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SunMist 16-06-2011 03:16 AM

home protection spell needed
I'm looking for a strong home protection spell to protect against negative forces either metaphysical or human. I've had a number of odd things happen in the last couple weeks from wasps getting into my apartment which hasn't happened after years of living here to today little kids literally throwing stuff against my front door twice - and then running away. Again- this has never happened to me before and I don't know who these kids are. Let's just say I don't like the direction all this is going!

On the positive side...this may be a message from the universe it is time to move and I have been thinking about it. Still I'm in no position to move for three more months. On the negative side...I know there is someone who for the past month has probably literally been sending hate towards me, he knows where I live but he's not local so it's very possible he's focusing on images of my apartment or address and these events are a manifestation of those feelings. Also if kids have now targeted me as "that weird lady" they want to harass this may not be over quickly - all the sudden I feel like the stereotype of the old man who yells get off my lawn!

I'll of course take practical measures as I can about these things, but I could use some magickal help. Advice???

edited to add: and today a kid came very close to running me over while on a skateboard. I was walking on a paved nature trail coming up on a curve - something told me to pause and the kid whipped around the curve going superfast toward me. If I'd not paused he literally would have hit me.

Lostgirl 16-06-2011 07:36 AM

Have you tried writing one yourself? Ive never done it and i know it needs to be written and worded carefully, but it could be written to suit your need :) There are more experience people who woud know more baout it who im sure iwll be along soon to help :)

SunMist 16-06-2011 10:16 PM

Hi Lostgirl, I might end up writing one myself, just considering all the options. There's just a ton of option online, but I'm just wondering what is most effective if anyone here has ever tried doing this before. Right now I'm thinking the bottle spell looks promising.

Spiritlite 16-06-2011 11:34 PM

I hope you find a good spell and let us know how it goes, I have no ideas for spells for this, and I hope it works out for you.

Medium_Laura 17-06-2011 12:46 AM

The most important ingredient of any spell is love! (Gillian Kemp - The Good Spell Book)

This is one I used for neighbor's who wanted us to move and would put dead fish in my mailbox..... they stopped and THEY moved :)

Wiccan Protection Bottle

You need to find a glass jar, and enough of the following items to fill the jar:

Broken Glass
Steel Wool
Lemon Juice
One black candle
One red felt marker
Fill the jar with the items as per above (substitute if need be, trusting your own inner guidance). Seal tightly.

On the top of the lid, draw a pentacle with the red felt marker.

Now here's the icky part. You need to urinate in the bottle till it's just about full. I placed 4 of these on all 4 corners of my property line.

Place the candle on the lid of the jar and light it. Chanting the following:

Candle of black, hexes of old, release the powers that you hold. Reverse the flow of spells once cast. Leave pain and sorrow in the past.

Let the candle burn out. Take the jar and bury it in some earth close to your home. You and your family will be protected from harm for up to 6 months - then look to make another new protection bottle.

Some witches will dig them up if and when they move because you don't want your spell remaining there (you may not sell the house because of the strong protection around it).

Remember cast for protection and in love and light.

moke64916 17-06-2011 01:21 AM

I've been in that fear mode you feel right now about negative forces. Let me tell you right now before it manifests even more. It's not real. Once you realize that ALL of that fear you are feeling right now will go away as soon as you realize that that you created it. Likelihood is it's a normal phenomenon goingon. I thought my wierd things were happening to me. It drove to to brief insanity. My worst fears came true. Let me tell you now that it's all in your head. No offense. Thats the conclusion I had to make to feel peace. Trust me. Don't be angry. I feel your pain right this very second. I might be coast to coast away from you, but I feel your energy. You are in a lot of distress. I've been in your exact shoes before. Please stop manifesting this. I've been through this 3 times. I felt like I was posessed . I acted like it. Let me tell you right now. It's all in your head. If you keep it up, your worse fears can become a reality. So please please please. Stop now. I'm crying right now. I feel your pain. No human should ever have to suffer like I did. Please take it from somebody who has already experienced your worst fear 3 TIMES. It's not real. You don't need any spell. You need a reality check. I'm ot trying to be mean. I'm trying to help. Trust me you don't want to experience a living hell like I did that was all in my head, yet felt so real. I've been where your headed. If you get there remember this. It will always pass. You here me. It won't last. It will get better. I too would try to get rid of negative energy. Your making a non-existent force out nothing more than negative energy. Theres no force behind it. Believe me. I learned the hard way 3 times. Let me tell you again it's all in your head. I'm going to say a prayer to you. It is the most powerful prayer for protection it was written before the bible. Say this out loud right now. "as I cast the ring past not. And the ring of truth. May all that comes to me and all that comes from me be Gods own pure love and truth.". That's a very powerful prayer. Remember you're protected. You are safe. Whatever you do don't let it become more of an obsession than it already is. Trust me. Ark Angel Michial and Gabriel. I pray for you to watch over this distressed lady. Se really needs your help. Please don't show her the love. Don't let her experience what I already have. Please bring truth to her. I just did a long distance healing on you as well. Do you feel the moment of clarity? I know your going back and forth right now in your mind. Beset thing you can do right now, is sleep. I know its hard. Your obsession has prevented you from getting any reaL sleep. Try your hardest to be present in the moment. That's key. I know it feels hard right now. If you have to see a psychiatrist for an anxiety medication. In times like this where your at right, it may go against your beliefs, I apologize, but the only way for this to stop in your mind i to realize it's all in your head. Sorry people. But if you've been where shes at those are the most useful words to use all beliefs set aside. I've been where she is at right now. Don't in courage her by giving her spell techniques. She doesn't need anyone to feed this more than it already has. I am highly intuitive. I see what she is going through right now. I've been there. It is a nightmare. Fear at it's most intinse level. I'll keep sending healing energy towards you. I'll try and get in contact with the other healers. But I'll be trying to keep sending you moments of clarity. I send it. You see the light. Yet your fears take over again. I'll just keep on healing. For you to see truth. Hang in there girl. You'll make it. I feel your pain. If you need to talk. Please pm me.

moke64916 17-06-2011 01:36 AM

Why are you feeding her fear? By giving her spells. You and I very well know that that negative energy is nothing more than negative energy. No forces. No evil. No spells need To be said. Sometimes the only way for peace is for her to come to the realization that it is not real. The negative energy has no power behind it. What she needs is a reality check. Ive experienced her worst fears of being posseses. It's not real. I've been where she is at 3 times. And let me tell you it is fear in it's most intense form. It makes you lose your mind literally. It's a living nightmare. For her sake please don't further feed it. It will just keep manifesting. Your a medium. You know it's just a subconscious fear that needs to be cleared. Giving her this spell. Only gives her short term relief. It doesn't clear her subconscious fear. It will persist and persist until she gets the message it's trying to send. That it's all in her head. It only feels so real because of belief. It's her subconscious fear. Its not real. It feels real, but it's not. I've been in her exact situation and I'll tell you this from experience, that it's all in head.

Lemon Juice
One black candle
One red felt marker
Fill the jar with the items as per above (substitute if need be, trusting your own inner guidance). Seal tightly.

On the top of the lid, draw a pentacle with the red felt
Place the candle on the lid of the jar and light it. Chanting the following:

Candle of black, hexes of old, release the powers that you hold. Reverse the flow of spells once cast. Leave pain and sorrow in the past.

Let the candle burn out. Take the jar and bury it in some earth close to your home. You and your family will be protected from harm for up to 6 months - then look to make another new protection bottle.

Some witches will dig them up if and when they move because you don't want your spell remaining there (you may not sell the house because of the strong protection around it).

Remember cast for protection and in love and light.[/quote]

moke64916 17-06-2011 01:39 AM

[quote=Spiritlite]I hope you find a good spell and let us know how it goes, I have no ideas for spells for this, and I hope it works out for you.
. Your the most jolly person I have ever met. Your wonderful. Your energy is awesome right now. Your one of the happiest people i have sensed on this site. :hug3: :hug3:

Spiritlite 17-06-2011 03:17 AM

Moke thankyou so much right now I feel so happy, and thankyou for that I do have my moments of extreme sadness and fear but thankyou so much.

SunMist 17-06-2011 05:36 AM

Spiritlite, thanks I feel like I've got a few good options now.

Medium_Laura, thanks much for your advice - that spell sounds most appropriate for your dead fish neighbor - wow! Sending you a PM with a question.

Moke, I'm sorry that it seems my post has triggered some very bad memories for you. I'm alright. I am not in intense fear and actually slept quite well last night. I do have some genuine concerns over a trend I see occurring and I will work hard to clear my energy and not dwell in negative emotion to avoid adding to my troubles by manifesting events in line with that. Thank you for your concern and healings, but please don't worry I'm okay and I'm glad you are too.

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