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mysterynomore 31-01-2012 12:12 PM

Earth has a lattice of ley lines in it's grid formation through it's system that have existed before the earth took on matter.
Looking and viewing this system, it very much resembles a spiders web. It is multi layered in it's concept. Cob webs within Cob webs of energy.
There were grid wars fought on getting a hold within this system, so corrupt people would hold power over the masses.
The elite know how this system works and it's connection to our awareness.
Because it's multilayered, the elite have only limited access to this system through the ages.
there is a very good link in the makeup of this grid and how we are structured.
These ley lines are very much like our nervous system. a lattice of lines that run through it's structure.
The grid has it's main vortex points, as we have chakra systems that are linked.
There is a much familiar look about how we are structured and the earth's grid connection.

The meridian and chakra points in our body are very similar to the grid structure of this planet and the universal grid.
The grid has layers with different frequency's and vibrations. this is what we term dimensions or reality's.

To access these frequency's we need to change our perception and limitations on what we think we know.
most people that are familiar with this grid, say that avebury is the major dimensional portal, linked to the grid.

I'll say with out doubt that this is not correct. the major switchboard to the primal grid is located at Giza's pyramids.
This vortex is the major regulator to the other dimensions through the grid's functions.
The reason is simple that this is the major vortex. The great pyramid was one of the first of the great mystery schools
on this planet that houses the entrance point to the unseen worlds.

This vortex was deactivated after certain people on this planet were intent on seizing it's full use for there own gain.
When this vortex was deactivated, the planet and it's people fell from grace, so to speak.
the crystalline structure that's imbedded with this structure, acted as a conduit to the unseen.
we as people are crystalline in structure, and so is Gaia. so you see the connection were crystal is the conduit
that binds consciousness to reality and it's frequency's.

There is only one way, and I mean only one way to change things on this planet. we must reconnect to this grid.
When we talk about being boxed in this perception which most are on this planet...the frequency range is locked
at it's same function to our consciousness at the moment.

I'll follow up with more detailed information as I go along.

I'll leave you with the most important thing that we must do is to relearn our connection to this grid.
This is our out to this reality. There is no other way. Within this reality you will alter nothing in there
systems. Anything else than activating the grid to our consciousness is futile.

The sacred sites on this planet are known as domes. the reason for these domes is that the energy is more refined through the grid points were there intersectons are more potent.

The mystery schools were situated on these domes because consciousness was able to exit to other realms and walk the grid.

The domes distributed energy's from the grid and irradiated the landscape as such...The earth it's self and everything on it.

So you see that with these domes closed down, we no longer have a connection to the depth of the grids working's.

Domes are energy canopies that reside over these sacred sites and they are overlaid over the dimensional portals that activate these energy's through these domes.

Thé domes are the inbetween from the seen and unseen parts of creation. They are conduits of energy from the primal grid connection. These domes were the ones that were deactivated. Not the sacred sites themselves.

Getting a picture of the grid and how it is organized in it's concept has been lost to humanity. The elite have closed virtually all avenues to the sacred information because they know it's humanity's out to this mess.

The grid is an intelligent geometric pattern with it's energy's being organized.

Nikola tesla tapped into this inexhaustible suppy of energy with his devices, as the anciets did.
You see that our electrical systems are tapped into the grid as a crude device that is against what the true grid stands for.

With the ancients they used acoustics through the grid to suspend gravity to built there vast monuments.

How do you think they use harp? They use acoustics that tap into the grid at specific points on the globe were there is intersections of energy points. There acoustics are to disrupt that point of entry.

You see all the devices in our world today with electrical systems,cell towers,radio and television waves and so on and so on...

These are put into place to disrupt our energy field which is connected to this primal grid. All the frequency waves and tones have become disrupted.

That's why all these ancients sites are toned down as such.

The grid in it's natural state without disruptions, vitalises the body's field and it's organic state.

Our energy points are linked to this field. If we are disrupted, so is our connection to this field of intelligence.
The incoming energy's from this intelligent field come automatically to our organic body.
The trouble is that our energy points are disrupted... so we don't get it's full use.

mysterynomore 31-01-2012 12:30 PM

The prime consciouness grid of this planet has been hidden and been mostly intangible from humans because of the ethric worlds have become lost to there awareness.

The prime grid location..or gaia's energy heartbeat...was moved from a particular location.
This was done for the benefit of getting access to the prime location of energy's that link every aspect of the grid and beyond.

The heartbeat is the prime source that regulates the earthly grid that connects all roadways into the ether.

We as people have inflicted much pain and affliction on this planets energy's. More than what people think.
Luckly gaia is tolerant and resilient.
If she wasn't we wouldn't be here know. We interact more through our actions on the ethric level than what we do on the physical that permeates into gaia's field..(the prime grid).

Imagine that the grid is an onion with layers upon layers that resonate with harmonic tones in each level of frequency.

We take nourishment from the primal grids bio fields.
Because the energy is askew at the moment, we don't operate from this system at optimum levels.
In our past our energy was in perfect balance to the fields of gaia's field of prime grid.
So you see that we are very connected to the bio fields of this planet...more so than people think.

WhiteWarrior 31-01-2012 05:19 PM

You have my attention. I hope you arrive at the practical approach eventually.

mysterynomore 01-02-2012 10:32 AM

A lot of people talk about the lost hall of records that might exist underneath the giza complex.
what sort of records would it hold if it exists?

Being a major coordinator that's linked to the grid, it should contain all the esoteric knowledge of the blueprint to the grid and it's connection to us all.
Basically it would contain the esoteric geography of the grid.

When the initiate went to these domes, they partaked with there awarness and were interdimensionally transported into the grids octaves.

When they talk about the lesser mysteries and the greater mysteries, they entered certain parts of the grid.

In the lesser mysteries they entered into a lesser octave within the grids structure. This was more to do with how certain people handled these energy's and most weren't willing to go into the greater mysteries because there was certain dangers involved.

The greater mysteries involved walking the grids lines. Not only on our planetary grid, but through the energy portals that connect through creations fields and spheres.

The ones that went deep into these fields were known as adepts.

A lot of the knowledge that was handed down through our age was obtained by walking the grids lines into these realms.
This is how knowledge is obtained.
A good example is the south american shaman's.
They obtained there knowledge about plant medicine by walking the grid.

I'm not talking about just going into the astral, were people talk about astral travel and meeting people and getting there knowledge from this matrix.

A lot of this so called ascended masters and galatic thing that's going around is from the astral.

I wouldn't trust this with a barge poll.

This is not walking the grid as the astral is a made up structure to control basically.

The astral is made to control in it's format.

Actually I use the word walking the grid. It should be traveling through the grid.

The grid is not separate from us, so don't percieve it as something outside of us. Our organic molecular body's and consciouness live within the grid.

Our sun interacts with our body's with energy from the grid and every other sphere is the same as they interact with gaia. So it's not just the heat we experience from the sun, but it's energy grid opens and transfers energy into our field. As we walk within the grid we experience these energy's.

The unfortunate thing is that certain people have skewed the system of what we should experience with a distorted field.

It's quiet obvious how the elite work. It's all based in frequency and resonance. There is no other way that this reality can be sustained, but through a distortion on what we term the unseen world of energy.

mysterynomore 01-02-2012 10:41 AM

Each human body's organs have an energy field that seems to be part of that organ. The cells intertwine with an intelligence
that drives these bodily functions to grow and do there job in the human body.
These fields are connected with the primal grid. So in turn this grid has an intelligence that correlates with our fields
and keeps our human body functioning without our conscious intent. like our breathing and heart

All these energy fields, meridians and chakra's are very similar with the earth's energy grid.
Like the earth has a heart chakra, so do we. This center has a geometric flow..like the flower of life.
In our body's the heart pumps the blood through the body into other parts of the body.
Lets substitute the blood and say it's energy that goes through the vein structure.
The energy heart is the seat of balance were the gush of energy is balanced through it's system.
The pumping of this energy has a tone that resonates with all the system within the body.

Because people get stressed, the heart's energy tone changes and in turn the whole system becomes
affected. So you see in today's world why we become diseased with a multitude of things that disrupts our fields.

We talk about food mainly and chemicals, but on a unseen level, our energy field becomes distorted.
When were in this state, the whole of our energy field that has layers like the grid, become out of sync.
There seems to be a high rate of heart murmurs in our world and this has got to be due to our energy field being distorted.
Were not running on a smooth frequency, and in turn the whole system seems to follow suit.

To make a point with all of this is. Were energy beings that resonate through the primal grid.
These layers have a signal that broadcasts through each and every system. Very much like radio stations.
The body's fields work on the same system as the earth's lattice of energy fields.
So it shows how connected we truly are to this earth we live on.
So any connection must only go towards this field, that is our birthright.

Consciousness then must work as a directive of this field. It brings energy were the intent is basically.
Also our awareness partakes as an intelligence that locks in to certain tones and frequency's.
With all of this we are creators from the primal grid. The thing is people don't realize how powerful they really are.

Why did they put these sacred sites on the major vortex's? What was there purpose?
These sites acted as a conduit to the system of the energy grid basically. If we go into the vast reading of these sites
through books and so on, there seems to be a correlation were they regulated through a tone frequency and tapped into
the energy veins within this great system.

So if we apply this to us. what would be a conduit that will make us reconnect to this system?
Think about this and see what you pick up. You all have the same systems that can tap into this primal grid.
This is what is referred to as, (we all have the same abilities)

mysterynomore 01-02-2012 11:49 AM

The astral is a layer of the grid structure basically. it was highjacked by what we term the elite. because it's centered close to our frequency range, it's very easy to manipulate that realm.

All the story's and pictures of entity's that you see in books and myth's originate from this realm.
The demons,genni,archons and angelic religious manifestations come from the astral.

The primal grid has no boundaries. It is endless.
Alternative universes,dimensions,realms and layers are structured through this system. So to comprehend how vast it is, it is beyond our current understanding at this point.

The astral is but one of endless forms of vibrations that our minds connect to.

Connecting to the grid opens doorway's to these dimensions.
When they refer to us as multidimensional beings, they are refering to this primal grid. We enter multi universe's.
All these aliens or beings that have interacted with our world through history come from the primal grid layers.
Different frequency dimension's is were they interact with our field of awareness.

These dimensional fields in the universal grid move about it's fields basically.
As we go by linear time, these fields interact with ours through cycles of our history. They touch our field of awareness.
The minds that live in these fields will interact with our reality as they touch each others fields.

So we as a species are entering a stage were the greater cycle is about to renew it's self.
This greater cycle brings us into a field of primal grid that maybe we haven't interacted with in millenniums.
People talk of the photon belt. This energy field is part of the grid. It's a field were touched on before.
So you see these fields do interact with us through there layered srtucture.

They talk about these layers of the grid being consciouness.
In some way they are. There just a different resonate frequency of our own consciouness that we tap into.

I'll go through what I think is the best way to connect in my last post. I just have to get the larger picture through which is equally important to connection.

mysterynomore 01-02-2012 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by WhiteWarrior
You have my attention. I hope you arrive at the practical approach eventually.

Patient...takes time to unfold.
If I cut corners it will not get the message across.

WhiteWarrior 01-02-2012 12:36 PM

Are you channeling this, or basing it on long time research, or writing if from a book?

mysterynomore 02-02-2012 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by WhiteWarrior
Are you channeling this, or basing it on long time research, or writing if from a book?

I don't channel information. Part of it is based on long time research were you piece things together.
The important part is intuition...
Also you get to a state were you just know it's the correct information.
It's a knowing basically.

I've been to some of these sacred places and experienced these energy's.
There is an underlining influence were these energy's have been toned down in our past....

mysterynomore 02-02-2012 10:23 AM

The serpent is miss presented in our world. The symbolism of the serpent has been made into a symbol of what people term evil.

The serpent is not only kundalini, it is the binding force that connects us to the grid.

All the coils of energy are serpentine.

When the shamans entered the grid by taking those plant drugs, the first thing they saw was large serpintine images.

These serpents aren't a entity type of being but a symbolic point of energy that binds all there is.

As we have learned about the kundalini being a serpent coil.
The answer to connecting is through this energy.

You will also see this symbolism in the egyptian book of the dead with serpents...

The egyptian texts of the hours and divisions are different dimensions of the etheric regions.
Don't take the writing's literally, because they have not been deciphered in there right context.

Plus the other thing is that these texts are not the original ones that were written.
They still have the essence of what there meaning is though.

You will notice the snake symbol through there texts and how that apply's with my earlier meaning.

Some of these dimensions are the ones that opened pandora's box through the elite. This was done when they infiltrated the priesthood, which held the balance of power in the dynastic time.

A lot of this was when the dark arts arose through there culture and eventually through time the ancient egyptian society decayed.

When a society becomes detached from the sacred, it eventually dies of. It can't sustane the balance through the energy's that it partakes in.

You will find that in one of the texts (forget were I saw it) It mentions the art of the black rite. This was there first encounter in the magical world of the hidden.

Sokar or seker... Far outdates any entity on this planet in recorded history. The egyptians talk about osiris and ra and so on, but not much is known about sokar.

This entity is known as the hidden one..He who is on his mound. This is a direct reference to the giza complex.

In one of the texts there are pictures that depict underground chambers under a pyramid.
These are in reference to the original rites of entrance to the etheric realms...The sphinx is not a lion.
I can assure everyone that this is false. They have tried to sell this to the public, and it's disinformation.

The original head was recarved in the middle kingdom.
You only have to go there and see with your own eyes that the head is out of proportion to the rest of the body.

The original head was that of anubis..The guardian of the grids system.

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