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Ewwerrin 07-06-2023 11:07 AM

The Absolute is not a God nor Awareness
There can be only one absolute, it is indivisible, and cannot be known by awareness. Awareness is a duality of self and other. It is the life force of all of creation. Awareness is eternally incapable of knowing the absolute. When awareness is not there, there is the absolute. All things return to the absolute. All fingers are pointed at it, but it can never be known. It is beyond awareness. It is ultimate unity and oneness, indivisible, without any equivalent, it is unique.

And all these qualities can be said to be in awareness aswell. But it can never be known, because knowing these qualities is infinite and never ending. Since we cannot come to the end of it, we realise, we can never really arrive at the absolute.

It is simply pure existence with no thing. Sincerely uncomparable. Sincerely unknowable.

And we too experience this in our awareness. The duality of awareness somehow got formed from this unity oneness ultimate absoluteness unknowableness. And all things lend its attributes from it. All dualities are but extensions of it. And yet it has no extension, it is all things as one. As all is one and one is all. But in our awareness we experience parts of it as seperate, in all the ways that we can come to know all that exists.

Here I am talking about a duality. Of absolute and awareness. Oneness and duality. Duality and non-duality.

Non-duality cannot be spoken of. It is simply too much, too big, too infinite, too absolute, too unchanging, too uncomparable, too indivisible, too unique.

In awareness there are scales to everything, it is all vibrational and relative, because it is a duality upon duality. Duality upon duality forming all other dimensions from trinity and beyond. But what remains in the center of all of it, is unknowable and absolute, or eternally evermore knowable just as it is eternally ever less knowable. To equal degrees. Just sinus waves moving back and forth. 0's and 1's in infinite combinations and ever expanding to evermore infinity and eternity. All made out of duality, awareness, self and other. That is the life force of all creation and it is creation itself.

But the absolute, cannot be known. There is no awarenesss there. There is just absoluteness and absolute oneness. The one thing for which there exists no comparison. No likeness. And no unlikeness.

This is why all men who sought out the absolute have amazing stories they leave behind. Because they have understood this to such an extend, that they KNOW WITHOUT A SINGLE DOUBT that ALL OF CREATION is nothing but a DREAM. An illusion. A duality. Duality upon duality. And when realising that ALL OF CREATION IS ETERNALLY FAKE. and not absolute.... THERE IS NO LIMIT. There are no limits. All limits have been artificially created by awareness by duality. They knew that NOTHING IS AS IT SEEMS. FOREVER.

These special people dont make it seem special. They know that there are no limits, because nothing is as it seems. It's all a duality. There exists nothing outside of this duality for awareness to become aware of. So knowing this, and knowing that they will never meet God face to face, they leave behind miracles. But to them a special thing is no less of a duality/illusion/vibration/relativity than anything else! They break all the rules. Because they are on a path towards the unknowable. And all insights are but trails of their awareness which they leave behind like skins of a snake.

They know that no matter how eternal the journey is, it is always more eternal than they can ever compare or know. They cannot end awareness like they cannot give rise to awareness. Awareness has degrees aswell. You can participate willingly in it or not, it will never be what it seems. Because it is not one thing. Awareness is a duality. Duality upon duality, creation is formed. All known onenesses are infinite, because they are not truely one.

We can say, we are one in duality, but that can never be true. Because in duality there is ALWAYS a difference. Nothing remains the same, because nothing can occur twice in the same way, if only it has happened for the second time, that makes it already different. And these differences are infinite and eternal for all awareness.

So we are constantly being the absolute, and without changing, every seemingly new moment, which is actually the one and only moment that exists, everything is unique.

Time is the only thing that stands in the way of knowing the absolute. If there is no time, and this moment is eternal and it never began and it will never end. And yet it is constantly being Unique without changing. Then change does not exist. Because the uniqueness has nothing else for it to compare itself to. It is so unique that it is only one. And knowing this oneness is what prime awareness is really all about. Realising that everything is absolute. And unchanging. That all change is but a consequence of the infinite uniqueness of existence. Since it has nothing else it can become, and there is nothing else for it to know. It is and has always been and always will be Unique. Without needing to change or evolve. It is simply constantly BEING unique, without becoming anything else.

Miss Hepburn 07-06-2023 06:23 PM

We should have a NEON light flashing ...*You can not just say things as FACT Here.*
All you have to say is, ''IMO, To me, I believe, I read, I exp'd..."
(Whether something is true or not or true to you or to me...makes no difference.)

iamthat 07-06-2023 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by Ewwerrin
... So we are constantly being the absolute, and without changing, every seemingly new moment, which is actually the one and only moment that exists, everything is unique. Time is the only thing that stands in the way of knowing the absolute.

Is it possible that all our ideas about the absolute also stand in the way of knowing the absolute?

And maybe at some point we will have to surrender all these ideas.

And in letting go of everything we can then simply be, without any need to understand.

We seem to over-complicate that which is very simple.


MyndFull 10-06-2023 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by iamthat
Is it possible that all our ideas about the absolute also stand in the way of knowing the absolute?


Miss Hepburn 11-06-2023 01:54 PM

Question: How could The Absolute, I'll say, The ONE or All That Is, also -
not be Awareness, Pure Awareness? (Going off the Title's, um, err - ''statement''.)

iamthat 11-06-2023 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
How could The Absolute, I'll say, The ONE or All That Is, also not be Awareness, Pure Awareness?

Ah, this is indeed a question. What kind of Awareness does the One without a Second have when there is nothing but Itself?

And can we ever know this One without a Second except from the perspective of individualised Consciousness?

We can consider the well-known esoteric symbol of the circle with the point at the centre. The circle is the Absolute, the point at the centre is individualised Consciousness.
The point at the centre may learn to identify with the circle but it cannot know the nature of the circle without the point at the centre. Because then the point at the centre would no longer be present.

This makes sense to me - it may not make any sense to anyone else!


Miss Hepburn 11-06-2023 07:55 PM

No, iamthat - you tallk my language. :icon_cool:

wstein 12-06-2023 12:16 AM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Question: How could The Absolute, I'll say, The ONE or All That Is, also -
not be Awareness, Pure Awareness? (Going off the Title's, um, err - ''statement''.)

Awareness is SO far downstream from the formless, featureless, attribute-less origin.

Have you considered how many concepts/features/contexts are required for awareness? It goes way beyond beyond duality of perceiver and perceived.

Awareness is built upon (and a lot more):
-concept of concept
-concept of state
-concept of transfer
-concept of perception
-concept of modeling
-concept of construction
-means of constructing a model/representation/information
-means or converting a perception into a representation
-container to hold awareness
Don't get me started on storing/retaining awareness or making any use of awareness.

As awareness is such a complex thing, it can not be the origin of everything, i.e. not the absolute.

More directly to thread title:
I would suggest that pure nothing (less than 'one' without attribute or feature) is the only absolute.

It follows that One/Oneness is merely the totality of separations/deviations from nothing.

Joe Mc 12-06-2023 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by iamthat
We can consider the well-known esoteric symbol of the circle with the point at the centre. The circle is the Absolute, the point at the centre is individualised Consciousness. Peace

It's a fantastic symbol. The hub and the circumference of the wheel. A spiritual moment of clarity or awakening or moments of awakening
is when we are taken out and beyond the circumference of the circle imo. Taken beyond, way beyond what we thought was ever imaginable to feel.
Once we are taken beyond the Hub whether it be through spiritual practices, intentions of will, etc. etc. We never are the same again.
We cannot sit in the Hub as once we did before, just my opinion and experience. Of course you can do anything you want and live whatever life
you chose but once you have been taken out of the Hub and beyond the circumference you have realised something and something is set down,
I suppose the seekers head in the jaws of the Tiger is another analogy that conveys the dilemma of having seen but not quite knowing what you saw :D
as it can translate into every spiritual path, religion and tradition and what you saw also translates into no path delineated here on earth.


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iamthat 12-06-2023 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by Joe Mc
It's a fantastic symbolic. The hub and the circumference of the wheel.... but once you have been taken out of the Hub and beyond the circumference you have realised something and something is set down,

Which reminds me of that well-known saying:

God is a circle whose centre is everywhere and circumference is nowhere.

And the image of the circle with the point works on many levels. God is the circle, Consciousness is the point at the centre. Consciousness is the circle, personality is the point at the centre. Personality is the circle, the physical body is the point at the centre.

So the spiritual journey is a continual expansion from the point to the circle which is itself a point within a still greater circle, and so on.

And it is interesting that astrologically the circle with a point at the centre is the symbol for the Sun, the Deity of our particular system.


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