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Perhin 08-06-2011 03:51 PM

Incarnated Fae
I am sorry if this is in the wrong forum, so if it needs to be moved, please do so. I couldn't really find anywhere else where this could be posted. ;)

For years now, I have known that I am not totally human. I knew I had wings. And for some reason, I thought I was an angel. Things did not turn out so well after that notion, because something didn't feel quite right. Because sometimes I would feel as though I had feathered wings and then at times I felt like I had butterfly-type ones(is this called glamor?). I know the most common answer would be,"YOU'RE CRAZY!", but I have had little hints here and there all my life, too many to list. Not to mention the fact, I've always been the type to run around the house with strap-on wings along with glitter all over my face with bright make-up...when I was about 18(I'm now 20). Ha!

Last night, I decided to ask Mother Mary if I was a fairy/angel/whatever. I'm not Christian, but I do feel a motherly pull towards her. ^_^ So, I grounded and centered myself, asked for protection from outside sources interfering with the pendulum(which happens to be a necklace with a fairy charm on it) and I asked first if I was an angel. 'No'. I felt so relieved about that! The thought of being an angel always scared me for some reason even though I believed it for so long. I don't really know why, other than it seemed like a lot of responsibility. I guess it's a good thing I'm not, right? XD

Then I asked if I was a fairy. It went into this long, fast 'Yes'. And then I asked if I was human. It went to a 'maybe yes'. This morning, I grounded and centered again and asked God this time. It was a 'Yes' as well. All of this has put me in the best of moods. :) It's like I feel complete! I know this is odd, but I feels...like I'm Home while I'm here in the 3D.

When I was little, I would have these big knots in my hair every single morning before school. My sister told me the fairies were doing it(she was a bit Pagan then) and if I asked them to stop they would. I asked in my head, and no more big knots. Guess what I have in my hair this morning? A little knot similar to the kind I used to get. It's not as bad as they used to get, but it's just knotty enough that it'll be horrible to get out. HA!

This morning I also asked if there were any fairies in the room. 'Yes'. I asked if I was a fairy from them. Fast and long 'Yes'. I asked if I was a Tuantha De Danann. 'Maybe yes.' I then thought to them,'You're not going to really tell me are you?' Fast and long 'No.' Just like a fairy to mess with me! XD

I felt like I needed to share this somewhere. Thanks to anyone who has read this. Oh! Are there any other incarnated fairies about? If so, hello!



Kai 05-07-2011 10:19 PM

Have you ever heard of otherkin? That's pretty much what you're describing - people who feel that they are some type of creature not human. Elfs, faeries, dragons, etc. Sometimes animals. :)

papavier 07-07-2011 11:16 PM

hello fellow fae
Recently I was at a reiki share. When i got up one of the masters took me into a room with tears in her eyes and asked if I knew i was a fairy. I'd never been told before but it didn't surprise me. Have you found any good information or reading? I have found it to be very difficult to find anyone talking about incarnated fairy's unlike how easy it is to find info on Starpeople and Incarnated Angels. It's not that I'm trying to define myself with these labels but it does help to hear from other people and explore yourself and spirituality with information and others experiences. I read Earth Angles and was disappointed to find a measly paragraph about Elemental Faery people.

Boldylocks 17-07-2011 12:28 AM

Perhin, Sounds to me that you have discovered alot of truths -- I definitely believe you, and I do believe that many are incarnated Faery , Elves, Gnomes, etc... but still have yet to wake up to that fact.

Seems to me that when one incarnates as a human, it is a sort of "boot camp" that their soul needs to go through for further spiritual growth- to grow closer to the Light. We probably agreed to incarnate as human before doing so- it was probably a choice.

I really relate with Gnomes, and I believe I was probably an incarnated gnome woman-- Maybe in my case, I needed to learn compassion for humanity because I probably had a big chip on my shoulder against humans before incarnating..lol!

I've always loved animals, Nature, stones and rocks and seashells, and always loved the Earth and mud-- in fact, I am an Earth Sign (Taurus) with a Capricorn Moon sign as well. As a child, I've always been drawn to pictures of gnomes- love their pointed caps too. Who knows, but I wouldnt be surprised after I die and meet my Maker, that He will show me what more I need to still learn, and how all the **** I went through in this incarnation as a human was for my highest good :-)

That is soooo cool about the Pixies /Fae making little knots in your hair to confirm they're still with you :-) I love Pixies- I so admire thier lighthearted , fun spirits :-)

thrinelesshealrose 01-09-2011 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by papavier
Recently I was at a reiki share. When i got up one of the masters took me into a room with tears in her eyes and asked if I knew i was a fairy. I'd never been told before but it didn't surprise me. Have you found any good information or reading? I have found it to be very difficult to find anyone talking about incarnated fairy's unlike how easy it is to find info on Starpeople and Incarnated Angels. It's not that I'm trying to define myself with these labels but it does help to hear from other people and explore yourself and spirituality with information and others experiences. I read Earth Angles and was disappointed to find a measly paragraph about Elemental Faery people.

I had almost that exact experience. I was actually walking into my first degree class in Reiki and my Reiki teacher came to me with tears in her eyes and said when she heard me speak to another classmate then she looked up and saw what I looked like she said without a doubt I was an Earth Angel. When I thought about it I guess I always kinda knew. My mother was an earth angel as well and I knew that growing up. I just never thought of myself as that. My teacher gave me a book "Earth Angels" written by Doreen Virtue. It talks about incarnated elementals (fae,mermaid etc), starpeople, walk-ins, wise ones and angels. It's informative and it spoke to me. I feel grateful to know where I come from and who I am. I know I'm a born healer and that I'm on the right path in life. My sister who is an incarnated Fae felt reading it helped her as well.

Love and Light:hug:

feralfae 27-09-2011 03:19 AM

Yeah, me too. Fae that is. Cyber-hugs to all!

MaliMarie 02-04-2012 06:59 AM

It's nice to meet other Incarnates lol. My mom was catholic and when I started telling her about my dreams (I was flying and healing and a few dreams where Jesus was talking to me and told me I was an angel among other things..) she brought me to our priest because she was scared I was crazy. He confirmed what I thought.. He said not to tell my mom anymore because she wouldn't understand.. Since then I've been learning and growing.. extending my wings as it were lol.. The greatest feeling is how wonderful and actually Balanced you feel once you come into your own..

Sangress 02-04-2012 08:34 AM

I was going to drop the otherkin title, but I see someone else has beat me to it. You might find it interesting to meet a wide variety of others who are similar to yourself there (and after some searching there is bound to be someone in that community.)

Comparing and learning about yourself in relation to other fae may shed some light on your origins and answer other questions you have too.

Quagmire 02-04-2012 09:29 PM

Congratz on your discovery.

About Mother Mary; I will to say that it is not odd that you feel a pull towards her though you are not Christian, because neither is she. Here last week I found out that beside her being part of my soul group, she is also my main spirit guide, but I know her by different names, where one of them is Athena from Greek mythology. I know that I am an incarnated Elemental (or Otherkind or what we choose as a description) and so is she when she choose to incarnate. So you being a fairy and feeling related to Mother Mary is far from odd.

Usako 26-04-2012 04:06 PM

I am starting to believe I am an Incarnated Elemental, not sure if a Fairy exactly though I can relate to it to some extent, I guess I'm still learning thus a little unsure.

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