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RedEmbers 20-03-2023 06:26 AM

Mother Mary/ Divine Mother

Does anyone here on the forum have experience/ interaction with Divine Mother/ Mother Mary.
I am not Catholic, I recently tried to reconnect with the religion from my birth (Christianity) and Mother Mary approached as a Goddess. I feel the desire to pray to her, not sure how.

I feel quite isolated with patriarchal religions, my peace comes through Earth and Nature.
I feel quite unsupported within patriarchal religions and so Mother Mary showed up for me... trying to communicate how I am provided for within the feminine principal.
I've been trying to get my needs "met" in patriarchal terms... a God in the sky who provides for me... I am having some trouble letting go of many ideas associated with money and earning an income and being provided for...

Divine Mother is trying to show me how I am provided for through the beingness of my essence and I feel some struggle in trusting that I will be fine, simply being and existing, without having to do anything.

RedEmbers 21-03-2023 12:43 AM

Ohhh... that's nice :smile:
A nurturing hug.

I went on a road trip a little while ago and retrieved parts of myself which I had left behind in places I used to live.
I heard what I feel Divine Mother was whispering to me...
"I Always hold onto my children, keeping them safe until they return to me", "A mother would do anything to get her children back to her".

I've been relying on her presence heavily over the last few weeks for many reasons :smile:
I have much to learn.

Akira 21-03-2023 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by RedEmbers

Does anyone here on the forum have experience/ interaction with Divine Mother/ Mother Mary.
I feel the desire to pray to her, not sure how.

Mother Mary just came into my life. I had a reading and the lady said you need to work with mother mary - a week later someone gifted me a mother mary pendant. Wearing it gives mother mary the permission to work with you. Maybe you could get one. I'd send you one, however due to safety etc I would not want to ask for your address in the forum ... I think you can get one online. I have quite a lot of connection to nuns and the energy of catholicism as my mom was raised catholic.

Sending you love :hug3:

RedEmbers 21-03-2023 11:17 AM

Hi Akira,

Thanks for your input!
I am just about to order one for myself. I've been looking for one I like the most for a couple of hours now :biggrin:

A reader a few weeks ago had also mentioned a similar thing to me, that I have some work around mothers, motherhood. I'd been connected to Divine Mother a few days prior.
I interpreted it as me having asked for help to heal my feminine lineage as she showed up at around that time. I also needed help to heal from suffering with my religious upbringing (Christianity). I possibly also needed a loving and accepting presence in my life I have not been able to find through the God I was raised with as a kid.
I've been researching some prayers to use, so far I have found a few and I have added my own words and phrases to them, specific to me :smile:

Akira 05-04-2023 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by RedEmbers
Hi Akira,

A reader a few weeks ago had also mentioned a similar thing to me, that I have some work around mothers, motherhood. I'd been connected to Divine Mother a few days prior.

Wow this is amazing, it is pretty much what happened to me too. The story is similar too, now fancy that. I have started the healing and clearing process and wearing the pendant most days. I created a small ritual to help to let go of stuff, if you're interested let me know.

I have never really thought of working with mother mary, she wasn't really in my reference field, however linked to my ma's lineage and all the catholic connection, the reason makes sense.

Lovely to hear that you will be getting an MM too & I send you lots of love on the journey to healing and clearing what has been holding you back.

FairyCrystal 06-04-2023 12:12 PM

Mother Mary isn't related to any religion. She was a highly evolved Soul, chosen to carry the child that was chosen to be the carrier of the Christ light and to bring that to Earth to help mankind as the vibration had gotten extremely low in that time and we were stuck in that.
Both Mary & Jesus agreed to these tasks.
Mother Mary had done the same thing in another incarnation as Isis, giving birth to Horus, also an immaculate conception, so this wasn't new to her as a Soul.
Higher up, Mary came from the Universal Angel (--> very powerful) Mary.
So there's Mother Mary and Universal Angel Mary 'above' that.

Both Mary & Jesus are Ascended Masters and as such can be called upon by everyone, regardless of their religious beliefs or lack thereof.

You can do this in any way that suits you, it doesn't have to be via religious items or pictures but if these resonate with you, it is fine. There are no rules really, just what works for you and helps you get in that state of mind to connect/feel connected.

If you're interested in the Divine Feminine you may want to look into Mary Magdalene. Where Mother Mary is mostly the unconditional love, real unconditional love, Mary Magdalene -usually abbreviated to MM- is more about the feminine, the Divine Feminine.
Feminine strength, energy, the right to be equal, sexuality & sensuality, and so on and so forth.
Divine Feminine is much much much more than only unconditional love!! That of course is incredibly important. But the Divine Feminine also speaks her mind (from love but still very powerful!), has healthy boundaries, is equal to any man in every aspect of life. This is why Mary Magdalene has begun to come through more and more during channels etc. over the past approx. 15 years. Difficult to explain without writing a book with 20 chapters, hihi.
And to be that all and live that way, to embody that, you have to be able to be completely anchored in your body.
Typically women have 'vacated' their lower abdomen area, which is where the feminine power & strength reside along with our intuition which IS our strength!
We have done that over the centuries as we were walked over, knocked, suppressed, hurt, turned into puppets and baby-producing cattle or sex and lust objects for men. Before the patriarchal, in Pagan times and also with ancient ppl like the Indians, Aboriginals etc., the feminine and thus women were utterly respected, equal, and had power.

Anyhow, just so you know there's much more to it! And all that is totally unrelated to any religion!

Redchic12 06-04-2023 02:44 PM

Hail Boudicca!!!!!!

FairyCrystal 06-04-2023 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by Redchic12
Hail Boudicca!!!!!!

Haha, I LOVE the story of Boudicca.
I wholeheartedly regret not seeing her statue when I was in London. At the time I didn't know about that statue :(

RedEmbers 10-04-2023 03:34 AM

Oshun the Nigerian Creator Goddess manifested herself to me as another expression of the Divine Mother. My friend is Nigerian and so it seems that she found her way to me through his help.

I need, more so the unconditional love aspect at the moment. My empowerment is coming through unconditional love and letting myself be supported.

Aknaton 14-04-2023 05:47 PM

Ah! Mary the mother of Jesus Christ. I remember the time it was my birthday and I received a message from Mary, she told me about the nature of my spirit and what I needed to do. She later guided me to become a Christian. Before, I thought I was Christian, I mean, I attended the churches and all that. But Mary guided me through the legitimate process of becoming a born again. Approximately a year later, I received my first transmission of power, and the Holy Spirit used me to heal the sick, perform exorcisms and other things. But Ishtar came and masqueraded as Mary and a battle began, boy that battle lasted! Its important that one is able to discern spirits so as to know who is who and what not.

Mary is usually the Saint that makes Christianity more palatable and comfortable for those that find it challenging to become one, and also helps correct one's Christian path in any case they are treading it wrongly. She also helps to establish a firm relationship with Jesus Christ and intercedes very effectively.

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