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angelwhispers 06-11-2011 06:51 PM

the enchanted map oracle deck
i was wondering if anyone else has this deck. i just got them a few days ago.

i would love to discuss this deck with others.

Trieah 06-11-2011 08:25 PM

I just picked them up a few days ago too. So far, I get a good feeling from them, like I'll be able to resonate with them, unlike some of my other decks. I have a couple of Colette's other decks too.

An idea just came to me, so I'm just gonna throw it out there. Would you like to take turns pulling one card from the deck and we can all come up with our intuited thoughts, ideas and feelings about the card, to help get more familiar with them?

angelwhispers 06-11-2011 10:16 PM

that sounds good to me. this is the first deck of colette's i've ever owned.

i'm fascinated with the bone collector card today. the book says about being whole from within and my impressions are having all you need, surrounding yourself with what you love

reversed i feel emptiness, loss, something stolen ... past and the book talks about repeating the past

Trieah 07-11-2011 06:14 AM

With all my decks, I've been trying to go off of more intuited messages for each reading and just let the picture speak to me. I'll still look up some of the book meanings of the cards, to see what they say until I get a better feel for the card.

When I look at the Bone Collector card, I get this sense of the shaman helping to bring all the fragmented pieces of our energy back to us in order to feel more whole again. Kind of like taking back your personal power or being less scattered and more focused on you or the task at hand, instead of being so spread out with a million different things going on.

For the reverse, I get the feeling that its a gentile reminder to become more focused and centered, because you really are spreading yourself too thin, and it's time to get back on track.

angelwhispers 07-11-2011 11:04 AM

do you want to do them in order or just pull 1? i like your feelings on the bone collector

Trieah 08-11-2011 03:54 AM

Sorry, I didn't have time to pull a new card last night. I like the idea of just pulling one out at random. And I like what you were feeling from the card as well. It's kind of kuul getting other interpretations, I probably would have missed what you came up with because the other thing spoke out so clearly to me.

I pulled card #3 Wizard of Awareness, which is kind of striking a cord with me since I've been spending the whole day with Archangel Raguel, and he was the first thing that popped up in my mind when I saw the wizard. Heh, he was actually just giving me a more personal message, and right now that's all I can think about when looking at this card.

I've got this bad habit of getting too excited and pulling myself out of the connection I just made with my spirit guides. So he was kind of telling me almost exactly what the book said about this card. To step back and try to view what happens in the connection, as if I were watching someone else and not experiencing it. Kind of hard to do when there's physical body sensations involved though, LOL. He says there is always a way around the obstacles, one just needs to learn how to think differently. Focus and attention are key, but too much of those can also take away from the experience and you'll wind up missing the little things that create the larger details. Guess that last part would be for the reverse.

angelwhispers 08-11-2011 10:55 AM

for that card he is the wise old man you go to for impartial advice. he sits quietly contemplating what you say remaining neutral. so i see him saying step back and look at this from all sides the circles behind him say its all connected
when i reverse him he looks more stern to me, stubborn, with the circles being at the base it says confusion to me. almost like he's taking his staff mixing the swirls himself forcing them to happen

angelwhispers 08-11-2011 11:04 AM

yesterday i was looking at the gentle gardner, its such a pretty card. i feel you plant the seed, keep it positive. i also get you're being watched over.
when you reverse it the first thing i see is dark earth, barren while everything pretty is below. so i see negativity and if you just plant some positive seeds what you see as nothing will turn to something.

thanks for suggesting this i'm really enjoying it. i hope others feel they can join in too.

Trieah 10-11-2011 02:46 AM

I see a gentle reminder, that no matter what stage our growing seeds are in, with love, care and a little more attention, we can always harvest a good crop. Sometimes it may take time, because our seeds of positive thoughts may have been hindered by negative thoughts, but we should never truly give up on that seed because you never know just how it may grow into something unexpected. In reverse, I see the seeds falling out of place as the gardener seems to be sleeping on the job, not realizing that all she has to do, is stretch out her hand to catch the seeds before they are gone.

I really like what you got from the reverse wizard card. I wasn't quite able to put into words what I was getting off of that, but you seemed to sum it up quite nicely.

I hope others do join in if they get this deck. I'm enjoying this too!

Trieah 10-11-2011 03:06 AM

The next card I pulled was #11 Balancing Act. The overall color of the card seems so washed out and pale to me, making me feel like the matter at hand is quite delicate. The tiny ship seems to pitch a sway atop the bubble as if it is quite the bumpy ride. But regardless of how straight the lady holds the string which the bubble and ship ride upon, the dispersement of the little red confetti is drastically out of balance. The string acts as a line that must be drawn, in order to get rid of too many things up in the air. In reverse, I see that bigger group of red confetti raining down on the already out of balance ship, creating even more problems that need tending to before the ship winds up sinking under all that excessive "stuff".

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