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CharmedCladdagh 22-04-2011 12:52 AM

What do u guys think of this!

Evening everyone! So, basically I'm on here because I'm not to sue what the think about! So couple of weeks back the hubby went out on a Fri night, I went along put the baby to bed & get in bed myself as I was just about to nod off something felt as if it hit me on face, not hard or violently. Obv, I sat up, I honesty thought it was a book. Lord knows where it came from??!! Then again Mon morn all of was sleeping hubby was too. It happened again but this time more like something was holding myface! Sounds strange! Then yday the baby was sleeping in bed & all 3 dog was sleeping on the floor by me! Hubby was out at work, then a door closed. I got up & checked the house & no door had infact closed??!! Im not bothered or feel a bad presence in the home. Im curious as to what other people think! My ma seems to believe it is a spirit tryna make contact but doesnt want to make me scared or be noticed. Im not a believer in spirts but Im not a dis-believer either thing that make me think is that spirit good or bad dog would of gone make either way, right??


nightowl 22-04-2011 01:13 AM

Interesting little story...

I can think of a couple of possibilities. Have you or anyone living near you done any renovations that could have stirred up a resting spirit? It could be a spirit passing through, you can ask them to move on. They usually can't stay if you don't allow it. Have you been under a lot of stress lately, sometimes that can stir up poltergeist activities? Have you been involved in or around any spiritual practices that involed calling out spirits?

Just a few possibilities...hope you find your answers. :smile:


CharmedCladdagh 22-04-2011 02:06 AM

Hey Nightowl

Thanks for your reply, I'm quite pleased I came across this forum! What you suggested could be quite true. I live on a 5 year old residential estate our house has been built for 3 year & we have been living her for 1. Our house was the first built on the complex. I can safely say I have not been calling out for spirits, my ma has taught me not to deal with thing I may not be able to handle. This will be, if it is so, my first spiritual exp! I never knew that stressed could stir up poltergeist energy? Our household is extreamly stressful at the minute. Ive been trying some relaxation with essence oils, Im going to wait it out & see if anything else happens if it does continue how do I ask them to move on.

Once again thanks for your response

nightowl 22-04-2011 02:21 AM

You can just speak it out, tell them they are not welcome in your home and to please leave or move on. If it continues and you feel lead one other possibility is to have a house blessing done in your home. Hope it works out for you. :hug3:

here is a link on poltergeist activity.


CharmedCladdagh 22-04-2011 02:40 AM

Thanks so much I just quickly glimpsed over the link, its say poltergeists are translated as noisy ghost. Now obv based on movie & such poltergeists are made out to be evil. Is a poltergeists necessarily as nasty? I want hate for an evil presence to be in our home, as I said I don't feel threated, sometimes I get paranoid at night, thats the surrounding where I live! lol. We have a 5 month old baby, Ive herd spirits come around & communicate with small children. Could it be a nice spirit trying to get our attention?

Sorry for the essay

Thanks alot

nightowl 22-04-2011 02:53 AM

I would think that if you don't feel threatened it is probably not evil. Poltergeist activity can just be the energy of stress effecting your surroundings, it is not necessarily evil either. The movie I would say was kind of an extreme example.

Is there anything familiar about the spirit? You said in a different post that your grand-dad had passed away. Just a chance question but could it be him visiting? Did he hold your face in his hands like you had described in the op? It doesn't sound as though there is any reason to believe it is anything evil. :smile:

CharmedCladdagh 23-04-2011 01:23 AM

Thank you so much for your reply, Ive often wanted my granddad to visit me & have thought about that esp as we have a new baby now, he would certain want to be around her.

The nothing familiar with the spirt, Im curious as it quite a harsh way to make contact esp when Im sleeping. Is it true that spirits contact contact when & if they feel like they need the energy to do so?

Thats for clarifying the evil thing! As I mentioned in my other post I will see how its goes if it is my granddad visiting then he is more than welcome!!

Once again thanks for your input! Have a great evening

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