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~Jay~ 04-04-2007 07:32 PM

Question for you ladies!
I was just wondering, as I sit here in pain, if anyone has any good tips & advice for coping with period pain? I suffer quite badly every month for the first couple of days, and have yet again resorted to quite strong pain killers to get me through. I try to avoid any type of medicine/drug otherwise, and would like to try some sort of natural pain relief or preventative measures instead.

What works best for this type of thing?

Moonflower 04-04-2007 07:54 PM

Hi Jaycee :hug:

Hows u??

I have had the same problem for years now & I have never taken anything purely because it is against everything I believe..

I find that the best pain relief for the severe cramping is always a very brisk walk for around an hour or excercise you will find that it alleviates it most of the time it certainly works for me.

You can only try it!!

Love & light Moonflower xx

elaine 04-04-2007 08:00 PM

Dear J,

I find that drinking Fennel tea helps, also try a healing piece if Citrine crystal on the stomach area. A warm bath with Lavender or Rose oil may help, or if you feel up to it exercise. Hope you feel better soon .

Much luv elaine x

OceanWaves19161 04-04-2007 08:36 PM

Try Black Cohosh. It was used for thousands of years by medicine women and stuff. I wouldn't say it completely takes the pain away but it does help if your cramps are mid range. I had to resort to drug store stuff though cause nothing i tried was working.


ljepotica 04-04-2007 11:18 PM

Sometimes (I say sometimes because I only try this sometimes) placing my hands on my lower abdomen and keeping them there and visualising the pain leaving the body works pretty good for me. Just concentrate on relieving the pain and send soothing and warm white light into the area and just relax yourself:)

Good luck.

Lots of love,

S xxx

daisy 04-04-2007 11:19 PM

hot water bottle, old fashioned perhaps but it may help, failing that dr's for medication, which works better than painkillers, this day and age i don't know why women are still suffering unnecessarily

~Jay~ 05-04-2007 10:12 AM

Thanks for all the ideas - I'll be sure to look into this alot more & try some different things out.

In the end I used a hot water bottle & drank a cup of chamomile tea to help me sleep, and it really did help. I managed a pretty good night, which is something that rarely happens on the first day, lol.

If anyone can add anything else, then keep the ideas flowing - I think it's an important topic myself! :wink:

ljepotica 05-04-2007 11:50 AM

I almost forgot: Evening Primrose Oil capsules!?!

I was taking them last year and they helped a lot-I used to have very painful first 1-2 days of my periods and not only did the pain reduce considerably when I started to take evening primrose oil capsules but I was also rather relaxed and calm (usually I'm like some monster having tantrums before I start my periods!?)

I'd take them a few days before I'm due to start my periods.
The capsules I got were also with starflower oil so I don't know if evening primrose and starflower oils together are better than just evening primrose.

Good luck,

Take care and lots of love,

S xxx

Octarine 06-04-2007 02:17 AM

Hi girls,

Been there, done that...

I used to suffer from really terrible pain, so much that although it is against my habits I would take two strong pain killers with no results, the pain was so bad that sometimes I lost consciousness for a few ours.

Doctors discovered I had a cyst in one of my ovaries and prescribed the pill (contraseptives) in order to reduce it. It seems the cyst has been reduced to half its size, and probably by now it has disappeared, (I haven't gone to the dr. for more than a year), but one things is for sure, I haven't had the pain since the very first month I started taken the pill, the problem is I've been taking it now for more than four years, and I just can't stop out of fear of having that horrible pain again.

Jaycee, I'm not recommending you to take the pill, but I tried all the remedies they have recommended here and more with no good results, cinnamon tea, anis, digitopuncture, acupressure, reiki, excersise, etc. The only thing I've never tried is water, I just heard in a radio programme that this pain can be a symptom of dehidratation, and that drinking two glasses of water might help, but I'm to scared to test it. It might help you though.

Sorry to ask a question here instead of being much help, but do you know if there is any problem for taking the pill for a long time?

I hope you feel much better and that you don't get those craps any more.

Much love to you,


bigcaat 06-04-2007 06:28 AM


Originally Posted by Jaycee
I was just wondering, as I sit here in pain, if anyone has any good tips & advice for coping with period pain? I suffer quite badly every month for the first couple of days, and have yet again resorted to quite strong pain killers to get me through. I try to avoid any type of medicine/drug otherwise, and would like to try some sort of natural pain relief or preventative measures instead.

What works best for this type of thing?

Hi Jaycee.

I am one of the lucky 10-15% of women who had dysmenorrhea so bad, that it would completely incapacitate me for days at a time. I mean completely. I am the ultimate expert.

While I appreciate that things like herbs and Evening of Primrose Oil help a lot of people, I was not one of them. They had to pull out the big guns for me. I can give you three things to try.

The first is prescription strength Naproxen. Not my first choice in recommending it to you, it blew out my stomach, but I have to admit it worked. I know there have been negative things out on it lately, but I thought I would just mention it. But do research it, and be very careful taking it. It's a nasty anti-inflammatory.

Because Naproxen was no longer an option for me, I went to a clinic where they blessed me with putting me on Natural Progesterone. Progesterone changed my entire life. When I went on that, I actually had a life again. Before going on it, not only did I have the debilitating cramps, but my PMS was so bad, so many weeks out of the month, that I was lucky to get one week of feeling half-way normal, whatever that was. Progesterone was such an unbelievable godsend to me, I can't even begin to put it into words.

In the beginning, I actually injected myself with it. Eventually, which, if you decide to ask your doctor about it, I went on oral compound. There are compounding pharmacies that make it. I cannot tell you how much this changed my life.

That said, I had fairly recently started on progesterone when someone told me about L-Tryptophan. I tried it, and it was a miracle! In fact, it was one of the things that allowed me to start weaning off of the injectable. However, not long after I found out about it, they had a problem with it in the manufacturing. It killed several people and they took it off the shelves. However, they found out that it was an isolated manufacturing problem and had nothing to do with the L-Tryptophan.

They were about to put it back on the market when - presto-chango - they mysteriously denied it's approval. IMO, it is not by mere coincidence that one week after the flip-flop, Prozac was featured on the cover of Newsweek as the "new miracle drug." Since L-Tryptophan increases serotonin in the brain -- surprise! -- as do anti-depressants, who do you think might not want Tryptophan back on the health food store shelves to compete with their 'brand new drug?'

It was off the market for years. The good news for you is, that you can now get it again. I have a place online where I buy it, but I actually found it at my local health food store the other day. I urge you to give it a try. Keep in mind that cramps are not beasties unto themselves. Cramps are just one symptom of PMS. I don't know what your other symptoms are like, but I can tell you that in treating my other PMS symptoms, my cramps got a lot better, as well.

One more thing about Tryptophan, if you decide to try it. Make sure it's L-Tryptophan and NOT 5-HTP. 5-HTP was the health food industry's workaround while tryptophan was off the market. I'm sure it helps plenty of people, but I'm tellin' you, I tried it, and as person who knows the miracles of what tryptophan can do, 5-HTP is like Tryptophans ugly step child. It was awful! The most Tryptophan will do is maybe make you sleepy for a while. And after you start taking it more regularly, it doesn't even really do that. But 5-HTP was a noticeable 'hey, they're screwin' around with my brain chemistry' type of feeling.

So. There's my input. I hope it helps. If you'd like to know where I get my Tryptophan, email or pm me and I'll let you know. I have gotten it from them for years, and feel fully confident in it's safety. But, like I say, you might look at your health food store as well. I was shocked to see it there that day.

And, all of a sudden, while I'm writing this, I just looked and see you are in the UK. It may not be a problem for you to get at all. But I don't know about it's availability there.

Oh, and one more thing. About the pain killers. (Also, a tool of mine.) Sometimes, so I don't get looped out, I will cut my pain killers (I don't know what you take, but I take Percocet. I actually have it for chronic back pain, but use it for my cramps, as well) into quarters. And then I just take them more frequently. For instance: I could take one full one every 4 - 6 hours, but instead, I take a quarter every 1 1/2 to 2 hours, depending on how bad the pain is. The point is, that before I started taking progesterone, a quarter perc probably wouldn't have touched my cramps, but now, it's a pretty good way to get on top of the pain that I still do have.

And that way, I can still function without getting sleepy or looped out or anything. So you might want to just experiment with that and see how much (or how little) might give you relief, instead of taking the full dose that's prescribed.

Again, I hope this helps. There cannot be another person who understands and sympathizes as much as I can. I have been categorized as in the very small percentile of women who suffer this badly, so I really understand how much it can affect your life.

Feel better.

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