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traceyacey12 21-09-2022 10:01 PM

What is your opinion of the Bible?
What is your opinion of the Bible? Is it really the final authority on life? Can we trust it?

Miss Hepburn 21-09-2022 10:33 PM

You always have such good questions!!! :smile: Is it the final authority - No.
Can we trust it, no.
Yet, it has profound truths and WISE directions or advice.

traceyacey12 22-09-2022 02:45 AM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
You always have such good questions!!! :smile: Is it the final authority - No.
Can we trust it, no.
Yet, it has profound truths and WISE directions or advice.

Lol thanks. Why can't we trust it? And what's your opinion on those that take it as final authority?

Miss Hepburn 22-09-2022 04:34 AM


Originally Posted by traceyacey12
Lol thanks. Why can't we trust it?
And what's your opinion on those that take it as final authority?

I have a feeling others will jump in to say why it is not trustworthy...and that will be our opinion only. I'll check back later.
As to the 2nd question - I would not want to talk about others' beliefs..if they are happy, great.

Native spirit 22-09-2022 09:00 AM

You asked can we trust the Bible my opinion is NO. why would you want to believe in something that has been written by man.
they say the info comes from tablets.
Who deciphered them whoever, wrote their interpretation of what they said
The bible keeps changing depending on who wrote it.
So No you can not believe in a book


hazada guess 23-09-2022 08:57 AM

I agree with Native spirit.The Bible was edited by man to control man:wink:

CosmicWonder 23-09-2022 09:06 AM

I think it’s outdated. The news refreshed everyday for a good reason. No way of thinking should last longer than that the people get wiser.

Much kindness,


Molearner 23-09-2022 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by traceyacey12
Lol thanks. Why can't we trust it? And what's your opinion on those that take it as final authority?


To have an opinion on whether or not to trust the Bible the thing that is actually relevant is whether or not your understanding of it can be trusted. Fluency in language guarantees nothing. Believers or not usually rely chiefly on literal understanding. One that does not recognize symbolism, metaphors , allegory, etc will be cheated out of the depth of the Bible and any scriptures.

Read the opening verses of Psalm 1…..(my paraphrase)….”Blessed is the man who delights in the Scripture and on these scriptures he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season…”. It is continuous meditation that produces fruit……and that fruit is deeper understanding.

Even in my paraphrase I could break down individual words to extract deeper meaning….namely ‘trees’, ‘streams’, ‘water’, ‘fruit’…..each have significant spiritual meaning far beyond the literal meaning. It is there waiting to be uncovered.

guthrio 26-09-2022 12:56 AM

What is your opinion of the Bible?

Originally Posted by traceyacey12
What is your opinion of the Bible? Is it really the final authority on life? Can we trust it?


I was intrigued by your questions: "What is your opinion of the Bible? Is it really the final authority on life? Can we trust it?"

In all my life, it had not hit me to consider the scripture of ANY religion from this angle, until just now: The more important question is "WHAT IS YOUR OPINION OF YOURSELF?"

WHY? Because ONLY YOU HAVE THE POWER to determine and decide the trustworthiness of the answers to those questions for yourself.

Then the strangest "revelation" occurred to me that...makes soooo much sense:


....and that is: NO book, no matter WHAT it is called, even has the power to BE you much less MAKE your decisions FOR YOU, any more than any page in any book there has EVER BEEN, has the power to...LIVE YOUR LIFE!

Can "Scripture" OVERRULE your power to make YOUR OWN decisions or IS IT YOU who has the power to choose HOW you will be guided?

Only the I AM THAT YOU ARE, has the power to decide what YOU will do with YOUR OWN POWER TO CHOOSE....even to CHOOSE wrongly!

...or, for that matter, rightly!

Either way, YOU decide how you are guided.

Scripture does not have the authority to "write" you...

YOU write the "story of your life" by turning its "pages" with your own experiences.

...not the other way around.

I was just about to write "hope this helps", knowing that its "helpfulness" is solely within your power, as it always has been.

Again, not the other way around.

That's the point, isn't it? :smile:

hallow 28-09-2022 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by traceyacey12
What is your opinion of the Bible? Is it really the final authority on life? Can we trust it?

The bible itself is full of inspirational stories and is an excellent guide. But people have a tendency to fabricate it in order to manipulate people for there own gain.

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