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Roaring Thunder 25-02-2012 11:18 PM

Help me manifest my dream apartment!
I just need guidance in manifesting my dream apartment. I asked for it last week on a Sunday. I did a list of all the amenities and everything I wanted this apartment to be like. I even put down that my soulmate girlfriend (haven't met her yet), her sister, and a friend of mine would share the same unit on the upper floor!

I'm even working on the manifestation story I'm going to post on The Secret website!

I would visualize and act as if. I would do this everyday but I missed Thursday and Saturday because of medical problems. Those were the only two days I missed.

When manifesting something, how do you "restart" the manifestation process? I just want to stop and start over this intention since I missed 2 days.


Adrienne 25-02-2012 11:29 PM

hi Roaring Thunder,

I don't think you need to " restart " , can you just continue ? I have heard you only need to put the request out to the Universe once and then just have a strong belief that it will happen for you. A key element is to feel the emotions of this actually happening.

Best wishes to you !

Dream Angel xx

MorningMist 28-02-2012 05:11 PM

Heya Roaring Thunder!

This is perhaps a little 'left field' of the standard method, but 'rage' or 'anger' has worked for me, in almost alarming detail on two occasions, both of which were concerning moving to new residences. Hopefully, you might find it helpful.

First: I was right royally ticked off with my living arrangements on both occasions - feeling pure rage, in fact.

Second: I took that rage and used it to write down every single detail of where I wanted to live, the type of home it had to be and very specific details about storage space, number of bedrooms, etc. I wrote and wrote, seeing the desired details so clearly in my mind's eye that came naturally, until the rage I felt had been used up.

Third: On the first occasion, despite not having a penny to my name, I arranged for removalists to come and move me on Thursday of the following week, and also despite being unable to tell them 'where' exactly they'd be moving me to, I was driven by my rage and absolutely had to move by the following Thursday. On the following Wednesday afternoon, just in the knick of time, I'd found the place I'd been looking for, and managed to secure a small loan from a friend the same day to pay the removalists. I'd moved into the new home just 7 days after writing my rage out for it.

On the second occasion, I again felt 'rage' over my accommodation situation and again used it to write out a 'shopping list' of details.

However, when I searched the rental ads in the paper that same day, nothing was available to rent. There was only a single house listed for sale – which happened to be the one that perfectly fit my shopping list, so I rang the agent and asked if, when it was sold, could they keep me in mind should the new owners wish to rent it out.

I heard nothing for weeks and kept my 'rage' glowing during that time: I had to move into that house and that was all there was to it! Six weeks later, the agent rang to ask if I was still interested, because the house had been sold and the new owners wanted to rent it out. I moved in that weekend and, as in the first instance, found the house to be absolutely everything I'd listed, down to the last detail.

Rage seems to work for me when I really want or need for something to happen. I don't understand it, because it would seem to go against the grain of the 'love and light and happy thoughts and creative visualisation' preachers, but there you go.

Good luck!

iolite 28-02-2012 05:33 PM

As you're visualizing your apartment, girlfriend..etc. Try to visualize how happy and contented you are in your new apartment with your girlfriend! It is the really, really upbeat (happy/euphoria) feelings that help in the manifesting!!

:wav: :wav: :wav:

MorningMist 01-03-2012 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by iolite
As you're visualizing your apartment, girlfriend..etc. Try to visualize how happy and contented you are in your new apartment with your girlfriend! It is the really, really upbeat (happy/euphoria) feelings that help in the manifesting!!

:wav: :wav: :wav:

If only that were true for everyone, iolite...but for me, when it comes to moving homes, it's internal rage that gets the job done.

No messing about with fairies and rainbows and fluff for me lol (yeah, I know, I'm an odd one).


gypsymystique 02-03-2012 07:36 PM

I've had the anger work for me too, but I have also reached a place that the peace and contentment works too.

Don't worry about "missing" a couple of days. Just be consistent.

Roaring Thunder 10-03-2012 07:19 PM

Thanks for the tips, guys!!!

Roaring Thunder 10-03-2012 07:37 PM

The main thing I'm confused about with Creative Visualization is this --

You're supposed to "let go" and "allow" but then again, you're also supposed to visualize it daily for your desire to physically manifest. Does "letting go" mean you should still visualize having what you want every day?

But then what if you get one of those days where you don't feel like taking a minute or two to visualize the request? Do you force yourself or just skip it?

So as far as "letting go" is concerned, I plan to take a helium balloon and then tape my intentions to the balloon and let it float into the sky. This isn't just for the apartment, but I'm going to tape a sheet of paper to the balloon and write all my intentions onto the balloon and let it float into the sky.

How about that?

Sir Neil 20-07-2022 08:58 AM

Make a list of the qualities you would like in an apartment, job, relationship, holiday and so on, and then ASK THE UNIVERSE TO GUIDE YOU TO IT.

If you have a really strong desire for something, then it means that it IS MEANT TO BE, and that NOW IS THE TIME TO MANIFEST IT. Why else would your inner wisdom have given you the desire?

As you make this your main belief (the belief that you are being guided to something you desire) then everything will line up. You will be put in the right place at the right time, and meeting the right people, to allow your desire to come to you.

asthewindblows 22-07-2022 01:59 AM

Everyone has their own process and you seem to have a plan laid out. I'm not sure if this will work for you... But what has worked for me, is simply have a passion for what I want and hoping, praying, and wishing for it......naturally.
Then, things fell into place.

If you focus too hard on how and when things will work, you might start thinking, "Why is it taking so long".... and that at times, disturbs the process....

Try naturally feeling your desires, while at the same time having faith in the Universe to fulfill those in due time...

I hope you do manifest your dream apartment. ✨

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