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kimmery 14-02-2012 02:54 AM

Why do we need attunements?
I don't know much about reiki. I'm confused.
I went to Barnes and Noble today and was reading about how if we wanted to heal we need to get attunements? From other people? At a higher level I guess. But, if we all have this ability, why would we need to do this? Why not just learn without going through all that? Who gave the first attunement then...

Xan 14-02-2012 04:03 AM

kimmery... If you'll read a whole book on Reiki or take a 1st degree seminar you'll get more understanding. You seem curious so why not get a little more into it.

We receive attunements in Reiki training to open the flow of our natural energies so they can have more healing effect. You are attuned by people who already have this flow at higher levels, as you thought.

The first attunements were received, and given to others by Dr. Usui many years ago, then later on in the West by Mrs. Hawayo Takata. It's quite an unusual story you could read in one of those Reiki books, or on the web.


shifty123 15-02-2012 01:22 AM

Consider energy or our spiritual evolvement like musical notes or a musical instrument. When you attune someone. You make that persons spiritual vibration sharper and more harmonious with yours.

sunny shine 15-02-2012 10:51 AM

Some people don't need to be attuned and poses natural healing blessings something they have been carrying from past lives. I have tried healing myself before learning Reiki and after attunement it’s a different ball game altogether.
As xan said you must get an attunement from a good Reiki master and see for yourself.

Troll_ov_Grimness 21-02-2012 02:33 AM

I've been through shinbyeong which might as well be reiki attunement
I had been told of reiki and wanted to do it by myself
Kundalini awakening from yoga is another similar thing

there are many different traditions but always the same story

yes you have to find attunement somehow
but it is incorrect that it must come from a master

Uma 21-02-2012 02:59 AM

Reiki the basics
Hi kimmery,

I'm so glad to have an opportunity to share this as my spiritual teacher explained it so clearly to me.

Reiki literally means spiritual energy. Where does all this spiritual energy come from - the same energy that powers up the entire universe - all the planets and stars and every flower and everything? There is one Source. Everything emanates from that one Source.

In meditation we try to touch that Source - that is our highest God experience. But not everyone can do it, so we connect to that Source through beings who are directly connected to it all the time. That's the idea of attunement. It doesn't matter what lineage you go through as long as two criteria are met:

1. Your heart chakra must be open. This is what allows your energy field to enter the energy field of another person.

2. You are attuned to a person or the reiki symbols that in turn are connected to the Source.

All it takes to become attuned is a receiver and a transmission source. If your heart chakra is awakened and you are a willing receiver, you can connect with that transmission source. This could be Jesus - you don't have to pay $10,000 for an attunement (which is highway robbery if you ask me).

The way to test whether it is working is to try to reiki somebody. If you feel energy flowing through you and if they feel it too, you'll know you are powerfully attuned.

I detest how reiki has been packaged by marketeers who make it sound like you need this course and that course etc. Once you are attuned, you are attuned - the rest is just variations on a theme. If you want to waste your money this way, go ahead - that's your choice. I have no problem with paying someone for their time and services, but not for the energy - which belongs to all. That is free.

iolite 21-02-2012 03:36 AM


You don't need to be attuned to reiki to do energy healing. You can easily learn to do energy healing by picking up Richard Gordon's book on Quantum Touch (amazon has it). He describes the technique very well and my daughter (at age 8) learned how to do quantum touch in 30 minutes and is a very strong energy worker. Her hands get really, really hot. Quantum touch can move bones back into place. My scoliosis was improved with quantum touch. I had an "s curve" and QT straightened the upper curve. My lower curve was torqued. That took a bit more work. That was re-aligned with Dr. Christopher's Bone, Flesh and cartilage oil and powder (white oak bark, comfrey, marshmallow, mullen, black walnut, gravel root, wormwood, lobelia and scullcap). I can now feel the vertebra ridges in my lower spine. But quantum touch is an easy to learn method that doesn't require attunements and you can learn it easily from the book.

Rin 21-02-2012 04:01 AM


Originally Posted by Troll_ov_Grimness
yes you have to find attunement somehow
but it is incorrect that it must come from a master

Quite right. No master can do for you what you need to do for yourself.

Troll_ov_Grimness 21-02-2012 04:03 AM

I've been told that basically if you go through a master that you are their empathic-bond-slave, and you're sworn fealty to them, but that if you go through solitary avenues its much the same thing only your master is 'hidden'. Going alone often means be prepared for shock and prolonged mental disturbances.. lack of sleep, lack of appetite, mania.. For many it is a trip to the hospital.

Reiki masters lie,
they do not tell their seekers the full truth

You're making a life-long permanent bond,
do not betray the will of your master
or they will shun you

Reiki is a form of spiritualism,
and psychological disturbances relating to spiritualism
come with the package

It is -not- a way of healing
It is a way of mending your soul,
and guidance on your life-path

Its not something you want to get into if you're afraid of spirits,
afraid of evil things, demons, etc... since this is exactly what you are getting into. Daemons is a greek word meaning minor spirits, numina, etc...
Read books on shamanism, they are more forthright


Let me put it this way,

Reading what I just wrote,
you either think that is supremely awesome
and you're going to want to dive right in

A lot of people envy mentally turbulent genius minds
in a manner of speaking.
I had already met people before I got into this stuff in real life,
who were extreme mentally aberrant people
but they were the kind of people I loved

Most people would keep their distance from them

I wish I could post the music video for Almost Again by Strapping Young Lad but I can't oh well
Devin Townsend is a perfect example of the kind of person you either want to be or don't want to be

I don't think there is any other way of explaining it.
Its either the exact thing you want or it will scare you ****less
and if its just going to scare the **** out of you then it is not worth doing

Xan 21-02-2012 04:09 AM

Gee Troll... I'm a reiki master although I'm not involved with that method anymore... and I, nor any other reiki master I know, have never done any of those dramatic things you are claiming.

Reiki is a simple system for directing healing energy for yourself and others. If some people go all weird about it, that's not reiki but their own personal twist.


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