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spiritualseeker1 29-10-2011 01:16 PM

I want to talk to my father.
Hello all

I miss my father very much who passed away 5 yrs ago. I want to talk to him. Is it possible to talk to him? I read somewhere that we can talk to our deceased parents or siblings through a spiritual mediator. Is it true?

Native spirit 29-10-2011 02:13 PM

:smile: Hi Spiritualseeker.

You dont need anyone to be able to speak to your father. just speak to him he can hear you. he can hear your thoughts so dont worry, about him not being able to hear or see you, because he can


MMM 29-10-2011 04:41 PM

you'll see him again, you do know that?

mac 29-10-2011 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by spiritualseeker1
Hello all

I miss my father very much who passed away 5 yrs ago. I want to talk to him. Is it possible to talk to him? I read somewhere that we can talk to our deceased parents or siblings through a spiritual mediator. Is it true?

It's true that through evidential mediumship folks here in this world may sometimes be able to communicate with family or friends 'over there'. But it's not like picking up a phone and there's no certain way of making contact with anyone let alone a specific individual. As indicated in other postings, your thoughts will reach your father but that's not what you were wanting.

Depending on where you are living it might be possible for you to find a Spiritualist medium or to visit a Spiritualist Church or centre. There you should see demonstrations of mediumship where folk receive messages from loved ones.

That will give you some appreciation of what can happen and there's always a chance you may receive a message yourself.

Lynn 29-10-2011 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by spiritualseeker1
Hello all

I miss my father very much who passed away 5 yrs ago. I want to talk to him. Is it possible to talk to him? I read somewhere that we can talk to our deceased parents or siblings through a spiritual mediator. Is it true?


I feel for your loss. I remember when I lost me Dad I was 25 and planning a wedding....it was not til many year's later that I had contct with him, and that connection came with the birth of me first Son. I so wondered WHY as I am a working Medium. WHY was that I was not ready to put closure around the loss of him at that time in me life. I never did get "married" in the conventional meaning of the term...but I have been with me mate for 30 years. Me Dad often comes and stand with me when I am doing Platform Mediumship Work.

If you would like me to see what I can get let me know....too often there are many signs around that we miss in out day to day lives.

Smells of cooking or fragrances or even at times medications
Music that brings us to their memory
Pennies found in odd places where when looked at the date holds a meaning
Small White Feathers that seem to come from no where
That cold shiver like one has had a brush of a touch


Ahimsa 30-10-2011 07:25 AM

One of the things you can do is focus on him and write down your feelings and thoughts, and draw some pictures if you feel like it. While you are doing this, pay close attention to the feelings and thoughts you get. You may experience feelings and thoughts that seem to come from somewhere else. These may be messages sent from him to you. It is totally possible to communicate with beings who have died, but sometimes the messages are unclear. There are some people who are very good at understanding the messages, clarifying and decoding them. Spirit language can be very ambiguous at times and if you feel like you need assistance then a good psychic interpreter could be helpful.
You can also talk out loud to him, say what you need to say. Again, if you do this, pay close attention to what you feel and think. You may notice you get some messages back.

mattie 30-10-2011 08:02 AM

You Can Communicate Right Now
Just talk to him & TRUST that he get the message. Telepathically is OK. Be open to his response coming back in subtle ways, like a warm or feeling or just KNOWing he supports you. Don’t expect dramatic movie-like communications.

mac 30-10-2011 08:21 AM

I wonder how many actually read what was asked in the original posting, viz "Is it possible to talk to him? I read somewhere that we can talk to our deceased parents or siblings through a spiritual mediator. Is it true?"

I suggest it's plain that this enquirer is asking about mediumship. 'Sending out thoughts' or using 'feeling and thinking' to listen for replies don't address the questions asked.

Left Behind 30-10-2011 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by mac
It's true that through evidential mediumship folks here in this world may sometimes be able to communicate with family or friends 'over there'. But it's not like picking up a phone and there's no certain way of making contact with anyone let alone a specific individual. As indicated in other postings, your thoughts will reach your father but that's not what you were wanting.

Depending on where you are living it might be possible for you to find a Spiritualist medium or to visit a Spiritualist Church or centre. There you should see demonstrations of mediumship where folk receive messages from loved ones.

That will give you some appreciation of what can happen and there's always a chance you may receive a message yourself.

I would think that it is difficult for the medium to hone in on specific questions of, or spirit messages to, a particular individual in a crowd setting, as in a church. Is this true? It seems as though simultaneous multiple questions and messages would become intermingled and garbled.


mac 30-10-2011 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by Left Behind
I would think that it is difficult for the medium to hone in on specific questions of, or spirit messages to, a particular individual in a crowd setting, as in a church. Is this true? It seems as though simultaneous multiple questions and messages would become intermingled and garbled.


The situation will vary according to the medium's experience and ability to sort wheat from the chaff.

Those most adept can achieve remarkable results after initial identification of the would-be communicator. In turn that ensures the information/message reaches the intended recipient.

At its best evidential, public mediumship can be startlingly good but sometimes a one-to-one 'sitting' with an experienced medium might be preferred. It's not always easy, though, to find either kind of medium and results can never be guaranteed. That's not necessarily down to the medium - communication doesn't always come easy to discarnate family or friends.

Effective communication can be tricky whichever side of the divide we currently live....:wink:

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