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Rememoration 25-08-2011 11:22 PM

Awareness Of Being Aware.
Well, this all starts back to when I was a young kid. About the age of 8 or nine. I was pretty anti-social and spent my time on my own, thinking and such.
I have always been interested in what really is , so I'd lounge on my bed thinking of theories I could make and become famous (LOL).
One day, it was as if suddenly I had realized I was me. And I could sense me.
I was left COMPLETELY confused, because no matter what, I could not explain the feeling I had of being aware of myself. I'd tell people and such, and they'd just say that maybe I'm a bit self centered.
But I wasn't thinking about myself, I was thinking about my inner self. I came to a break through, I was aware of it then , but left it behind because no one could understand me . I just though I was a weird kid, (Which I was.).
About a few weeks ago, I start researching things about the 'Inner self'.
I had come across so many enlightening articles and videos that really got me thinking.
And just a moment ago I thought, "Wait..Wa-..Hmm.. WAIT A SECOND!" I remember how I felt. If I really concentrate on it now, i can feel the presence of me. The feeling is , again really hard to explain.
I used to try and explain is as self awareness, but that didn't fit it right. I always explained it as Immense self awareness, "I think therefore I am I understood that concept. But now it's more of a "I am therefore I think".
Ever since I've had the feeling of breaking through. Then again I might be crazy, but I just know it's true.

Enlightener 25-08-2011 11:45 PM

Awareness is the first step.

Aware of being aware is the second step.

Aware that you are aware that you are aware is the third step.

Being aware that you aware that you are aware that you are aware is the fourth step.

Awareness of an awareness of an awareness of being aware of an awareness is the fifth step...

I could do this all day :D


Rememoration 25-08-2011 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by Enlightener
Awareness is the first step.

Aware of being aware is the second step.

Aware that you are aware that you are aware is the third step.

Being aware that you aware that you are aware that you are aware is the fourth step.

Awareness of an awareness of an awareness of being aware of an awareness is the fifth step...

I could do this all day :D


LOL , Indeed we could.
It seems as if everything is slowly falling into place with me. Not neccesairly my life, but things that I had thought about so much but I couldn't quite put my finger on what it could be.
The things I experienced and brushed off as,"Nonsense." or always attempting to find a scientific reason to everything.
I have a really strong sense of enlightenment at the moment.
As if everything I wanted to know , I have unveiled, that I have discovered me. WHat an exciting feeling!

Enlightener 25-08-2011 11:56 PM

It's great isn't it?

moke64916 26-08-2011 12:25 AM

You were being. It doesn't work as awareness manifesting into more awareness. He is wrong. What you felt was your inner stillness. 1st Step: become aware of your thoughts. Don't 'be' your thoughts. Be the observer of the thoughts. Don't judge them. Just observe silently as the observer. There is a wealth of intelligence beyond thought. It brings you present in the moment

2nd step: observe your bodies emotions the same way you observe your thoughts. Don't 'Be' your emotions. Be the observer

With this you are fully aware and peaceful. You have now entered the realm of no-mind. You are aware and fully present. This peace does not have an end to it. It gets deeper and deeper. Then you feel the joy of being.

Next you have already mastered the realm of being. Then start observing your reactions. Practice 'Being' around others. When you master all three, you will then be a master. Trust me. I've been through all of this. These are the steps into becoming a master.



Rememoration 26-08-2011 12:44 AM


Originally Posted by moke64916
You were being. It doesn't work as awareness manifesting into more awareness. He is wrong. What you felt was your inner stillness. 1st Step: become aware of your thoughts. Don't 'be' your thoughts. Be the observer of the thoughts. Don't judge them. Just observe silently as the observer. There is a wealth of intelligence beyond thought. It brings you present in the moment

2nd step: observe your bodies emotions the same way you observe your thoughts. Don't 'Be' your emotions. Be the observer

With this you are fully aware and peaceful. You have now entered the realm of no-mind. You are aware and fully present. This peace does not have an end to it. It gets deeper and deeper. Then you feel the joy of being.

Next you have already mastered the realm of being. Then start observing your reactions. Practice 'Being' around others. When you master all three, you will then be a master. Trust me. I've been through all of this. These are the steps into becoming a master.



Inner stillness you say? I often accompanied the feeling of observing myself as alone.
As if I was one and saw the world through one eye.
I'm a beginner, so there is still much I'd like to understand.
There are things I've experience and experience to this very day, that I still can't decipher, and still try to cover them with reason.
But, what does becoming a 'master' bring?
Is there anything past knowing you are and experiencing the self?
Is it just purely knowledge of I, or is it followed with other knowledge.
I just want to know.

BlueSky 26-08-2011 12:59 AM

Is there anything past knowing you are and experiencing the self? Rememoration

That's exactly how i feel since realizing and experienced life knowing itself. There is nothing to know after that. It is all that can be known and when it's known, it's known. The rest is learning to work with it.
Blessings, James

Rememoration 26-08-2011 01:04 AM

It is all that can be known and when it's known, it's known. The rest is learning [/quote]

Could you possibly explain that a little better?

BlueSky 26-08-2011 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by Rememoration
It is all that can be known and when it's known, it's known. The rest is learning

Could you possibly explain that a little better?[/quote]

Recently life became aware of itself in me.........that part cannot be explained but I feel you realize that too. This realization is knowing but beyond that there is nothing to know.
Life aware of itself now expresses itself thru this bodymind and is aware of itself thru it.
There is nothing to do other than what life does thru you. What life thinks thru you and what life feels thru you.
Learning may not be the right word. Getting use to it as it is like being born again is more like it.
It's easy, I find, to slip into unawareness. Life unaware of itself. Noticing that, is probably what i am learning if anything.
I notice that I can speak from unawareness or I can let speaking happen. I notice the difference.
This realization is relatively new to me so keep that in mind as you read my words.
I'm a 52 year old toddler..........and all that can be known, really known, is known.
I am awake.......................
Does that explain it better?

moke64916 26-08-2011 01:15 AM

It sounds like you have already had an awakening. Enlightenment is just the beginning. The deep sense of peace deepens. Your truths get deeper and deeper. You will feel wonderful. total freedom. You will feel liberated. I'd start with observing your thoughts. You've already experienced this awareness. The more you observe your thoughts, the more aware you will become. It will bring you present in the moment. If I were you, I'd read the book, "The Power of Now" and "practicing the Power of Now.". I have a feeling it will all start clicking in for you. Trust me, those books will help you a lot.

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