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VampOrchid 12-11-2011 01:51 PM

Anyone have any info, well personal info on Raphael.

I plan on doing some research on him, but he seems to be visiting now as well...

Anything would be greatly appreciated. He's only visited twice so far, so I know very little about him.

I know that he's some sort of angel of healing, according to what he says. Apparently, my mind, or inner self needs some help and healing before I can keep moving forward with this. Does that make sense to anyone?

Evaah 12-11-2011 02:11 PM

Aw, I love Raphael. I actually called on him recently for some healing - and the next day, I came down with a mild cold! Looks like there was really something to heal after all. :wink:

I don't call upon the archangels that often, so I'm not familiar with their energies... I'd love to get to know them on a personal basis like AngelicOrin does - I'm sure she'll come along with her knowledge soon enough.

From what I've read and seen, Raphael's a real sweetie (all the angels are, really).. I hear he likes to joke around a lot. Most people see flashes of green when he's present.

earthprowler 12-11-2011 02:17 PM

Archangel Raphael
that's funny, i was just looking through my encyclopedia of Angels. Actually just read about Raphael.

Raphael will help you with

Travel with ease and safety Make decisions

Heal your mind, body, or spirit See life's endless possibilities

Clarify your thinking Do well on your exams

Simply ask for Raphael's help, and he will be there for you. You could say something like, Raphael, angel of healing, shine brightly in my life. I thank you in advance for your guidance, love and protection.

Raphael's name means "God heals". He is one of the 7 angels who have dominion over the Earth. Above all AA Raphael is dedicated to healing. Raphael will supply the energy needed to over come any challenges in your life. He can heal relationships and brigh you profound insights. He carries a huge sword which will enable you to cut through the illusion. Raphael responds to prayer, bringing joy, love, peace, and miracles to anyone who calls up on him. If you have a sudden impulse to pray, you can be sure Raphael is inviting you to speak with him.

Raphael is associated with spring and the evening wind. He can be called upon to assist in healing the Earth.

He also protects children and travelers, guiding those who take both outward and inward journeys. He is charged with guiding the sun as it travels on its heavenly journey. He will guide you as well. Ask Raphael to help you alleviate physical or emotional pain and he will.

Raphael's robes are made of the softest golden silk. When he enters your life, you may feel a gentle breeze or see his robe blowing in the wind. Raphael will give you the courage to explore the unknown within your self and in the world around you. He facilitates breakthroughs in the academic world. He will help you see your limiting beliefs, agreements, and assumptions with clarity so that you can let go of them.

VampOrchid 12-11-2011 02:25 PM

Thank you so much, both of you, for the info.

He told me that he's here to help me move forward and heal me inside out lol. I'm almost done with big things in my life, that I kind of need a 'guiding' hand with and he says he's here to help me, spiritually and creatively. But that Azrael still has a major part in my life.

Azrael did tell me that another angel was going to be popping in and out, he just never told me who.

Btw, why are all the angels soooo tall?

Saggi 12-11-2011 02:59 PM

He's my healing guide :D

Love and hugs



earthprowler 12-11-2011 03:13 PM

I really have a good rapor with Michael. He introduced him self by name to me once and I can always tell when he's around me when I call on him for assistance.

Celeste 12-11-2011 05:52 PM

Just something on the side; I work in a nursing home, and my boss is a nun named "Mother Raphael," and she is my rock. She's a healer like no other, helps people to pass away. She's the administrator, and pitches in like a worker. She is very patient, but has a bite to her, which she has to have, I think, as she is a woman, running the show. She's got a pretty face, wrinkle-less and is different from the stern, unsmiling nuns some of us grew up with. She wears the full nun habit, and hers is all white. She is worldly (again, she would have to be in her position). Yet, she is very spiritual. (Wasn't of the Catholic faith when she was born.) She was a beautician before she became a nun!!! She used to smoke, oh no! Came from a family of four other girls; her poor mom. I admire her so. (Maybe it's because she was there for my mom, too, before she died.) She is overseer of a glorious building, a new nursing home, which is being built. What a contribution she is making to the world. To make the story short, she personifies what I think would be a good example of the Angel Raphael. It's like, she, too, looked up in the encyclopedia about the Angel Raphael, and wanted to personify her (hmmm, him--I thought angels were neither male or female).


I never had one, specific angel, I called on (except maybe the Archangel Michael). Just a bunch of them, I've called "my angels. Ok, enough. Don't want you to think I am hijacking this post, talking about the human, Angel Raphael.

angelwhispers 12-11-2011 08:51 PM

the few times i've dealt with raphael i saw a bright emerald green light and when he was around when i needed healing he would like infuse the healing green light to where i needed it

Coming2 12-11-2011 09:52 PM

Doreen Virtue has a book about AA Raphael. It is really good so far and I am getting alot of help from practicing some of the suggestions in the book.

VampOrchid 13-11-2011 04:18 PM

Azrael and Raphael have both been chatting to me, telling me lots about all the angels.

Thank you all so much for the info!

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