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Adrienne 05-12-2011 06:09 AM

Question for Twin Flames/Soulmates ?
Just out of curiousity, I have a question for the Twin Flames/ Soulmates ....

What are the lessons that you learn ?

( from this supposedly so important relationship that usually only causes pain and heartache, and rare moments of bliss, because the other person involved is usually married to someone else or living in another part of the world ? )

People are always talking about the lessons one can learn, the growing, etc,.... however, in any of the threads I have read, no one ever mentions what these lessons are, would be interesting to hear a few of them.

Dream Angel xx

EricDraven 05-12-2011 06:17 AM


Originally Posted by Dream Angel
Just out of curiousity, I have a question for the Twin Flames/ Soulmates ....

What are the lessons that you learn ?

( from this supposedly so important relationship that usually only causes pain and heartache, and rare moments of bliss, because the other person involved is usually married to someone else or living in another part of the world ? )

People are always talking about the lessons one can learn, the growing, etc,.... however, in any of the threads I have read, no one ever mentions what these lessons are, would be interesting to hear a few of them.

Dream Angel xx

As varying as all of our individual lives are, that would require a book to explain. Look at your own life and ALL the many lessons from all different aspects of your life, and imagine having to explain that to another in a short thread.

So as not to leave you "hanging", I can generalize and sum it up in one word- LOVE.

PS- and please like so many others. stop generalizing that all are married, or have not yet met, or on another continent, are stalkers... Thats not who many of us are.

sesheta 05-12-2011 06:31 AM

The lessons are many, and I'm sure they vary among us, depending on our situations :) What are some of the lessons I'm learning from my TF relationship?:

1. Patience - this is a big lesson I need to learn just in general, but my TF is teaching me patience, as he is WAY more patient than me!

2. Trust - I have always had a hard time with trust, but this relationship has opened me up to trust - I am able to trust him fully, trust in the strength of our connection, our love...trust that things will always work out in the end, if I just learn enough of lesson #1 above :)

3. Detachment - meaning that instead of wanting us to spend all of our time together, realizing that even when we're apart, we are still together, and that when he chooses to not spend time with me, it's not because he doesn't love me, but because he needs time to himself to be his best...and I need to remember that I need time alone, as well.....it keeps us strong as individuals, so we can better support each other- if that makes any sense!!

4. Complete change of standard viewpoint - the TF relationship seems to be on a completely different scale than any other romantic relationship you experience before it. Everything is magnified, amplified - both the good and the bad. It challenges you in ways you never expected and forces you to examine yourself - good, bad and ugly!

Hope this offers some insight :)

Adrienne 05-12-2011 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by EricDraven
As varying as all of our individual lives are, that would require a book to explain. Look at your own life and ALL the many lessons from all different aspects of your life, and imagine having to explain that to another in a short thread.

So as not to leave you "hanging", I can generalize and sum it up in one word- LOVE.

PS- and please like so many others. stop generalizing that all are married, or have not yet met, or on another continent, are stalkers... Thats not who many of us are.


Thank you for your reply, but I am not asking for ALL the lessons, I would be happy if each person gave at least one answer. And LOVE is a general answer, one doesn't have to be involved in a twinflame/ soulmate relationship to experience LOVE.

And just for the record, I did not say " stalkers ".

I stand corrected then, if there are some who don't fit into the category of being married to another or seperated from each other on another continent.

It is just that one very rarely hears of happy experiences, it would really be a pleasant change to see some posts like that - without the pain and heartaches.

Dream Angel xx

Adrienne 05-12-2011 06:38 AM

Thank you seshta for sharing your lessons and your insights. I am sure the lessons vary with the individuals.

Dream Angel xx

sesheta 05-12-2011 06:43 AM

To Dream Angel
To expand a bit on my own situation - as of Nov. 18, I live only 1 street over from my TF - we work at the same place - neither of us are married to anyone else, and our relationship has been growing and developing since March of this year! It took from March until Nov. 18 to get there, due to issues on my end (I ended my previous relationship - which I was already unhappy in & planning on ending before I even met my TF...)
So, my story isn't quite as complicated as others, although over the past 8 months it felt like a constant uphill battle to get to where I needed to be....there's where that patience lesson comes in again, lol!

EricDraven 05-12-2011 07:12 AM


Originally Posted by Dream Angel

Thank you for your reply, but I am not asking for ALL the lessons, I would be happy if each person gave at least one answer. And LOVE is a general answer, one doesn't have to be involved in a twinflame/ soulmate relationship to experience LOVE.

And just for the record, I did not say " stalkers ".

I stand corrected then, if there are some who don't fit into the category of being married to another or seperated from each other on another continent.

It is just that one very rarely hears of happy experiences, it would really be a pleasant change to see some posts like that - without the pain and heartaches.

Dream Angel xx

Hello Dream Angel,
If your interest is genuine and your mind sincerely open, I can happily offer more. Earlier I just immediately picked up on "judgements" laced in your post, ie, "supposedly so important relationship", "only causes pain and heartache", "usually married " etc. If I misjudged my apologies.

First, everything sesheta just said, patience, trust ,detachment, all of it. Also, I've been seemingly forced to examine everything about myself and the world as I knew it. Talk about judgement, I was the poster boy! Forgiveness, empathy, compassion, understanding, acceptance, completely different viewpoint of reality. She also used the word amplified, that suits perfectly the difference with this experience vs earlier relationships of mine. And I have experienced great pain from two earlier long term loves in my life, 1 a marriage/divorce.

And honestly I'm not sure there is any better way to describe it than amplified, magnified through some amazingly beautiful and also horribly painful Divine puppeteer. I just know, and it won't help you if I restate others who've said you'll only know when you know, but, I just know, I feel it.

I have been on a path of spiritual enlightenment for over 20 years, at least as I thought then. But I have grown, and experienced more in this past 1 year that the previous 20 pale so in comparison, it may well have not existed. My understanding of and connection with Source and surrendering to it's Plan, and how it relates to my existence in the physical is practically unexplainable.

But again, ALL of the above are components of LOVE. I believe I NOW know what love actually is.

EricDraven 05-12-2011 07:42 AM

Dream Angel, (I love that BTW, intoxicating)

I just wanna add to my comment about just "knowing and feeling". I can feel her, I am connected with her. I can feel her in a spiritual sense, both with my physical body and in meditation, dreams, even simple contemplation. Or out of nowhere. But I also literally feel her physically, I have at times sensed and felt her energy, her presence right on me, touch me, while fully conscious out of nowhere as if an actual person were right there. I can feel her emotions, occasionally her thoughts. I'm now discovering how empathic I've always been and just how much more so I am now, so maybe it's just me. But other "TF's" seem to share this quality.

EricDraven 05-12-2011 08:23 AM

Dream Angel,

Sorry for multi posts, you've got my mind active now. I need to add that I don't know if her and I are of the same soul, split souls, birthed from the same ray, forged of the same flame, yadda yadda, there's so much differing and confusing talk about these things. I do know that that doesn't really matter. From all of the material out there it is the only explanation, the definition of all the characteristics I've experienced, and am experiencing. Perhaps we are of the same soul or flame. The infamous labels- Twin Flame, Twin Rays, Twin Souls don't matter. It IS a soul connection, and unique. Whatever "IT" is called, it IS. And from all I've experienced with others in my life, this is a connection completely unlike anything I've ever known or had heard of before. I didn't ask for it, not from my physical life perspective anyways, but I honestly, including all the pain, would not change anything about it if I could. And believe me I tried.

It is all so clear to me now that I can reflect upon it with wonder and awe, and know that there IS something magical and Divine orchestrating this.

Stingray 05-12-2011 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by Dream Angel
Just out of curiousity, I have a question for the Twin Flames/ Soulmates ....

What are the lessons that you learn ?

( from this supposedly so important relationship that usually only causes pain and heartache, and rare moments of bliss, because the other person involved is usually married to someone else or living in another part of the world ? )

People are always talking about the lessons one can learn, the growing, etc,.... however, in any of the threads I have read, no one ever mentions what these lessons are, would be interesting to hear a few of them.

Dream Angel xx

Yesterday, i had a first confirmation about what i was thinking/feeling. I'm awaiting the second to be more sure about this. With whatever limited experience i have with it i'll explain.

The TF is altogether a totally different thing. It is not just falling in love with someone. You feel this 'falling in love' emotion a lot deeper. It's not about lust anymore, there is more to it : sharing emotions, life, experiencing something very deep...

I've read a lot on the subject of TF's lately. Some things seems to agree, some don't.

I don't agree on that everything needs to be perfect for you to meet your twin. I think that before you meet your twin, you'll probably have a last challenge together. The difference here is you both have a choice, to engage in the challenge or to run away. In a soulmate type of thing i find that this choice is not always present.
That challenge is something from my point of view is emotionally a very intense something. Something that can cause havoc. Be it that you are in a soulmate relationship and you'll have to make the choice to be with your twin or otherwise. Be it that your are miles apart, worlds apart and maybe even you differ in age substantially.
I think it makes a demand of you to either choose to fight your ground with your twin and become one again or to run...

I must admit it's not exactly something i was looking forward too...

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