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~Jay~ 22-11-2006 08:02 PM

Keep going really sleepy
Been meditating a fair while now, and normally don't have many problems in concentrating or staying awake, but just lately it's all gone to pot! I'm perfectly OK whilst meditating in a group setting, but when I try at home on my own just lately, I go really deep very quickly and end up loosing control. I can barely remember what has happened afterwards either, just a few snippets of strange people & settings just like dream encounters.

It's not like I'm tired when I sit down to do it either....like today, it was the middle of the day, the room wasn't too hot, I was sitting up on the couch in broad daylight - but I virtually nodded off straight away!

It's getting very frustrating now....:rolleyes: Does anyone else go through periods like this?

chi chi 22-11-2006 08:23 PM

hi jaycee

i have same problem only managed med a few times i always fall asleep too frustating isnt it
love chi xxxxx

SIKH 05-12-2006 04:24 AM

me 3 , got the same problem:confused:

kundalini 05-12-2006 04:32 AM

Hi Jaycee, I can't say that this is why it is happening but I can say that it is entirely possible this is spirit's way of telling you not to meditate as often as you are doing. Alternatively, it could be a message that you need to work more on your root chakra and your grounding qualities.


GoldChord 05-12-2006 09:00 AM

Kundalini to the rescue,

You know, I've been patiently waiting for someone to answer this one because this happens to me too. I just assumed it was because I have not yet learnt to get to a higher 'vibrational frequency' when I meditate but was hoping someone could offer insight nonetheless. But this seems to be how it works for me. I meditate (I do try to stay awake and if I concentrate I can) but I usually slip into sleep. I then have some pretty lucid dreams which is where I get my messages and my guides visit me. It is then up to me to remember the dreams and decode them (not usually very good at this part - decoding that is, I tend to be pretty good at remembering them). I find if I am sitting up I can mediatate without slipping into the sleepy state - but do not necessarily experience that really cool floaty feeling which I am rather fond of.

Anyway, this is just my experience - maybe someone else has something similar.

Thanks Kundalini for having a crack at this one.

Take care.

~Jay~ 05-12-2006 10:34 AM

I was actually talking to my development circle leader about this on Friday, and she said the same as you, Kundalini. It's basically spirit's way of resting me. I suppose that attending two development circles per week as I am doing at the moment, is enough for most people, without trying at home, too! :D

Lee 07-12-2006 06:34 PM

Yesterday was my 4th attemp at meditating, and as of yet had nothing and not really sure whether i'm doing it right. Yesterday i tried sitting on my bed to meditate and put foam earplugs in to stop noise distraction. I tried concentrating and looking for and asking to see a light, but all i got were vague little swirls that i'd say are nothing more than light coming in from the outside maybe. So after about 15 minutes sitting and getting an aching back i decided to lay down and concentrate, this i done for about another 15 minutes and i assume i dropped off too sleep when i heard a voice say "nice ears" could this have been a comment about my ear plugs lol, then i heard someone say in a female voice "a part of the 1682 war" but both times after hearing the voices i assume i'd popped off for a min. I do hear voices when i'm trying to go to sleep occassionally and this was almost the same as the voices i hear when tired.

I just had to look up 1682 war on google and there were about 10 pages of all sorts of wars on there, so i'm none the wiser !

~Jay~ 07-12-2006 07:23 PM

Oh LOL, Lee! That kind of funny stuff is the sort of thing I hear 'voices' saying too! You can't help thinking ***??? What's all that about, then? :D Some of it has also got me googling like mad and driving myself crazy too, haha!

I tried to meditate again this afternoon, and although I lasted about 5 mins, after that I just went really tired again, and almost nodded off. Aaah, the frustration! :tongue:

Actually, what I did 'see' was me following the flight of a butterfly through some open fields in bright sunshine. I normally see butterflies when I'm going through some sort of transition, hence the sleepiness, in all probability.:wink:

Transcix 07-12-2006 11:24 PM

You've all likely been misinformed to a greater or lesser extent about how to meditate properly, because the conspiracy doesn't actually want you to succeed, and some honest individuals talk the talk without walking the walk despite themselves.

Lee and others, those voice you hear are called "thoughts". :) Look, I know you can have spirit guides, soul guides, and these sorts of things.. but if you affirm to yourself the realization that anything going on in your head can logically only ever be your own thought, then believe me they will hear you and act accordingly. Mental illness arises from people disassociating from their own thoughts until they cannot distinguish between subconscious stimuli and/or intuition and stimuli external from their own thought process.

No guide will ever interject thoughts into your mind, except perhaps in instances of extreme crisis, but even then it's probably just a strong intuitive impulse. If you ask them a specific question and listen to their answer in surrounding circumstances of complete (metaphysical) silence, then this is an example of voices you hear not being your own. Some people only ever communicate via intuitive impulse, impressions, mentally visual symbols, etc. You should affirm your mental health and self-control and realize you control your thoughts, else they wouldn't not be yours in the first place.

Generally the goal of meditation should never be to see some sort of white light or raise your vibration whatever that means. Meditation is a matter of focused and strong will coupled with proper intent, in a context of patience, tolerance, mindfulness, faith, and unconditional acceptance. First the process involves accepting all the baggage you walk around with sober that you didn't realize was there, and after this you can proceed to realize and accept new elements of your being or ways to change your weaknesses, baggage.

First you need to become at peace in your mind, and this entails proactive effort, not passive aloofness. Yes, the process does flow and evolve *naturally* to an extent, but you have to rise up enough to recognize, acknowledge, and embrace this flow if you want to experience it. The best way I've found to meditate is to focus on Nothing, and this is hardly a passive excersize, as it is difficult to even conceive of Nothing. Meditation definitely takes you beyond the reality of paradox and into the simultaneous reality of perpetual transcendence.

If you find yourself nodding off during meditation, you're probably going about it too passively. First of all you intend that you *want* to be meditating when you are where you are, and you intend similarly that you *will* meditate as well as you can, per your force of will. Now will is an interesting thing, because you must learn to use it subtly, as meditation is hardly a struggle. At first, you see, you do not want to break out of your conventional prison of mind, so you need your will to go directly into the darkest areas of your being.

You don't want to move into the darkness, but if you understand meditation then you know you must, and this is the crux of it. You rationally understand that you are the light--one of infinite shades of grey thereof--and therefore you understand that light naturally shines towards the darkness. When you are in denial you look at the blinding light thinking you are separate from it, while when you are in acceptance then you simply shine, without fear. Your will is your tool to transcend your paradoxical reason, to carry out your line of reason to its ultimately and inevitable conclusion. You don't want to let go of your conventional securities, your false ego projections, your sense of victimhood, and your your security blanket of false limitations you impose upon yourself; simultaneously, however, you know you will be happier for it once you *do*.

You do not meditate to try and get through your issues, because you cannot meditate *without* working through them, so it's like Yoda says: do or do not, there is no try. You must be passionately enthusiastic, allowing intensity of flow within a physically calm body. This passion is desire, and actually if you try to block it off then you will become stagnant on the inside and anxiety will manifest itself into your physical body, and you may start to shake, get hot, etc etc. The key to Nothing is the passion of incredulity, for incredulity is very powerful, yet there is precisely nothing to get over other than yourself, for you need simply accept what is there. With a healthy dose of awe, love, and wisdom, then your incredulity never runs out as you are ever evolving into new territory.

It's the only constant is change. If you think you're standing still then in fact you are stagnating and devolving. Although either/orism is generally dangerous sometimes it is applicable, and it often revolves around the axis of acceptance/denial. Meditation is a matter of awareness, it empowers you to evolve your life because you realize you can only ever be the change you wish to see in the world, as one cannot help but impact everything around them. Do you align yourself with evolution or devolution?

You can try to fix a given chakra or energy centre or whatnot, but this all seems rather pointless when focusing Nothing and actually manifesting Nothing as your inner awareness enters a state (that you yourself "summon"/"imagine"/"realize") of non-local timelessness. With this practice, anything about you that needs fixing will naturally come into awareness as an obstacle to this afformentionned technique. Realizing Nothing also allows you to raise your Kundalini, which is a very purifying process. Basically when you wash yourself in Nothing then you purge yourself, as there is always room for junk in infinite void (it gets recycled anyhow).

Unfortunately, many "white-lighters" are totally against conceiving of the divine as impersonal Nothing... when you try to meditate with God on your mind, it really hinders things... Jehovah is impersonally the vibration of unconditiona love, and personally the conventional vibration of fear as manifest by Satan.

~Jay~ 09-12-2006 04:45 PM

Interesting post Transcix - although i have to disagree with the general theme, TBH.

Firstly, I don't think there is any given 'right' or 'wrong' way to meditate. The ultimate aim is to quiet the chatter in our minds, and each of us will have different ways of achieving this end. If a beginner strives for inner silence straight away, I am sure most are doomed to failure! Visualisation helps us a great deal towards this ultimate end, IMO.

I also don't believe these voices are just thoughts. I am aware and coherant enough whilst this is happening to me, and I have even managed a few short conversations on more than one occasion. Although, if you look at things from a higher perspective, then it could be argued that this is just 'us' talking to 'us', as we are all one.:wink: But I think it's very off-putting and disempowering to mention mental illness in connection with this.

This conspiracy stuff is a minefield, and is an issue that's been following me around just lately.:rolleyes: Although I am aware of what is going on, and have read a fair bit, is it not also true to say that what you concentrate on is what you will manifest? Therefore, if you focus on light and positivity that is what you will manifest in your life? Seems a better way of going about things to me.:D I'm starting to believe it is ultimately a distraction to stop us realising our own power - and that is why I now concentrate on learning and applying spitiual law/truth in my life, rather than wasting time wondering what 'their' next move is.

Meditation will naturally raise our vibrations. It raises us into higher awareness, expands our conciousness, and connects us to the unseen realms. I have personally had great results with this, and haven't followed any particular 'rule' in order to gain the many experiences and insights I have done over the period of time I have been actively doing this.

Each to their own, I say!:D

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