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silver swan 21-02-2006 07:29 PM

Developing circles
I would love to hear from anyone who is developing as a medium. Is anybody in a development circle?

homecoming 24-02-2006 09:44 AM

Im not in a developing circle, but am working on my mediumship skills. The other day i was at a ceremony for a friends mother who had died over seas 2 weeks ago. I didnt think of asking or sensing for anything, i was just there to pay my respects and out of the blue i heard this lovely angelic voice say "shes gone to heaven" I thought what a funny thing to be told and whos voice was that it was not familier to me.....I immediatly went into wake up mode and started asking questions.... I soon realised I was getting in the way and hearing replys that i thought i should be hearing at such an event. Where really the only thing I am really interested in is "Has the soul gone to heaven and do they need help getting there"
funny ha

silver swan 24-02-2006 12:50 PM

Hi Homecoming.

What Exactly Do You Mean By You Were Getting In The Way? Do You Mean That You Were Unsure Whether What You Were Being Told Was Coming From Yourself, Or Spirit? I Have Learned That This Can Be A Problem. However I Was Told That The First Thought Is Spirit , And The Second Is From Yourself. Spirit , To Me , Seems To Come From Inside My Head, But Is More Clear Than A Normal Thought.... If That Makes Sense.
Also , I Believe That You Have To Learn To Trust Your Intuition Which Can Take Time. It Sounds To Me That What You Got Did Come From Spirit, But Took You By Suprise, And Made You Question The Source. Have I Understood Right? If So, I Think That The More You Develop, The More You Will Learn To Trust.
X I Also Find It Helpful To Record My Development So That You Can Go Back And See How Far You Have Come. X

psychic sue 28-02-2006 12:58 PM

I am in a circle. It is a problem at first, everyone thinks "was that from spirit or was it me?" - I agree you should go with your first thought and act on instinct. Sometimes I wonder if spirit chose to show themselves to me because I am (still at times) such a doubting Thomas!

As you develop, you will learn to differentiate between spirit and your own thoughts - it's a kind of feeling, but you have to listen to your own intuition and get the hang of it. These things do take time.

Good luck - I am sure you will do well.

Sue x

silver swan 28-02-2006 01:54 PM

Hi again sue.
How long have you sat in a circle? Is it in a church?

psychic sue 28-02-2006 02:19 PM

Gawd, long story alert!

I first sat when I was about 25 - and seemed to be developing clairsentience. I met my Guides in the first circle, which was a closed circle and run by the Church. I did a couple of evenings with Eammon Downey (do you know him?) but that was about as far as I got.

THEN - I had my two boys - and I just didn't have time to carry on with it, so I couldn't attend any more. I still stayed in touch with spirit, but didn't really develop any further.

About 2 years ago (my kids were 14 and 16 at the time) I began to feel the pull of spirit again. I finally started using the computer (it was my son's domain!) and found a few great sites, like this one. I also read the Tarot, so I started looking at Tarot sites too.

Anyway, long story short, three months ago, I had my auric vision opened to me. I was in bed one night (Nov 5th 2005) and my vision suddenly became blurred and funny spots, like sun spots, appeared in front of my eyes. I looked at my cat and I saw his aura in all it's glory! Bright orange and pink and undulating. He came over to me (like he knew something was going on) and sat by my arm - I looked at my arm and saw similar colours. As I touched the cat, our auras mingled.

To be honest, it totally freaked me out. The first thing I thought was "I am having a brain bleed!" - then I calmed down a bit, and realised it might be spiritual. I said to my Guide "I don't like it, take it off" - and with that it just stopped.

Then I panicked that I would never see an aura again! But, I found that when I concentrated, I could see people's auras - not as vivid as that first time, but they were visible.

Then I saw colours in my bedroom at night, just patterns of energy with colour running through them. I thought, "I need to go back to Church".

The medium there told me I should sit in circle and that one day I would work as a medium (music to my ears!) so I attend the open circle now, and have done since last November. As I progressed in circle, the colours in my bedroom evolved into spirit people.

Weird thing is I am not as clairsentient as I was before - I seem to be seeing spirit people very clearly, but the communication is not brilliant at the moment - I don't really know what their message is (apart from occasionally when it is clearly symbolic) I just see them. I suppose it's what I have to work on, and will come with time.

So, that's my story and how I got here today! By the way, I am not a nut case or anything - I am quite cynical a lot of the time and constantly ask for proof - like when I asked my Guide to prove who he was - but that is a story for another time!

Thanks for asking the question.

Told you it would be a long post!

Love and Blessings,

Sue x

silver swan 28-02-2006 02:36 PM

developing circles
Hi Sue.

Well , I enjoyed reading about your journey. I would love to see auras in the way you described. At the mo I only really see them slightly, although when I was in the bath the other day I saw my own aura . It only appeared around mt foot, and was very brief. It was bright red??? The rest of the time I tend to see just yellow around people, unless in the circle when I seen/ sensed more.

Another thing that you said rang true with me too. Since developing, I too have seen patterns/swirls/colours in my room at night. It scares me and makes me hide under the covers. Sometimes I also hear my name being called, oa a knocking sound. On one of these occasions I felt that the spirit needed sending to the light , so I visualised this and felt it leave.

I know what you mean about asking for proof and being cynical. People who have no experience of this type of thing would probably read it and think HOW CAN YOU BE A CYNIC IF WHAT YOU SAY YOU HAVE SEEN IS TRUE?
Well, the only way I can answer that is that after the event you try and rationize it and it is easier to believe that it has come from yourself than from spirit. This is the test of faith. well, that is my opinion on it.

I would love to hear more about your guide , if you want to talk more on the subject.

psychic sue 28-02-2006 03:03 PM

OK ! I will put it in the spirit guide area - it's some story!

Red in the aura can mean you are a very energetic person or are receiving energy - re-charging your batteries.

It sounds crazy to doubt your own eyes doesn't it!? But ultimately, I think it's a healthy state of mind - rather that than attributing EVERYTHING to the spirit world. If my electrics go on the blink, I check the fuse box, I don't just assume it's spirit interferring! Anyway, 9 times out of 10, it IS a blown fuse LOL!

I would say try not to be afraid of the colours - if you protect yourself and your Guide is near, no harm will come to you - but I know it can feel a bit scary. Are you in a circle? Maybe you should join one?

I will have to sign off now - my little dog just came back from being spayed and she needs lots of cuddles.

Love and Blessings,

Sue x

silver swan 28-02-2006 03:28 PM

Thanks .
Yes I am in a development circle. Hope your dog is ok.

homecoming 05-03-2006 01:46 AM

The lady who taught me to see auras found the shower or steamed bath enviroment very beneficial in checking her aura. When my sight came it was full on also....I didnt know what to do with so much informatin nore how to direct it...so i insisted it go away and alas it did and have now been spending the last 20yrs trying to get it back.

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