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lomax 22-03-2023 12:25 PM

Understanding Polarity
Another hard lesson in my face.That explains the vision I had seen with a triangle coming out of the darkness.

Today I was complaining in a negative way about several stuff regarding my practice and I was receiving impressions of polarity and stuff like that.
Sometimes when I'm full of negativity, or I express things the negative way,the opposite seems to get active.
And vice versa.

For example I want to ask from my subconsious to heal my stomach.
I try to get positive,imagine only the positive outcome, feelings of gratitude etc.
That can work, or maybe not.

But if I do the same in a negative way,by showing to him the problem and not the positive outcome that I expect to happen, seems like I had his attention.

It happens almost all the time with everything I attempt to do.
It's like if I want to make a positive affirmation to work, I have to turn it into a negative one.

I was told that I need to activate the triangle. The power of three. The positive the negative and the neutral.The God the godess and the holy spirit.

In simple words when I complain about things, about what I don't have, what is missing,what bugs me, etc, seems like some sort of assistance is kicking in to balance things.

I'm not sure how to handle this correctly.

One other time I said to my subconsious to banish an angel and after some minutes I could feel his energies all around me.
I mean what was that?

Everything I think or do triggers the opposite effect?
What is this thing?

lomax 22-03-2023 12:37 PM

Right now I had the impression of the negative activating the positive.
I unleash negative energy in order to trigger the positive pole and I switch things on.

In my mind it had to be the opposite way. Being in the positive side, feel positive do positive things etc.
Or at least that's what others say.
Apparently for some reason it doesn't work for me this way.

Maybe it's because my kundalini. If it's the negative pole then I'm rooted there big time.

Guillaume 22-03-2023 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by lomax
Everything I think or do triggers the opposite effect?
What is this thing?

It's interesting, I had this in mind a few days ago, but reading you the answer is clearer.

If you create with a polarity, you need to create positive and negative. You can't create one without the other. That's the yin yang principle, the duality principle, transformation transmutation principles, there must be a continuity (cause and effect) and a balance.

lomax 22-03-2023 03:54 PM

That's correct guillaume.
I hope my contacts to show me the proper use of polarity.

inavalan 22-03-2023 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by lomax
What is this thing?

As I understand these, it doesn't matter what you "say", but what you focus on, and what you actually feel (not what you pretend to feel). Also, it is better to just decide which is the outcome you want, and not to think at all about how to get there. Then, just choose naturally from the possibilities that appear; don't fret about it.

From what you wrote in this post (only), it might be that when you make positive affirmations, your hope, gratitude, ... sound like focus on the current problem, and that you doubt the outcome. Maybe your negative approach brings more effective emotion, and the not thinking about how to get it doesn't impede the subconscious' choice.

In all these dealings with subconscious you can't hide your true beliefs and feelings. It isn't like you talk to somebody else, and tell him only what you want, and when you want. Your subconscious is aware of all your conscious and unconscious thoughts, emotions, beliefs, all the time, not only when you address it.

Your beliefs about reality, and how things work, influence the effectiveness of affirmations and other techniques too. Eventually, we find out that techniques don't really work, but that in order to succeed we have to grow and establish a harmonious relation with the other aspects of our personality. Until then, it is a hit-and-miss, we don't know why and when it works, and why and when it doesn't, because we don't understand how it works, nor what we do.

inavalan 22-03-2023 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by lomax
Right now I had the impression of the negative activating the positive. ...

It might also be that when you make positive affirmations, comparatively, the rest of time you focus on doubt and on the problem, consciously and / or unconsciously. While when you get upset and react negatively, you clear out some of the frustration, so the rest of time you drop your doubt and your focus on the problem.

FallingLeaves 23-03-2023 01:33 AM

personally, I think polarity is just physics but can still be interesting to learn about.

I get rewarded for being 'awake' though, and punished for 'going away'. Doesn't much matter what I'm learning about while I do it.

Unfortunately I listened to god when he told me to wire myself wrong, so being awake is often so unpleasnat I wanna just be happy and go away... lol... but it grows on me not to do that :smile:

lomax 25-03-2023 11:57 AM

Thanks for the input guys.

Ewwerrin 25-03-2023 01:25 PM

I started having the exact same thing start many years ago. Suddenly every intention I had was polarised in outcome.

If I cursed something to oblivion it would finally become positive. And still to this day it is like that sometimes. I don't understand it at all.

but it's not always like that. mostly outcomes are unpredictable for me nowadays. Makes completely no sense anymore. Not even polarity. Just completely random and unknown and confusing.

HITESH SHAH 26-03-2023 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by lomax
I was told that I need to activate the triangle. The power of three. The positive the negative and the neutral.The God the godess and the holy spirit.

God is omnipresent and is present in good and bad (polarities) . So when we surf through life we see good and bad both . This is yin/yang in chinese subcontinent or prakriti/purush in Indian subcontinent , matter/spirit in philosopher's parlance . The 3rd dimension holy spirit you talk about tells us where to orient in our life for salvation . So if our orientation is towards positive / good (where the holy spirit has more power) , our life will be on better path. While we may not over-react or despise bad / negative because of God's presence therein , our orientation / direction must be towards good/positive.

The conflicting feelings you may get may be due to many factors in life which are beyond your control/knowledge . Laws of Sciences/spirituality must be read with unwritten words like "other things remaining constant" . And in reality 'These other things" are not known in the first place and even if known , never remain constant . So there may be high probability you may get conflicting results /feelings .

Only a firm belief in such laws for long term with actions backing up can give us the glimpse into the power holy spirit .

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