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Unseeking Seeker 08-03-2024 02:11 PM

Descent of grace
Sharing a profound, surreal experience:

Night before last, in the wee hours of pre-dawn, I woke up from sleep, body fully magnetised, as it usually is. I felt my third eye zone pulsating and whirring after which liquid energy flowed from there to root of spine via crown, Bindu and medulla. Powerful. Earlier, it occurred in the reverse order, meaning from root to third eye, wherein kriyas (head shaking) was involved along with communication with Divine Mother.

Alright. So this, profound as it is, is about spontaneous kundalini movement. However, shortly after this occurrence, I felt a distinct tap on the head, at the fontanel or crown chakra. Then instantly, there was what I can only describe as a disc of subtle yet powerful energy that descended swiftly from head to soles of feet, that is top down, covering the entire body in a single sweep. Then the force exited. It felt as an activation of some sort of which no doubt I will be more clear about at a later time.

The key difference between this, what I can term as descent of grace vs kundalini movement is that the kundalini moves in conduits or energy pathways, whereas grace has no such limitation or constraint.

I wish to inquire if anyone else has experienced likewise?

Miss Hepburn 08-03-2024 04:01 PM

I'll type something after my mouth closes reading about your exp. :icon_cool:

Michael K. 10-03-2024 07:12 PM

Descent of Grace,

Blessings Unseeking seeker, I can identify with some of what you shared, In
my KUNDALINI experience years ago I had tapping's on my head like someone
was typing a message on my head, this was followed by great rods of light
bursting out of my crown chakra. And a mighty wind being sucked into my
anus and bursting out of my head.

At another time attending a Essene festival at Glastonbury for mid summer
we were all in a circle holding hands in a field under the TOR when a blue
shield of light pulsated up and down my body massive energy pulsations

regards michael.

Unseeking Seeker 11-03-2024 02:34 AM

Thanks for your input, Michael.

We need to distinguish kundalini energy from grace in terms of attribute and movement. The kundalini is potent even when gentle, we can feel the power. Also, the kundalini moves in designated pathways and soma nectar drips through them. Of course, the number of nadis or conduits as also chakras is far more than listed in basic scriptures. Grace on the other hand is far subtler, independent, instantaneous and is not dependent on the arrangement or layout of our energy body.

First the kundalini moved from an active or awake whirring third eye up to guru chakra, then to crown, moving back to Bindu point, dipping lower to medulla and then all along spine to the root, as liquified magnetism. After this was done, the kundalini rested. It was then that I felt a distinct tap on the fontanel once. One knock. Immediately, I became aware of a disc of subtle energy which descended into me through the crown, sweeping down perfectly, geometrically parallel, right down to soles of feet in a swift but distinctly perceptible manner, exiting from soles of feet, touching each and every cell of body in the process.

When kundalini moves, slowly or swiftly, we feel a force acting upon us, within us. When grace descends, it is like a body scan, an immersion, a transmutation instantaneous.

Now, from the point of view of classifying this, probably it cannot be done.

Looking back, I’d now say that in my case, many years back, the initial kundalini ascent from root to crown was also likewise but with a difference, it was localised in a vertical conduit* (*not in spine), like if we drop a plumb line from crown to root* (*the point between legs between reproductive and excretory organs). It was a swift ascent bypassing all chakras. I knew nothing about kundalini so on reading took it as Sushumna, maybe it was but then it was not in spine, in as felt at least). So, alright, even if not in spine, it was a conduit. Then of course the orifice in crown, the fontanel which was pierced, followed by the void experience and so forth.

Grace simply appears instantly, acts swiftly and in a boundaryless manner and following perfect sacred geometry on a cosmic scale, though acting upon our body. It is not the kundalini in the usual usage of the term at least.

JustBe 11-03-2024 05:57 AM

Cool experience unseeker.

I don’t know if this correlates to your experience but..
I recall about fifteen years or more ago, I experienced a very spontaneous flow of something showering over me. I had been through a very intense letting go process and I’d reached a place of ‘feeling like I had nowhere to go in myself’ at that point. The descent of this energy/ethereal snow flakes almost? freed me. I was showered in absolute peace. I had prior to this three months of deeper intense process, found this was ‘not me’ but the process prior was definitely ‘me involved’ one with spiritual intervention.

Unseeking Seeker 11-03-2024 06:27 AM

Thanks for sharing, JustBe. It is difficult to correlate your experience with mine but I’d say it is different. What emerges out of it only time will tell, since I’ve noticed there is first something imbibed or implanted and then a time interval of assimilation elapses before the flower blossoms, metaphorically speaking.

JustBe 11-03-2024 10:08 AM

I think when we experience a different experience to that we’ve known previously, it simply shifts us into understanding, how the forces of spirit work outside of us. When we experience in the body our own energy, we determine a lot of our integration through self awareness, isolated in such ways as me and I and self. When we understand intervention and the way in which spirit moves through us, ( without us doing anything) we start to see ( when we are more open) we are more receptive to such things. (Conduit, through which spirt moves) ( fully open)

Just some follow on expressions from my experiences.

FallingLeaves 12-03-2024 02:44 AM


Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker
The key difference between this, what I can term as descent of grace vs kundalini movement is that the kundalini moves in conduits or energy pathways, whereas grace has no such limitation or constraint.

I wish to inquire if anyone else has experienced likewise?

so as usual im more interested in what I can do than in having things happening to me... this of course because of my perception that I'm not going to be allowed to have nice things just happen to me sigh....

but anyway yeah i've felt for a long time that sticking to the conduits/energy pathways was maybe not the only viable path.... I know they are a subject of serious study on various paths... but i don't pay them much heed myself...

Unseeking Seeker 12-03-2024 03:34 AM

@ FallingLeaves ~ be it grace or kundalini movement, in as terms used, essentially it is only to distinguish between the two, as felt and so witnessed. Perhaps the mind prefers to call kundalini Mother and grace, Father? There is an experiential background that leads to labels assigned.

About a this or that path, a practice adopted, the recognition I have is all that any practice does is to make attention single pointed, after which the practice itself is to be released. We do not meditate; we are being meditated upon. It is ultimately about disappearance of narrow identity or ego, which we cling to. Ego is the veil or we may say, we ourselves are the hindrance. So if this be so, there’s nothing to be done. It’s difficult because it is easy, that’s the catch!

Unseeking Seeker 03-04-2024 02:47 AM

Hanging by a thread
medulla snapped and in that instant
our ego was detached from heart
the head was floating in space
connected to heart by neck

hanging thus by a mere thread
consciousness rooted in the heart
we looked on at the strange apparition
which once seemed to define who we are

our witness Self replete with peacefulness
resplendent in its eternal luminescence
free from both concepts and desires
now dwells within this earth vessel

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