane. They say that they have outgrown that childish fantasy and are now mature for believing its all in your head.

I was furious and I tried to prove them wrong. I was certain the astral was more than a mind creation and then boom... Tony gives me a prediction of an event that would occur on April 14th 2012. I was beyond excited and was telling everyone on obe4u.com about how I was gonna prove it to them. I continued performing my experiments however they all failed to prove the astral is not a mind creation. That didn't matter to me anymore because I was there to prove them all wrong when Tony's prediction came true.

I started a countdown thread and the skeptics laughed at me and I laughed at them. I made a deal with them... If I can prove to them its all real then they are not allowed to be skeptics anymore... If I couldn't then I promised them I would become a skeptic to. Excitement built up and I was ready to receive the proof and convert a forum of about 300 skeptics to believers. Then suddenly... the event didn't occur. I was shattered and filled with rage... Why believe if I can't get proof.

I was ready to fully believe in them and be a 100% skeptic however I retained a 1% believe due to what I had experienced up to that point. I then posted my free books and ideas (deleted because its illegal to post links to free eBooks here) and wanted to just get an opinion of what everyone thought about my attempts to prove that astral people are not created by your mind. People flipped and got angry at me for treating astral people like my slaves just because I believed they were only in my mind. I even got threatened by a member here telling me that if they met me in the astral they would teach me a lesson... I WAS EXCITED!!!!

PROVE IT! I said in a thread... I was finally going to meet someone here from within the astral plane. Then the threats disappear and everyone goes silent. I took that as a "ok crud he got us now and knows we cant prove it to him because its just in our minds". Then I get an insult on the now deleted post about my books by a member who said I was too immature to process my proof and understand that the astral is not in my head. Remember just earlier on another forum I was told that I was too immature to accept the fact that the astral is just in your head. I was so offended then a few hours later my book post was removed... I took that as a "You're not welcome here because your beliefs don't match ours".

I was furious beyond belief and was about to leave when I thought... I'm acting just like the skeptics did on those forums when I was trying to tell them that the astral was real. They blocked me out and now I blocked you out. I am sorry to the people I may have offended while here but I have been through a lot... It seems that no matter what I believe people think I am immature.... Immature for believing the astral is real and immature for believing its not.

The reason I acted so angry and disbelieving to everyone is because I failed to receive proof on April 14th with a prediction from tony (actually an entity within him called "Phanes" predicted it). Its just that it caused me to be furious since I put so much trust into him and when nothing happened I was shattered and refused to believe him or anyone else. I was even more skeptic when I asked people from these forums to prove it to me and they couldn't.

So instead of leaving, instead of trying to convert you all to skeptics, instead of raging at you... I've decided to say sorry and stay. I'll keep my beliefs away from your discussions however I really hope that someone here can prove it to me... I really find it difficult to believe when there's no proof which is why I have become atheist. Proof comes from experience and I am willing to meet any of you in the astral if your ready to prove to me that its possible.

Do you all forgive me? What else would you like to say? Anyone willing to prove something to me? I'm All Ears :)

Remnantique 26-04-2012 09:36 AM

What is it exactly that you want us to prove? I read everything but I don't understand. At first I thought you wanted someone to prove the astral realm exists, but in your last sentence you've said you would meet someone in the astral realm so it sounds like you can astral project...

I forgive you, but I don't know you LOL But this is my opinion, I don't think you should hide away your beliefs because you regret the past, did you tell Tony it didn't happen? By the way what was the event that was meant to happen? Perhaps he strongly believed it to happen (he was telling the truth) but he turned out to have made a mistake so he was wrong, so you shouldn't feel angry about him being wrong since it's the same as...let's see...racing against someone in a running race and you're clearly going to win, but then at the last minute you trip on a rock and lose. Forces which are out of your control, you would believe to have won but in the end it didn't, it happens = S

EDIT) OH do you mean you've been to the astral realm but you can't prove it's not a figment of your imagination or not because you can't correlate anything there to the real world in order to prove it does exist and you want someone to help you prove it exists?

astralsuzy 26-04-2012 09:42 AM

My advise is to stop trying to prove ap exists or not. It will only cause anger, resentment and it will make you miserable. Keep it to yourself and have fun, learn or do whatever you want to do. A lot of people do not accept ap. They will not even try to understand it. A lot of people are religious and they would probably think you will go to hell. It is not worth going through all that. Forget it and have fun.

12padams 26-04-2012 09:46 AM


OH do you mean you've been to the astral realm but you can't prove it's not a figment of your imagination or not because you can't correlate anything there to the real world in order to prove it does exist and you want someone to help you prove it exists?

Yikes... Did I write my post so badly you couldn't work out what I was saying until you reread it... Well yes your right now :)


I forgive you, but I don't know you LOL But this is my opinion, I don't think you should hide away your beliefs because you regret the past, did you tell Tony it didn't happen? By the way what was the event that was meant to happen? Perhaps he strongly believed it to happen (he was telling the truth) but he turned out to have made a mistake so he was wrong, so you shouldn't feel angry about him being wrong since it's the same as...let's see...racing against someone in a running race and you're clearly going to win, but then at the last minute you trip on a rock and lose. Forces which are out of your control, you would believe to have won but in the end it didn't, it happens = S

It's complicated... Infact it's ridiculously complicated! Basically this event is supposed to happen in September now but the entity lied to him and said April because he didn't think tony could wait that long for the event. And what is the event? I can't say (I have orders to keep it secret) but boy it would prove everything. It's physical proof that the astral is more then a mind creation and much much more. I can't say anything but it would be able to prove it to the world and by mid 2013 it's apparently going to do just that.


My advise is to stop trying to prove ap exists or not. It will only cause anger, resentment and it will make you miserable. Keep it to yourself and have fun, learn or do whatever you want to do. A lot of people do not accept ap. They will not even try to understand it. A lot of people are religious and they would probably think you will go to hell. It is not worth going through all that. Forget it and have fun.

I am really sorry for disagreeing with you on that one but that's one thing I really need to do. I can't have fun unless I know the truth... I can't complete my goals if the astral is real because then I would be unfairly treating astral people. This intermediate state of belief is putting me through hell but if I can just know what is true then everything will be perfect.

iolite 26-04-2012 11:52 AM


It doesn't matter if anyone else believes you or not. Just continue on what you're doing. I would love to hear about your experiences.

BTW... If astral projection is all in the mind, then how come I've seen my cat's astral bodies on more than one occasion? I've reached down to stroke my cat Max on my way to the bathroom in the middle of the night and as my hand reaches to stroke the curled up sleeping cat, my hand goes right through him. I woke up one night to find my cat Augie ready to climb up on the nightstand. I reach over to pick him up before he knocks everything over and he starts to dissolve from the back legs up. These are just a couple of experiences I have had seeing my cats in astral form. Every time I am fully awake.

12padams 26-04-2012 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by iolite

It doesn't matter if anyone else believes you or not. Just continue on what you're doing. I would love to hear about your experiences.

BTW... If astral projection is all in the mind, then how come I've seen my cat's astral bodies on more than one occasion? I've reached down to stroke my cat Max on my way to the bathroom in the middle of the night and as my hand reaches to stroke the curled up sleeping cat, my hand goes right through him. I woke up one night to find my cat Augie ready to climb up on the nightstand. I reach over to pick him up before he knocks everything over and he starts to dissolve from the back legs up. These are just a couple of experiences I have had seeing my cats in astral form. Every time I am fully awake.

A skeptic from the website I stay at would say you are hallucinating and need medical help... I am gunna say "wow" you should try improve on this ability and see if you can sense human spirits as well. If you can do that then we can certainly have many great adventures together and break my intermediate state of beliefs :)

Good luck!

iolite 26-04-2012 12:16 PM

Nope, I wasn't hallucinating.

12padams 26-04-2012 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by iolite
Nope, I wasn't hallucinating.

Then there's hope :)

Podshell 26-04-2012 12:30 PM

Too many difficulties with getting absolute proof for self I think.

For instance I tried a random target in someone elses house and when I saw it after I am certain it was the one I saw (this was a first experiment so there was a prob identifying it, the person had used reflective plastic to make it and I was unable to make out the part that was reflecting lots of light) Anyway after that experience (as with a few other experiences) I was convinced that we actually can project into this physical world, but then I thought, well maybe it could be a form of remote viewing. So the next thing would be try to capture my astral on film as it comes out, simply by setting the cam/vid up near my bed and having a lead that I could operate it by when I am projecting, but even if I capture anything it would have to be good, otherwise I could explain away any misty bits etc, now if I tried this and a got a good photo, people would believe it faked, but at least I would know it is real......or has my mind/wishes ben able to project an image into the camera?

Just a note regards pets and the astral, when I was pretty active at projecting , one night I had what I thought was a sheep keep following me about, this was a puzzle until I woke up and remembered my wifes father was staying and had brought his big fluffy sheep dog with him

Summerlander 26-04-2012 09:27 PM

These people can't prove anything to you, 12padams. The truth about the phase is that it is all lucid dreaming. Whether lucid dreams can be telepathic or not is another story. Even if this is so, it still doesn't prove that an astral plane exists or that people consciously survive physical death.

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