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Vaughn 28-10-2011 09:49 PM

Anunnaki - Ancient Mysteries
Are the Anunnaki our progenitors?

Are we just a hybrid leftover of some slave race of Ancient Gods?

What remains of our own true DNA what is our true inheritance, our destiny?

These are many more questions have been written about by noted archeologist Zacharia Sitchen, author Michael Tellinger, lecturer David Icke and many more.

The questions are too numerous to count about our history, ancient ruins from the Mayans, the pyramids, the Nazca Plains so many unexplained mysteries. So whom are we to believe.

Anyone can go onto YouTube and find a plethora of video's making accounts, theories on our origins based upon ancient Sumerian texts, that pre-date the Bible and parallel it's stories.

I've read too many books to count, attended numerous lectures, watched hours of video's but all seem to raise more questions than answers. In the end my resolve is not so much the knowing but in just being.

Not to concern myself so much with the past, endless knowledge rather to fulfill my daily practice with a conscious awareness and presence of mind, body, spirit.

To this end I find solace, grace and wisdom of this moment.

astroboy 29-10-2011 10:34 AM

It leaves alot of imagination for movie makers to present their theories on these mysteries. If we were to base the theory of being hybrid leftover of some slave race of an advanced civilization, it could be true to some extent. This can be further proven that they are still around and overseeing out most important movements like ensuring that earth is not destroyed by nuclear warheads.

Time 29-10-2011 12:46 PM

First off, dont take this the wrong way. I dont agree with the whole ANNUNAKI ARE COMMIN TO eat MEH BAYBAYS!!. And I also disagree with not sharing proper sources. There has been lots of talk about this section, and I think an example of a proper conspiracy therad needs to be done... Weve all seen so many of the niburu movies, so I dont think I will post one.... The general story goes as follows:

So many millions of years ago, the annunaki came to earth, and enslaved humanity.

They left, leaving us to ourselves, but most couldnt leave, so they "body snatched" people, and have been in the ruling elite ever since.

The planet niburu is comming back around in its odd orbit, and the annunaki are comming back to take back the planet....

Now all of a sudden, its comming on a collision course with earth??

This was created by a man named Zecharia Sitchin, who read the sumarian tablets himself, and determined that they were a warning...

Here are some of the "sources" of this

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nibiru_collision ( i liek wikipedia, especialy if the pages are well sourced, but this gives a good quick read)
http://www.crystalinks.com/nibiru.html ( this one always pops up on religious forums)

Ok Now lets take a step back into reality...

First things first.... Sitchen, couldnt read Sumarian to save his life. It would be the equivalent of me going to the pyramids, and "decyphering" the hyroglyphics.


That alone, ****s on the conspiracy. He cant read sumarian, he cant have interpreted the texts right, hes a wrong... But lets go a bit deeper:


So how the hell did he get mixed up? You need to understand a bit about religion, as the texts used were religious/astrological texts...

Niburu - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nibiru_...nian_astronomy)

anninaki - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annunaki

So, they were basicaly a planet (yes), and gods (yes), but the context Sitchan, and Ike go into is over assumed. The babylonians, and all other pagan civs, studied the stars above almost all else. Their rituals, calenders, and the like were all bound to astrological cycles and movements. They named certain points as markers for certain things, and used certain stars as guides to find others. The Enuma Elish, is a giant astrological aligory. They humanized, or anthropimophised the gods to better understand them, but the stories are based in actual scientific observation of the sky.



So why all the hubbub? Because one man, decided to "read" the texts, that couldnt read the language it was written in, and he took the texts literally, instead of their own aligorical intention. A simple yahoo search of "anninaki" brings you to the wikipedia page, with a host of sources to start looking. Instead most people take the peoples info like Sitchen as gold because "he already did the research himself"....

If you really want to learn about niburu, and the Anninaki, go to your local museum, im the ancient world section, and ask about Babylonian mythology.

The way I see it is, we dont think zeus, or appolo, Thor, or Odin is real. So why should we take the babylonian myths as truth?

Here are some inputs from fellow forum members in regards to planet x hitting earth..

Jackkife, in regards to a video on planet x "going to hit the earth"

Ok here's the simplest debunk you've ever heard.

If a planet or comet of such size that it's gravity actually effected our tectonic plates it would now be visible to the naked eye for all to see.
Also gravity is one the the four fundamental forces of our universe, it's also the weakest. The farther you get from something, the less influence gravity has. The dwarf planet or comet would have to be made of such dense material for it to effect us that far out it would literally such the sun towards it, much like a black hole.

Source: Astrophysics is my major.

As well as Caveman

Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation up in this"""

Vaughn 02-11-2011 06:15 PM

It is interesting to ponder, I agree would make for a good movie..at least much better than Transformers. I can never tell who the good guys or bad guys are. lol

Whether it's panspermia or some seeding, I think it's an awfully big universe to think we are the only ones.

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