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ElderFlame 17-02-2012 08:13 AM

Scared to death of astral projecting
I have been through the last 3 nights trying to astral project but I am so scared of like seeing a demon or something that might break my silver cord and I have been SO close to astral projecting it is unbelievable. I am a Christian also and I kind of know that Christians enter the astral world already but I am still very skeptical about some things.

Many thanks if you can help!

xxLoveLifexx 17-02-2012 08:48 AM

Yes, it's quite understandable that you are afraid of attempting to visit other realities, because it can include the idea of pulling your own fears to the forefront. I had myself traumatic experiences from childhood beginning with OBE's. Today I look at it as presents that helped me. The silver cord isn't really a necessity as much as it is an projection of yourself showing that you are still connected to your physical body and not dead.

I personally have never seen the cord when astral projecting and I'm fine. There is a lot of misconceptions/opinion about the topic on the internet. Make your own experiences in the knowing that you don't have to give your power away to anyone. They can only trigger the unresolved issues you have inside you, so in fact they are even helping you. If you could have it broken, I would have died already a hundred times lol.

Astral Explorer 17-02-2012 09:04 AM

If you are having fears during projection attempts it would be wise to discontinue your attempts for the time being. I know that is depressing as you are getting so close but what you need to understand is your conscious and subconscious thoughts manifest in the astral. So if you are thinking about what you fear it is likely that will manifest. In the astral like attracts like, so if you are scared and thinking about the boogie man will get you then it is far more likely he will.

If you are a fearless person with love, understanding, and forgiveness in your heart then it is likely these are the types of beings you will run into the astral. You should seriously stop attempting projections and slow down before it is too late. I am not trying to scare you but it is unwise to continue with fear in the forefront. I myself rushed into Astral Projection thinking that my desire would conquer all my fears instantly and I was very wrong.

I am now dealing with a Negative entity on a daily basis and getting attacked several times a week while I sleep and before going to sleep. I did not take the time to learn to properly ground and shield myself and it's apparent by you continuing to project even though you are scared that you have not taken the right precautions and measures to assure your safety.

Once you open the door on Astral Projection, the spirit world, clairvoyance, or any psychic ability it is extremely difficult if not impossible to shut the door. Take this into mind and think long and hard about it. I did not and I wanted quickly to become psychic. Quickly it turned into a case of "I got what I wanted, and what I wanted was more than I could handle." Not to say there hasn't been any positive sides of this, sure there have. I have become so much stronger mentally and things that used to scare me no longer do. But this is after several months of being attacked and there is not many people you can talk about this stuff with unless you want to be committed into a Psych Ward and medicated into a zombie.

You should slow your roll a little bit and analyze what you are scared of while in deep meditation. Turn your fear into an image, like a postcard. Then attempt to the turn postcard over and see what is on the back. That will reveal why you are scared. It takes some practice but that is the point, by the time you can analyze and conquer your fears you will be ready for Astral Projection. Good luck.

ElderFlame 17-02-2012 12:37 PM

Thanks for the help! :)

Xanth 18-02-2012 04:26 AM


Originally Posted by daverigler
I have been through the last 3 nights trying to astral project but I am so scared of like seeing a demon or something that might break my silver cord and I have been SO close to astral projecting it is unbelievable. I am a Christian also and I kind of know that Christians enter the astral world already but I am still very skeptical about some things.

Many thanks if you can help!

You've got several assumptions and beliefs here that are seriously holding you back.

First, you don't need to worry about negative entities. Just make sure you venture forth with good intentions. This will make sure you're safe.

Next, regardless of the existence or not of a "silver cord" (I personally don't believe it exists) nobody has ever reported being able to "cut" theirs (of the people who believe they have one, that is).

Also, being Christian has nothing to do with Projecting. Projecting is a birthright of being a consciousness focused towards a physical body.

In this case the statement "You have nothing to fear but fear itself" would seem to apply 100%. The only way through this is to be a soldier and push on through. Courage *ALWAYS* triumphs over fear. Be strong and you'll be fine. :)

Astral Explorer 18-02-2012 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by Xanth
You've got several assumptions and beliefs here that are seriously holding you back.

First, you don't need to worry about negative entities. Just make sure you venture forth with good intentions. This will make sure you're safe.

In this case the statement "You have nothing to fear but fear itself" would seem to apply 100%. The only way through this is to be a soldier and push on through. Courage *ALWAYS* triumphs over fear. Be strong and you'll be fine. :)

Quite wrong actually, good intentions will offer you little if any protection from Negs. Nobody really tries to Astral Project with bad intentions and thousands of people encounters Negs on the regular, this is just another New Agey rumor. I have always had the best intentions and deal with Negs on a daily basis.

Fear in the astral attracts Negs like honey does a bear. Telling him to soldier through is only going to cause him more harm than good. If he has fears with projecting he needs to deal with those problems first and not go rushing into this. What you do spiritually effects you for eternity and you have plenty of time, do not rush into this.

I have not had a ounce of fear when dealing with this Neg and I stay strong and courageous every single day, but the Neg is still with me 24/7. All these sayings about white light & fear are rumors created by people who have never encountered a real Neg.

Once you deal with a Neg it becomes quite obvious love, white light, and being fearless do little when it comes to getting rid of a Neg. Robert Bruce states this in Psychic Self Defense and from 3 months of dealing with a Neg on a daily basis I agree with him 100%.

Xanth 18-02-2012 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by Astral Explorer
Quite wrong actually, good intentions will offer you little if any protection from Negs. Nobody really tries to Astral Project with bad intentions and thousands of people encounters Negs on the regular, this is just another New Agey rumor. I have always had the best intentions and deal with Negs on a daily basis.

Fear in the astral attracts Negs like honey does a bear. Telling him to soldier through is only going to cause him more harm than good. If he has fears with projecting he needs to deal with those problems first and not go rushing into this. What you do spiritually effects you for eternity and you have plenty of time, do not rush into this.

I have not had a ounce of fear when dealing with this Neg and I stay strong and courageous every single day, but the Neg is still with me 24/7. All these sayings about white light & fear are rumors created by people who have never encountered a real Neg.

Once you deal with a Neg it becomes quite obvious love, white light, and being fearless do little when it comes to getting rid of a Neg. Robert Bruce states this in Psychic Self Defense and from 3 months of dealing with a Neg on a daily basis I agree with him 100%.

That's an opinion actually. And I was also giving my opinion on it... which is an opinion based entirely upon my direct experiences in the non-physical for as long as I can remember.

I've been projecting my entire life and have never (read *N E V E R*) had any issues with negs. I definitely do not believe I'm anybody special, so they're either real and they leave me alone or they're not real and I don't subconsciously create them. I leave the option open for both as I don't really know which it could be. I do, however, can say that how I perceive and view my actions in the non-physical is most likely the deciding factor, so that's what I teach people.

I teach that as long as you venture forth with Love, you have very little to worry about.

In the end, if you're having to deal with "negs" that much, you might want to look into your personal situation. You've got something wrong. If you say your intentions are good, you might want to really look deep down and ask yourself some hard to answer questions. Just an observation.

Also, the problem with Robert Bruce is that he perpetuates this fear based reaction to the non-physical. He's got some good ideas, and those are the ones I take from him. I leave him to his pit of neg-fear and neg-despair though. There's no place for it in my projections. So unless you're experienced enough to weed out Bruce's **** from the good stuff... I HIGHLY SUGGEST avoiding him until you're a bit more experienced. He places fear-seeds in people's heads which cause that which he tries to stop. As I said, there's no place for his fear-based **** in my projections.

In the end, what are your thoughts upon the differences between your neg-filled experiences and my negless experiences?

Astral Explorer 18-02-2012 10:36 PM

Well I think I had this Neg with me even before I started APing as I am sure many others do. It wasn't until I started meditating & Astral projecting that my mild clairvoyance and psychic abilities started turning on. I am mildly clairvoyant at best and I can look into the Real Time Zone with my eyes closed after a couple minutes of meditation. This is when I first started seeing spirits moving around. Robert Bruce says it is better to be prepared than unprepared and that is how I feel to wards new-comers.

Anyways I am pretty sure this Neg was with me long before I started APing, but after I started APing I can now sense it's attack. Before APing it was just Sleep Paralysis, Night Terrors, and Muscle spasms. Now I can feel it touching me where the muscle spasms occur, which is weird it took me a long time to put those two together. I was having muscle spasms in my feet constantly for no reason, went to dozens of doctors and never got any answers.

It wasn't till I started meditating that the answers on my failing health and all my symptoms I was having became clear. But now that I have identified the Neg it is more than just Sleep paralysis, Night Terrors, and Muscle spasms. My bed shakes every night and I can feel hands pushing up under my mattress, and it imprints core images in my head almost daily. Robert Bruce's Psychic Self Defense book is the only source of information that has had any effect on the Neg, nothing else has helped.

As far as your experiences I cannot say, they are your experiences. I had this Neg with me before I started projecting most likely so that is why I have encountered Negs in my projections. Perhaps you have encountered Negs in your projections you were just unaware, the astral is a place of shapelessness and things are not always as they seem. I have attachments that is why my experiences continue in the same way, it takes time for them to have attachments and I was sick for like 3 years.

earthatic 18-02-2012 11:20 PM

It seems like everyone has an opinion on these things, but I have to agree with Astral Explorer`s post. A bit of advice though is that these things are difficult to understand, many things are kept secret and aren`t well studied, and therefore open to interpretation and theorizing. It may be useful to follow another`s view, but their view might not be correct or practical.

I`ll say what others have already said, that it`s important to overcome your fears. The problem is you`ll probably develop some new ones once you start APing. In the moment you are feeling strong apprehension for something new, you must press on regardless. It requires willpower and courage.

I have encountered negs before I started projecting, and one of them has surely left me. And I`ve only noticed that recently when thinking back to previous sleep paralysis episodes. A current entity read these thoughts and then pretended to mimic the spirit who left in order to cause me doubt. The being did a poor impression, but that`s just how deceptive they try to be.

Anyway, enough of that...AE, They don`t stick around forever unless they`re seriously attached and attracted by some emotion you have, or if they`re planted there by other beings in order to block your spiritual growth. As for the spasms in your feet, negs are known to go through your root energy first in order to attach. If you`re ever in a half-awake state and your feet feel like they`re moving by themselves, that`s a sure sign of attachment. Stick some bags of salt in your socks while you sleep (as silly as that sounds :P) and it will mess up the other being`s energy and grounding.

astralsuzy 18-02-2012 11:42 PM

I agree with Xanth. I would advise not to read anything that puts fear into you. I used to see scary things before I ap. I did not react to it. I could not careless about it. I did not let it worry me. I was able to ap and have a great ap experience. I do not see anything awful anymore before I ap. I have been like that for years. If you get scary vibrations, just ignore it. Do not care about it and you will be fine. It cannot hurt you. It is just ap sensations and nothing else. We are all different and people think differently. People will disagree with me. They have their opinions and this is my opinion.

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